Terry Lajaunie Conference Scholarship
Mississippi Library Association
Terry Lajaunie Annual Conference Scholarship Available
Applicants must be:
- Working in library career 1+ years
- Currently employed at a Mississippi public library
Award (maximum $500):
- Conference Attendance Fee
- 1 year MLA Membership
- Hotel Reimbursement for the Conference
- Mileage Reimbursement
Recipient Responsibilities
- Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the entire conference.
- Scholarship recipients must attend the awards session where their award and attendance will be recognized.
- Scholarship recipients are required to submit a (minimum 150 word) summary overview of their conference experience for use by MLA to advertise future conferences. The summary should be e-mailed to MLA (info@misslib.org) no later than 30 days after conference attendance.
- Mileage reimbursement paperwork and guidelines will be supplied by MLA and should be returned to the MLA business office no later than 30 days post conference.
- Recipients will be encouraged to serve on future MLA conference committees and/or events.
Scholarship Recipients
2024 - Jennifer Sanderson
2023 - Janet Minor
2022 - Janessa Ullendorf