Meeting Minutes 2006
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Minutes
January 9, 2006
Board members attending:
Susan Cassagne, President
Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect
Carol Green, Treasurer
Linda Milner, Secretary
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries Chair
Randy Sherard, Trustee Chair
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, MLA Executive Secretary
Jeff Slagell, 2007 Vice President/President Elect
President Cassagne called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. The MLA Board
members met in the ETV Board Room. The agenda was presented and a quorum was
President, Susan Cassagne asked voting members of the board if they had received
October 26, 2005 minutes. Everyone agreed that they had received the minutes.
Catherine Nathan made a motion to approve the minutes. Randy Sherrard seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
President Report
President, Susan Cassagne reported that she will be attending the Mid-Winter
ALA in San
Antonio, Texas. Randy Sherrard asked President Cassagne if she had received
any information from the MLA membership relating to the present MLA officers
serving another year. He stated it was the sensible thing to do. Catherine Nathan
reported that many thanks from the MLA membership had been received concerning
the present officers serving another year.
President Cassagne stated that she is still working on the 2006 MLA Committee
list. She has reassigned people that have requested to be moved to another committee
and deleted those that wish to be removed from a committee.
President Cassagne reported that she attended the MLC Executive Board Meeting
to express MLA support that the coastal libraries receive priority concerning
the capital bond money.
Vice President Report
Catherine Nathan reported the 2006 MLA Convention Exhibits Co-Chairs will be
Glenda Segars and Jan Willis. Pat Matthes will assist.
Treasurer Report
Treasurer, Carol Green gave the financial report. A copy of the financial report
was distributed to the board. Carol stated that five exhibitors did not want
reimbursement for exhibit fees due to the cancellation of the MLA Convention
in October. Catherine Nathan made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report. Jennifer
Smith seconded the motion. The financial report was accepted by the board.
ALA Councilor Report
Robert Lipscomb reported that he will be going to the ALA Mid-Winter to participate
in a program on Disaster Relief. ALA has established a fund to help rebuild
coastal libraries.
SELA Report
No report given.
Executive Secretary Report
Mary Julia Anderson reported that she is now in her new office in the new MLC
building. She stated that the registration forms for Legislative Day, January
31, have been mailed. MLA Committees will meet before the reception, which will
be held in the new MLC building.
ML Report
President Cassagne reported that she had received a recommendation from Elizabeth
Stephan to appoint Lauren Young as ML Assistant Editor and Missy Murphy as the
new Advertising Editor. Jennifer Smith made the motion to accept these appointments.
Robert Lipscomb seconded the motion.
Public Libraries Report
Jennifer Smith, Chair, reported that plans for the MLA convention in Tunica
are in the
process of being made.
School Libraries Report
President Cassagne gave a report from Bettie Cox, Chair.
Technical Services (TSRT)
President Cassagne gave a written report from Bob Wolverton, Chair.
Jennifer Smith reported for Marsha Case, Chair. The 2005 MLA Public Relations
Awards were announced and will be displayed at the dedication of the new MLC
building. The winners are: Best Coordinated Effort of Several Libraries to Publicize
Library Services Around a Single Theme or Event - First Regional Library; Best
Year-Round Effort By An Individual Library to Publicize Library Services in
General - Lee County Library; and Best Newsletter Submitted by Library Group
- Laurel-Jones County Library.
Fiscal Management Report
Jennifer Smith, Chair, presented a written report.
The MLA handbook appears on the MLA website.
National Library Week
Publicity posters and bookmarks will be provided through MLA to the public libraries.
The old MLA office furniture is to be included with MLC's old furniture give-a-way.
President Cassagne distributes the MLA 2006 Officers, Sections, Roundtables
and Committees List and the 2006 Calendar.
The Louisiana Library Association extended an invitation to MLA member to attend
their March, 2006 conference. An invitation for MLA member has been received
from the Alabama Library Association to attend their April, 2006 conference.
