Meeting Minutes 2011
MLA Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, MS
1.0 Call to Order
President Smith called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.
2.0 Roll Call/Signature list of attending members
Executive Board members present:
President: Jennifer Smith
Vice President: Stephen Cunetto
Secretary: Jennifer Brannock
Treasurer: Molly McManus
Immediate Past President: Ann Branton
Others present:
Special Libraries Chair: Cindy Yu (proxy for Joyce Shaw)
School Section: Venetia Oglesby
Legislative: Susan Cassagne
School Section: Melissa Moak
Black Caucus Chair: Jeannette S. Whisenton
LIRT/NMRT: Jorge Brown
MLA-ACRL Section former chair: Tisha Zelner
Guest: Kathy Wells
Mississippi Library Commission: Sharman Smith
MLA-ACRL Section chair: Michael Mounce
SELA: Deborah Lee
3.0 Approval of Agenda
Section 8.1 were deleted from the agenda since it was covered in the earlier board meeting. The agenda was approved by Molly McManus and seconded. Motion passed.
4.0 Approval of Minutes
This is the first meeting of the year, so there are no minutes to approve.
5.0 MLA Officers and Staff Reports
5.1 Secretary, Jennifer Brannock
No report
5.2 Treasurer, Molly McManus
Molly McManus presented the Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2010, and the Profit & Loss report for January-November 2010. The numbers on the Balance Sheet are almost identical to last year. On the Profit & Loss report, we are ahead by $2000 over last year in membership dues. The total convention income from 2010 is similar 2009.
Molly McManus made a motion to add a new line on the budget sheet for convention speakers except for the general session (6725). Motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.3 President, Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Smith is working on committee assignments. They should be complete by the next meeting.
She announced that the board member meetings for 2011 will be at 10:00 on February 4 (Mississippi Library Commission), May 6 (Mississippi Library Commission), August 5 (Convention Center in Vicksburg), October 19 (MLA Conference), and December 2 (Mississippi Library Commission).
5.4 Vice President, Stephen Cunetto
Stephen Cunetto proposed the possibility that MLA offer online registration for the conference. After discussion, it was determined that this issue will be addressed further before the next meeting.
5.5 Past President, Ann Branton
Ann Branton stated that she hopes to be involved with legislative support for MLA.
5.6 Executive Secretary, Mary Julia Anderson
No report.
5.7 ALA Councilor, Jeff Slagell
No report.
5.8 SELA Councilor, Deborah Lee
No report.
5.9 Parliamentarian, Shirlene Stogner
No report.
6.0 Section Chair Reports
6.1 ACRL Libraries
Michael Mounce stated that there will be two MLA-ACRL events in 2011. These include the spring meeting and the ACRL luncheon at the annual MLA conference. More information on both will be forthcoming.
6.2 Public Libraries
No report.
6.3 School Libraries
No report.
6.4 Special Libraries
No report.
6.5 Trustees
No report.
7.0 Roundtables and Committee Reports
7.1 Susan Cassagne, Chair, Legislative Committee
The Mississippi Pie Day will be held on March 10, 2011 at the capital. Goodie bags with pecan pies and facts about what libraries are doing are given to state representatives. This event has been well received by representatives in the past. She encourages everyone to volunteer. More information on the event is forthcoming.
8.0 Old Business
No old business.
9.0 New Business
9.1 Calendar of Meetings for 2011
This issue was addressed in 5.3.
9.2 Fiscal Management Committee
Jennifer Smith reported on the committee. She stated that the budget needs to be more fluid. The board will vote on the budget in the February meeting. There was a discussion about money for roundtables and committees. Roundtables and committees only have the money that they bring in. There is no allocated budget.
9.3 Mississippi Libraries
Tisha Zelner will resign as the Mississippi Libraries editor at the end of 2011. The position for editor will be advertised at the end of 2011.
9.4 National Legislative Day
Sharman Smith reported on National Legislative Day to be held on May 9-10, 2011 in Washington, DC. Mississippi Library Association and the Mississippi Library Commission have sent people in the past. MLA needs to determine who to send.
9.5 Mississippi Library Commission Preconference at the 2011 MLA Conference
The Mississippi Library Commission will host a technology fair prior to the conference. More details to follow.
