The MLA Annual Convention which was scheduled in Vicksburg, October 25-October 28, 2005 was cancelled due to the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina.
Below is a letter from former MLA president Susan Cassagne that was issued at the time.

The MLA Annual Convention which was scheduled in Vicksburg, October 25-October 28, 2005 has been cancelled. Due to the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina for many Mississippi libraries, the Executive Board of the Mississippi Library Association has made the difficult decision to cancel our Annual Conference, which had been scheduled for next month in Vicksburg. We sincerely hope to reschedule the Conference for a later date, but cannot begin to think about possible dates while so many of our fellow librarians and staff have lost homes, and possibly their employment.
Much hard work had gone into this Conference and we were looking forward to a delightful visit in Vicksburg. We appreciate the efforts of the Conference Committees and all those who worked to plan programs and events.
Quoting Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President/elect, “The theme I chose for this year’s convention was “Libraries Build Community.” Once our conference is re-scheduled – at some point in the future – perhaps we should change that to read “Libraries Help Re-Build Community.” These words hold so much truth. It will be our responsibility to help each other as we rebuild our libraries, our communities and our lives.
We will be establishing a library disaster relief fund and have already received many offers of assistance from across the country. More information will be available in the coming days and weeks. Unfortunately, there is still too much uncertainty and we are not yet at a point where we can begin to plan the recovery process.
We will let you know if and when our MLA Conference is rescheduled and sincerely hope that you will be able to attend. We will grieve for our losses, but we must use this opportunity to grow and to work together to rebuild our libraries and communities throughout our State.
Susan Cassagne
MLA President
Libraries Build Community