There were no announcements.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 11:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Milner, Secretary
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Minutes
June 13, 2006
Board members attending:
Susan Cassagne, President
Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect
Carol Green, Treasurer
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries Chair
Bettie Cox, School Section Chair
Mary Beth Applin, SELA Representative
John Whitlock, Special Libraries Chair
Randy Sherard, Trustee Chair
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, MLA Executive Secretary
Jeff Slagell, 2007 Vice President/President Elect
Margaret Bell and Jacqueline Quinn, Black Caucus Roundtable
Molly McManus, Web Committee
President Cassagne called the meeting to order at 3 p.m. The MLA Board members
met in the Mississippi Library Commission's Meeting Room. The agenda was presented
and a quorum was declared.
President, Susan Cassagne asked voting members of the board if they had received
January 9, 2006 minutes. Everyone agreed that they had received the minutes.
Randy Sherard made a motion to approve the minutes as written, and Catherine
Nathan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
President Report
President, Susan Cassagne reported that the American Library Association (ALA)
will be presenting MLA with a $50,000 check for the Rebuild Mississippi's Libraries
fund at the opening ceremonies of the 2006 ALA Conference in New Orleans. The
ALA will also be giving $100,000 to the Louisiana Library Association, and whatever
funds the ALA raises during the conference will also be given to the Rebuild
Mississippi's Libraries fund. Mrs. Cassagne stated that she will receive the
funds on behalf of MLA at the opening ceremony.
Vice President Report
Catherine Nathan then gave a report on the 2006 MLA Conference. Catherine asked
Board members to send the names of any exhibitors that might be interested in
exhibiting at the 2006 conference to the 2006 MLA Convention Exhibits Co-Chairs,Glenda
Segars and Jan Willis. Ms. Nathan stated that the association needs at least
40 exhibitors to make a profit for the association.
Catherine Nathan then stated that Jeff Slagall is in charge of the Poster Sessions
for the 2006 Conference, and is currently recruiting presenters from Mississippi's
academic libraries.
Other Conference Committee Chairs were reported, as follows: Lynn Shurden-
Hospitality; Victoria Penny-Registration; David Brown-Registration; and Judy
Carr-Local Arrangements.
Ms. Nathan then stated that all of Thursday's Conference activities will be
oriented toward School Librarians, who will have the opportunity to earn CEU's.
Catherine stated that Sharman Smith, Executive Director of the Mississippi Library
Commission, has asked MLA to submit a CEU form to her, as soon as possible.
The featured speaker for the first day of the conference is Bob Lipscomb, and
author Charlaine Harris is the speaker for the Public Libraries Section dinner
on Wednesday night. Rosemary Chance has also been scheduled to host a program
on book talking, at the conference. Vice President Nathan then stated that she
is currently working with Christy Williams at the Mississippi Library Commission
on receiving a Speaker's Grant for MLA to fund distinguished speakers at the
2006 conference.
Treasurer Report
Treasurer, Carol Green gave the financial report. A copy of the financial report
was distributed to the board. Carol stated that the association has collected
$12,236.37 in yearly and lifetime membership dues so far this year. She stated
that the association spent $14.00 over the budget for the Mid-Winter meeting.
Carol then reported that the association has currently collected $6,000 in exhibit
fees for the 2006 conference, which means that 8 - 10 exhibitors have already
agreed to attend the conference even though the majority sign up and pay their
fees in August - September. Carol stated that overall the association is doing
well on expenses so far this year, and that the association no longer has to
pay SELA dues or DixieNet for an Internet connection. Catherine Nathan moved
and Susan Cassagne seconded a motion to approve the Treasurer's Report as written.
The motion passed unanimously.
ALA Councilor Report
No report given
SELA Report
SELA Representative Mary Beth Applin reported that the SELA Conference was held
in Memphis, TN in April, and the next meeting is in Kentucky in two years. Mary
Beth enjoyed the conference but was disappointed that two or three of the workshops
she had planned to attend were cancelled, or the speaker did not show up for
the workshop. Ms. Applin also reported that SELA no longer requires the payment
of a membership fee for state organizations.