9.6 Support for 2011 MLA Conference Speakers
Sharman Smith is going to recommend to the Mississippi Library Commission board that money be granted to the Mississippi Library Association to assist with speaker fees for the conference. This grant will continue the cooperative effort between the two groups.
10.0 Adjournment
MLA Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, MS
1.0 Call to Order
President Smith called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
2.0 Roll Call/Signature list of attending members
Executive Board members present:
President: Jennifer Smith
Vice President: Stephen Cunetto
Secretary: Jennifer Brannock
Treasurer: Molly McManus
Immediate Past President: Ann Branton
Others present:
Special Libraries Chair: Joyce Shaw
School Section: Venetia Oglesby
Legislative: Susan Cassagne
Black Caucus Chair: Jeannette S. Whisenton
Mississippi Library Commission: Sharman B. Smith
MLA-ACRL Section chair: Michael Mounce
SELA: Deborah Lee
ALA Councilor: Jeff Slagell
Public Library Section Chair: Barbara Evans
NLW Committee Chair: Caroline Barnett
Parliamentarian: Shirlene Stogner
Executive Secretary: Mary Julia Anderson
Fiscal Management Chair: Carol Green
Trustees: Harriet Kuykendall
Author Awards Chair: Marty Coleman
Local Arrangements: Ruth Ann Gibson
Nominating Committee: Deb Mitchell
Conference Exhibit Co-Chair: Kathy Bradshaw
Conference Exhibit Co-Chair: Mara Villa
Central Mississippi Regional Library System: Kimberly Coley
Watkins Elementary: David Schommer
The Library of Hattiesburg, Petal, and Forrest County: Pamela Pridgen
Laurel-Jones County Library System: Mary Louise Breland
3.0 Approval of Agenda
Jeff Slagell moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
4.0 Approval of the Minutes
In section 5.3, the date August 19 was changed to October 19. Jeff Slagell moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.0 MLA Officers and Staff Reports
5.1 Secretary, Jennifer Brannock
No report.
5.2 Treasurer, Molly McManus
Molly McManus presented the balance sheet as of December 31, 2010, and the profit and loss report for 2009 and 2010. The numbers on the Balance Sheet are similar to last year. She noted any changes to the accounts. Electronic banking was approved at the December 2010 meeting. McManus discussed how electronic banking was being implemented and the process for making transfers and paying bills and vouchers. It was noted that the organization is spending more money on credit card and paypal fees. McManus will report on decreases in the checking account at the next meeting.
Molly McManus moved to approve the report. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.3 President, Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Smith is submitting final reimbursements from the grant. She is working on committee and roundtable appointments with 85% of the appointments complete. An architectural firm contacted her regarding consulting on a new library project. The information will be forwarded to the Mississippi Library Commission.
5.4 Vice President, Stephen Cunetto
Stephen Cunetto gathered surveys from the 2010 MLA Conference and inputted the data into an electronic tool to better analyze the information. He continues to finalized committee chairs for the 2011 MLA Conference. The theme of the 2011 MLA Conference is "Partnerships & Collaboration: The building blocks for successful libraries".
He distributed the conference planning form that will go online. All requests for conference programs will go through the online form which will be available on the MLA Web site. He will distribute the link to various mailing lists and groups.
He is working on creating an online conference registration form. The information from this form will be downloadable and can be imported into a format for conference organizers. Through the registration process, attendees will have the option of paying with a check, purchase order, and credit card.
He is working with the Mississippi Library Commission to become more familiar with the grant. He requests that all MLA groups contact him before spending money for the conference.
MLA conference exhibits co-chair, Mara Villa, presented a report on the activities of the exhibit committee. They are hoping to bring in more exhibitors this year. “Save the Date” announcements have been distributed with the letters to follow in May or June.
5.5 Past President, Ann Branton
The 2010 Mississippi Libraries issues will be published in the coming weeks. Barton Spencer, electronic resources librarian at the University of Southern Mississippi, passed away on February 12. It was suggested a notice about Spencer be included in a future Mississippi Libraries.
5.6 Executive Secretary, Mary Julia Anderson
No report.
5.7 ALA Councilor, Jeff Slagell
The American Library Association midwinter conference totaled over 10,000 attendees with 75 international librarians from 18 countries. ALA membership stands at approximately 61,500 with a 2% decrease from the previous year. This membership decrease is much smaller compared to the 20-30% decrease in other organizations during the recession.