Executive Secretary Report
No report given.
ML Report
No report given.
Public Libraries Report
Jennifer Smith, Chair, reported that author Charlaine Harris will be the speaker
for the Public
Library Section dinner on Wednesday night at the MLA convention in Tunica. Ms.
also asked MLA members attending the meeting to spread the word about any issues
should be discussed at the Public Libraries Section business meeting.
School Libraries Report
Bettie Cox, Chair, reported that at the ALA Mid-winter meeting, a resolution
was passed
detailing the "Instructional Classification of School Librarians"
(See attached paper). The
ALA has asked all state library chapters, including MLA, to show their support
for this
resolution. After discussion, Board members agreed that MLA supports this resolution,
otherwise known as the "65% solution." Bettie Cox made and Catherine
Nathan seconded a motion for MLA to support the "65% solution" resolution.
The motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Cox then reported that on the Monday of the ALA Conference, AASL is presenting
program on rebuilding school libraries, and she invited everyone to attend the
Special Libraries Report
John Whitlock, Chair, reported that Dr. Also Brook will be the guest speaker
at the Special
Libraries Section Breakfast on Friday of the 2006 MLA Conference. Dr. Brook's
will be A Bridge to the 21st Century: The Establishment of the Clinton Presidential
Trustees Report
Randy Sherard, Chair, reported that he is currently working on encouraging trustees
to attend
the 2006 Conference. He is planning a "blitz" mailing similar to last
year's mailing, which
he hopes will increase trustee conference attendance.
Technical Services (TSRT)
President Cassagne gave a written report from Bob Wolverton, Chair. The spring
symposium at the Ridgeland Library on Friday, April 28, was a huge success.
people attended the event.
Black Caucus
Margaret Bell and Jacqueline Quinn reported that Black Caucus members are actively
seeking funds for the Virgie Brock Shedd Scholarship. The membership is having
cards printed up, in the hope that donations to the scholarship will increase.
The speaker for
the Black Caucus Luncheon at the 2006 Conference will be a motivational speaking
and wife team, Willie and Terrica McKinnis.
Constitution and Bylaws
Kay Wall, Chair, reported that her committee is currently revising the MLA bylaws
would appreciate any suggestions for changes. All changes will be presented
at a program
during the 2006 MLA Conference.
Mississippi Author Awards
Carol Phares, Chair, submitted a written report. Ms. Phares was unclear as to
whether an author was still able to receive an award even if he/she could not
make it to the awards ceremony. After discussion, Board members agreed that
an author's receipt of an award was not contingent upon his/her attendance at
the awards ceremony. Ms. Phares also stated that both the 2005 and 2006 winners
will be honored at the 2006 Conference, since the 2005 Conference in Vicksburg
was canceled.
June Schmidt, Chair, submitted a written report. Ms. Schmidt stated that Natalie
Brook Roberts has been chosen to be the 2006 Scholarship winner, and asked Board
members if they would approve the purchase of a Peggy May Scholarship plaque
which will be hung in office of the School of Library and Information Science
(SLIS) at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg. The cost of
the 10" X 14" plaque with the current Peggy May Scholarship recipients
will be $107.00 with each additional engraving costing $2.25 each. Jennifer
Smith moved and Carol Green seconded a motion to purchase the plaque and display
it in the SLIS office. The motion passed unanimously.
Web Committee
Molly McManus, Co-Chair, reported that the Web Committee wants to move the current
MLA web site to a "Content Management System (CMS)" to make it easier
to update and enable MLA to focus on the content of the page, not the technical
issues. CMS is free and runs on a language that already exists on the current
MLA Web page. The languages, PHP and MySQL, are approved by accessibility software
and standards and several different permission levels will be able to be assigned
to the page. Mrs. McManus stated that other proposed changes to the MLA site
are: 1) Deleting the links and embedding them in other content pages; 2) Changing
the links tab to "Awards and Scholarship;" and 3) Adding a job Listing
site to the page. Mrs. McManus stated that the new site will be launched at
the 2006 Conference and at a poster session at the hospitality booth.
Sharman Smith, Executive Director, Mississippi Library Commission
Ms. Smith reported that MLC's meeting rooms are receiving heavy use, and she
recommended that MLA plan ahead and schedule meetings far in advance so that
a room will
be available. Ms. Smith then reported that the Public Libraries Accreditation
Committee is
halfway through the process of creating standards for Mississippi's Public Libraries,
and that
the committee has just finished hosting a set of well-attended town meetings.
The committee
will present a list of their recommendations to the Board of Commissioner's
in November.
Ms. Smith reported that she is currently working on MLC's 2008 budget and is
devising a
program so that no library will lose their personnel grant funds, and will be
able to plan for
improvements if a library wishes to move from an AA to a AAA library. Sharman
stated that although there are not a lot of local library issues right now,
nationally the
"Internet Neutrality Bill" is gaining a following. This bill would
enable persons who pay
more money for the Internet to receive a faster and better connection, at the
expense of
"poorer" subscribers. MLC also has a capital bond grant out now, that's
due on June 26, for
one million dollars for capital improvements to public libraries, and is hosting
Librarianship 101 Institute again this year during the week of August 20.
Dr. Jay Norton, Director, USM SLIS
No report given, as Dr. Norton was unable to attend the meeting today. Dr. Norton
will post
her report to the MLA listserv tomorrow.
Bettie Cox asked Board members about continuing MLA's association with the AASL.
President Cassagne stated that the School Section's affiliation with the AASL
should be listed in the section's by-laws, and the section should discuss it
at their business meeting at the 2006 conference.
President Cassagne then discussed the site visit for the 2007 MLA Conference
in Vicksburg. Board members agreed to hold the meeting on July 18, beginning
at the Vicksburg Convention Center at 10:30 a.m. and then traveling to area
hotels in the afternoon.
President Cassagne then discussed the Rebuild Mississippi's Libraries Fund.
Mrs. Cassagne stated that MLA is still receiving funds and that every school
and academic library that was damaged by Hurricane Katrina received $1,000 from
the fund. Public libraries received money from the fund, based on a formula
involving their population per capita. Bookmarks are still available for libraries
to use to publicize the fund.
President Cassagne discussed MLA giving a commendation to Kelsie Buckley, who
rode her horse from Morton, MS to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and raised $90,000
for Mississippi libraries hurt by Hurricane Katrina. President Cassagne proposed
that MLA send Ms. Buckley a plaque honoring her commitment. Sharman Smith suggested
that MLA wait until Ms. Buckley gives the money she raised to Mississippi's
libraries. After discussion, the issue was tabled until the August Executive
Board meeting.
President Cassagne then discussed the ALA Conference which will be held June
22-28 in New Orleans. The conference will be the first big conference held in
New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina, and Mrs. Cassagne encouraged all ALA members
attend and support New Orleans' recovery.
Board members then discussed the August Board meeting. President Cassagne stated
that the next MLA Executive Board meeting will be held in Natchez on August
18 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will also include an optional $25.00 catered lunch
and dessert.
There were no announcements.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer A. Smith, Acting Secretary
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Minutes
August 18, 2006
Board members attending:
Susan Cassagne, President
Carol Green, Treasurer
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries Chair
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Mary Beth Applin, SELA Representative
John Whitlock, Special Libraries Chair
Randy Sherard, Trustee Chair
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, MLA Executive Secretary
Jeff Slagell, 2007 Vice President/President Elect
Margaret Bell and Jacqueline Quinn, Black Caucus Roundtable
Carol Phares, YPSRT and Mississippi Author's Awards Committee
Shirlene Stogner, Parliamentarian
Kathy Buntin, Mississippi Library Commission and Public Relations Awards Committee
President Cassagne called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. The MLA Board
members met at High Cotton in Natchez, Mississippi. The agenda was presented
and a quorum was declared.
President, Susan Cassagne asked voting members of the board if they had received
June 13, 2006 minutes. Everyone agreed that they had received the minutes. Randy
Sherard made a motion to approve the minutes as written, and Jeff Slagell seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
President Report
President, Susan Cassagne reported that she addressed an issue at the Public
Library Director's Conference last Friday concerning free pre-registration to
the 2006 MLA Conference for Mississippi Gulf Coast Library employees. Mrs. Cassagne
also emphasized to the Public Library Directors that their employees could earn
CEUs by attending the conference and how important conference attendance is
for the health of the Mississippi Library Association. Jeff Slagell then stated
that there has been some confusion about the CEUs, to which President Cassagne
replied that descriptions of the programs for school librarians have been sent
in and approved for CEUs. Mary Julia Anderson then mentioned that a standardized
form would be used from now on in order to make it easier to register programs
for CEU credits. Jeff Slagell then mentioned that a sheet with information about
the CEUs will be included in the pre-conference packet. President Cassagne then
stated that LAMP is scheduled for August 28-31, and the Conference Exhibits
Chair is scheduled to speak with LAMP vendors about exhibiting at the 2006 MLA
Conference. President Cassagne also mentioned that there would be MAGNOLIA training
at the LAMP conferences in Tupelo, Batesville, Hattiesburg and Jackson.
Vice President Report
No report given.
Treasurer Report
Treasurer, Carol Green, reported that MLA's current membership dues are $11,250.00
and we had budgeted $18,000.00 for the year. The Association has received $1,500.00
for lifetime memberships and budgeted $2,400.00. Mary Julia Anderson stated
that we have 466 MLA members right now, which is about the same amount that
we had last year. The Treasurer's report stated that the Association has received
$11,250.00 in convention exhibit fees so far, but this is an incorrect figure.
Mary Julia Anderson stated that the Association has signed up 27 exhibits for
the Tunica Conference and has two more commitments, therefore we have only collected
$3,000.00 so far in exhibit fees. Carol Green made and Jeff Slagell seconded
a motion to approve the Treasurer's report with the above exhibit fee changes.
The motion passed unanimously.
ALA Councilor Report
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor, stated that he attended the mid-winter conference
in January in San Antonio. The biggest discussion at this conference was whether
or not the ALA Conference should be held in New Orleans in June 2006. The majority
of the council voted yes, as the conference would be a great boost for the city.
At the council, Mr. Lipscomb voted to increase ALA's annual dues, veto Judge
Alito's appointment, support academic freedom (this resolution allows university
professors to discuss other disciplines in class besides their degreed subject),
and voted for a resolution stating that the ALA is against the new Patriot Act
recommendations. Mr. Lipscomb also had a private meeting with Gates Foundation
representatives and helped them figure out a way to distribute 12.5 million
dollars to Gulf Coast Libraries, which will be administrated through SOLINET.
Robert Lipscomb also attended the ALA conference in June in New Orleans. Much
of the discussion in June concerned House Resolution 676 and Senate Bill 2772.
Mr. Lipscomb voted for the Employee Free Choice (allows employees to form unions),
and overtime pay protection for librarians working more than forty hours per
week. Mr. Lipscomb also stated that Keith Fields, Executive Director of ALA,
has purchased three floors in a building in Washington, D.C., therefore ALA
is no longer leasing a building and is saving a lot of money. Leslie Burger
is the new Executive Director of the ALA and has budgeted $51 million for next
year. The American Library Association also flew Robert to Washington, from
the Coast, to give a report to Congress about the destruction caused by Hurricane
SELA Report
No report given.
Executive Secretary Report
No report given.
ML Report
President Cassagne read a written report submitted by Elizabeth Stephens, ML
Editor. Ms. Stephens stated that an advertiser has requested a free subscription
to Mississippi Libraries. After discussion, the Board members agreed that the
advertiser could have a free membership to Mississippi Libraries.
Public Libraries Report
Jennifer Smith, Chair, reported that author Charlaine Harris will be the speaker
for the Public
Library Section dinner on Wednesday night at the MLA convention in Tunica. Ms.
stated that the Public Library Section will elect officers by e-mail after the
2006 Conference,
as there is no time for a business meeting during the conference.
School Libraries Report
No report given.
Special Libraries Report
John Whitlock, Chair, reported that Dr. David Alsobrook will be the guest speaker
at the Special Libraries Section Breakfast on Friday of the 2006 MLA Conference.
Dr.Alsobrook's program will be A Bridge to the 21st Century: The Establishment
of the Clinton Presidential Library.
Trustees Report
No report given.
Black Caucus
Margaret Bell and Jacqueline Quinn reported that the speaker for the Black Caucus
Luncheon at the 2006 Conference will be a motivational speaking husband and
wife team,
Willie and Terica McKinnis. The speakers' book is in publication and they are
planning on
offering copies for sale and for autographing during the program. Mary Julia
mentioned that if any program has a book they want to order for their conference
to please speak to Judy Card.
Mississippi Author Awards
Carol Phares, Chair, stated that the committee is honoring both the 2005 and
2006 award winners at the 2006 Conference. The committee is planning on allowing
every speaker fifteen minutes to speak. Ms. Phares also stated that the committee
is looking for new people, and that she does not currently have a co-chair.
Susan Cassagne stated that she will e-mail all MLA members and ask if anyone
is interested in serving on the committee for the next two years.
Public Relations Awards Committee
Marsha Case, Chair, submitted a written report. Marsha has sent several e-mails
to MLA members about submitting entries for the awards. Kathy Buntin stated
that she would like members of the Board to "strong arm" libraries
to submit entries for the categories, especially the newsletter category. President
Cassagne also stated that she would send out another e-mail about submitting
entries for the Public Relations Awards.
Web Page Committee
Molly Signs McManus, Chair, submitted a written report. The committee is planning
on having the new MLA web site up by October, so that MLA members can look at
the new site during the 2006 conference. The committee believes that the new
page looks good and will be easier to maneuver. MLA members interested in looking
at the new site should go to: www.misslib.orgwordpress.
Jeff Slagell, Vice-President Elect
Jeff Slagell, Vice-President Elect, stated that he currently has 23 entries
for his two poster
sessions. Mr. Slagell then reported that his recent site visit to Vicksburg
was very positive,
and it looks as if we will have some good hotel choices for the 2007 Conference.
Mr. Slagell
stated that the association will offer Vicksburg a contract and see if they'll
agree to our terms.
There is room for the 2007 Conference in Hattiesburg, but we would really like
the 2007
Conference to be in Vicksburg. Jeff stated that we will wait and see what the
attendance is at
the 2006 Conference before delivering a contract to the Vicksburg Convention
President Cassagne then discussed the dates of the 2007 Conference. If the 2007
is held in Hattiesburg, it will occur during the 2nd week in October. If the
2007 Conference is
held in Vicksburg, it will occur during the 3rd week in October, October 23-26.
President Cassagne then discussed the Rebuild Mississippi Libraries Fund. The
Fund distributed money in April during National Library Week, to affected libraries.
The Fund also received $50,000 from the American Library Association and $7,500
from the Florida Library Association. Some time between the end of August and
early October, more money will be sent from the Fund to three coastal counties.
President Cassagne then stated that Elizabeth Stephens, Mississippi Libraries
editor's, dad died unexpectedly a few weeks ago. President Cassagne sent a sympathy
note to her from MLA.
President Cassagne then discussed a commendation for Kelsie Buckley, the young
lady who rode her horse across the state in order to raise money for Hurricane
Katrina damaged Gulf Coast Libraries. Mr. Lipscomb reported that he received
$60,000 from Ms. Buckley in June and agreed that MLA should send her a certificate
of appreciation. President Cassagne stated that MLA should send her a plaque
and Randy Sherard suggested the Association publish an article in Mississippi
Libraries, frame a copy, and mail it to her.
President Cassagne then discussed the ALA Conference that she attended in June
in New Orleans. President Cassagne stated that the conference was nice and that
New Orleans is very suited to holding a conference and that everything is close
enough to walk to. The conference was held in the far end of the convention
center, as the other end was still being repaired. The shopkeepers in New Orleans
were very appreciative and a total of 1,800 people attended the conference (1,000
less than the summer ALA conference in Orlando, FL). The next conference will
be in Washington, D.C. Mid-Winter will be in Seattle.
President Cassagne then reported that she has issued several special invitations
to the 2006 MLA Conference to: Laura Bush, a representative from IMLS, and a
representative from the Gates Foundation. She has not received a reply from
Mrs. Bush or the Gates Foundation, but has received word that the IMLS representative
will be unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict. She has received a request
from Michael Dowling, Director of the ALA Chapter Relations Office, to attend
the Conference and she has confirmed his attendance.
President Cassagne then stated that the Missouri Library Association has sent
her an e-mail about getting corporate sponsorships for Library Legislative Day
activities. Susan suggested that MLA ask companies and businesses in Jackson
to sponsor the event, and Randy suggested asking for sponsorships from major
banks, big law and accounting firms, Blue Cross and paper and print shops.
President Cassagne then discussed the 2008 MLA Conference. Mrs. Cassagne has
asked Walter, at the Natchez Convention Center, to pencil MLA in for October
21-24, 2008. Natchez is starting construction on a convention center hotel this
year, a Country Inn and Suites, and Mrs. Cassagne is hopeful that it will be
completed by 2008. President Cassagne is hopeful that the MLA Conference will
be held in 2009 in Hattiesburg and 2010 on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Board members then discussed the August Board meeting. President Cassagne stated
that the next MLA Executive Board meeting will be held in Tunica, during the
2006 MLA Conference, on October 25, 2006 at 8:00 a.m.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 12:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer A. Smith, Acting Secretary
October 24, 2006
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Minutes
Board members attending:
Susan Cassagne, President
Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect
Carol Green, Treasurer
Linda Milner, Secretary
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries Chair
Shirley Stogner, Parliamentarian
Others in attendance:
Jeff Slagell, 2007 Vice President/President Elect
Billy Beal, BCRT
Marsha Case, Awards
President Susan Cassagne called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM. The MLA Executive Board met in the Convention Center in Tunica at the MLA Conference. The agenda was presented and a quorum was declared.
President Susan Cassagne asked voting members of the board if they had received the August 18, 2006 minutes. Everyone agreed they had received the minutes. Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect, made the motion to approve the minutes and Jennifer Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Report
Vice-President/President Elect Catherine Nathan stated 400 MLA members pre-registered
for the annual Conference held in Tunica, MS. She thanked Judy Card from the First Regional Library System for helping with the convention. Others that were thanked were:
Victoria Penny – Registration; Jeff Slagell – Poster Session; Linda Jowers and Marty Coleman – Hospitality.
Treasurer Report
Treasurer, Carol Green, gave the financial report. A copy of the financial report was distributed to the board members. Carol stated the association has collected $20,630 in membership dues. A copy of the Treasurer’s Report is included in ML once a year in the summer issue. Dianne Willard moved and Jennifer Smith seconded a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as written. The motion passed unanimously.
Black Caucus
Billy Beal, Chair, submitted a written annual report.
President Susan Cassagne presented the recommended revisions from the Constitution, Bylaws and Organizational Review Committee to the MLA Executive Board prior to the conference. Jennifer Smith made the motion to approve the changes and Jeff Slagell seconded the motion. The recommended revisions were presented and approved by the membership at the annual MLA business meeting. A copy of the revisions can be found on the MLA website.
Jeff Slagell expressed his appreciation to President Susan Cassagne and Vice-President/President Elect Catherine Nathan for their two years of service to MLA. President Cassagne thanked members for serving on the MLA Executive Board.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned 9:00 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Milner, Secretary
December 15, 2006 - 10:00 A.M.
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 A.M. by Susan Cassagne with the following present:
Susan Cassagne, President
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Counselor
Tracy Carr, Special Library Section
John Whitlock, Special Library Section
Deb Mitchell, Legislative Committee
Mary Julia Anderson, MLA
Jennifer Smith, Outgoing Public Library Chair
Marsha Case, JHLS
Randy Sherard, Trustee
Jeff Slagell, VP-Elect
Otha Keys, Incoming Secretary
Carol Green, Treasurer
Catherine Nathan, VP-President Elect
Margaret A. Bell, Vice Chair Elect Black Caucus
Jackie Quinn, Secretary Black Caucus Round Table
Diane B. Willard, School Section Chair
A quorum was declared and the minutes from the last meeting were handed out, read, and it was moved and seconded that the oral report of minutes be accepted.
There was also a recommendation of the bylaws committee which was set.
Carol Green orally presented the treasury report and stated that copies will be given out later, because all expenses were not in. Therefore the report was not a complete and full accounting of 2006 and the total income amount listed was off. Catherine Nathan stated that as of Thursday, December 14, 2006, the budget was balanced, matched and the issue would be revisited after the new year at the next meeting. It was then moved and seconded to accept the financial report. It was approved unanimously.
Susan Cassagne reported that it was a great conference and wanted to say thanks to everyone for the good time had by all. She also stated it had been a long year and wanted to thank everyone for staying on a second year and staying together.
Catherine Nathan gave her VP report of the conference evaluation and seconded Susan’s comments of a great convention. She stated that 525 people came through and it was well attended. However, only 57 evaluations were returned. She handed out an overview of comments. A special thanks was given to Glenda Segars and Jan Willis, who made the exhibits happen. Even though there were restrictions placed on us by the casino as far as refreshments, hotel rooms, etc. were concerned, overall things went very well. 140 people attended the Presidential Bash and the pre-conference was a hit. There were more school librarians at this conference than ever before. Susan then had a conference related question dealing with the issue if reimbursement for someone who didn’t attend the conference and wanted to know if they could get their money back because the board was being asked to reimburse them for the registration fee. It was not from an individual but from an institution. A vote was taken for the institution to get only the registration fee back, because the meals had already been paid for. Catherine said yes and Robert Lipscomb seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to refund the money.
Robert Lipscomb gave his ALA report. He stated he would be attending ALA’s Midwinter meeting in January, other than that there was nothing major to report, but will inform us when he returns of any late breaking news and items of interest.
Jennifer Smith of the Public Libraries Section reported that they had elected new officers, who are as follows: Marsha Case, Chair; Madonna May, Vice-Chair; and Victoria Penny, Secretary. .
Dianne Willard of the School Section had no report to give.
Tracy Carr and John Whitlock represented the Special Library Section and stated they give tours of great programs.
Randy Sherard, trustee, had no report to give.
Margaret Bell of the Black Caucus wanted to thank the local arrangements committee for all of their help during their luncheon.
Susan Cassagne stated that Hester Plauche made a challenge to give $1,000.00 to the Black Caucus if they raised $3,000.00, which will be put on the list serve and she wanted MLA to take a more active role in helping them raise funds.
Jennifer Smith from the Fiscal Management Committee said she would present her findings later.
Deb Mitchell of the Legislative Committee said she would present her report later.
Otha Keys gave the membership report and presented the committee with a handout of her findings.
Jeff Slagell gave some conference observations. He reiterated how much First Regional played a big part in this conference after bouncing back from Hurricane Katrina. He gave a special thanks to Catherine Nathan and all of her staff for all they did and she said thanks on behalf of all of her employees and helpers.
There was no old business.
There was no new business.
Susan Cassagne declared the 2006 Board Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. and passed the gavel over to Catherine Nathan.
Susan later emailed me a copy of the 2006 Final Report of the Black Caucus Round Table from Billy Beal.
Submitted by Otha Keys