Electronic balloting for the ALA elections starts on March 16 and continues through April 22. Results will be announced on April 29.
The results of the 2009-2010 audit received the best possible rating. Net assets improved by $3.1 million to $29.7 million. The Endowment Fund portfolio recovered from previous losses and is currently valued at $31.6 million.
A goal has been established to raise $1 million for the Spectrum Scholarship Program. All state associations are being strongly encouraged to show their support for the national diversity and recruitment effort. The average chapter contribution thus far has been $500. Slagell recommended that MLA consider pledging a donation to the program.
5.8 SELA Councilor, Deborah Lee
SELA will vote on the trial enrollment membership where members of the Arkansas Library Association will be a member of SELA. A joint conference between the Georgia Library Association and SELA is scheduled for 2012.
5.9 Parliamentarian, Shirlene Stogner
No report.
6.0 Section Chair Reports
6.1 ACRL Libraries – Michael Mounce
The MLA/ACRL spring meeting will be May 12, 2011 from 11:30-1:30 at the Mississippi Library Commission. Jeff Slagell will speak about e-books and the future of academic libraries. He is working on finalizing the speaker for the 2011 MLA Conference with the help of Melissa Dennis.
6.2 Public Libraries – Barbara Evans
Evans is working on compiling a list of possible speakers for the 2011 MLA Conference.
6.3 School Libraries – Venetia Oglesby
Contacting as many school librarians as possible to talk to them about joining MLA. Working on ideas for speakers for the 2011 MLA Conference.
6.4 Special Libraries – Joyce Shaw
Shaw is working on compiling a list of possible speakers for the 2011 MLA Conference.
6.5 Trustees – Harriet Kuykendall
Kuykendall is working on the topic for the 2011 MLA Conference. She hopes to involve more trustees and asks library directors to ask the trustees to attend.
6.6 Mississippi Library Association – Sharman B. Smith
The Mississippi Senate has started filing appropriation bills. The recommendation for libraries was generous compared to other agencies in the state. The MLC budget has been reduced by $2.3 million in the past three years. The anticipated cuts for MLC this year were less than the actual cuts.
The MLC will have the capital exhibit at the capital on February 23, 2011. This will help educate congressmen and senators about libraries.
7.0 Roundtables and Committee Reports
7.1 Susan Cassagne, Chair, Legislative Committee – March 10, 2011 – MLA “Pie Day”
The committee continues to work on the event. The Mississippi Library Commission is assisting with the event.
7.2 Marty Coleman, Chair, Author Award Committee
The committee chair announced the 2011 committee members. Coleman moved to accept the membership. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
8.0 Old Business
8.1 Calendar of Meetings for 2011
The meeting dates for 2011 were announced.
9.0 New Business
9.1 Fiscal Management Committee – 2011 MLA Budget will be presented & voted on
Carol Green, chair of the Fiscal Management Committee, distributed the 2011 proposed budget. She noted that minor changes will occur through the year. President Smith stated that the budget will be revisited throughout the year. No changes were suggested by the MLA officers and attendees. Green moved to accept the report. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
9.2 Caroline Barnett, 2011 National Library Week Theme
MLA is adopting the national theme of “Create Your Own Story @ the Library” for National Library Week (April 10-16, 2011). Barnett asks that libraries around the state host activities to promote this theme. She will send a resolution to the governor to announce National Library Week in the coming weeks.
9.3 Nominating Committee, Deb Mitchell
Candidates have been determined for the 2012 MLA Executive Board. Vice President/President-Elect candidates include Lynn Shurden and Patsy Brewer. Candidates for secretary include Pat Matthes and Nancy McLemore, and candidates for treasurer include Kathy Buntin and Marsha Case.
10.0 Adjournment
Mississippi Library Association
2011 MLA Executive Board Meeting
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, Mississippi
1.0 Call to Order
President Smith called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
2.0 Roll Call/Signature list of attending members
Executive Board members present:
President: Jennifer Smith
Vice President: Stephen Cunetto
Secretary: Jennifer Brannock
Treasurer: Molly McManus
Immediate Past President: Ann Branton
Others present:
Special Libraries Chair: Sheila Cork (proxy for Joyce Shaw)
School Section: Venetia Oglesby
Legislative: Susan Cassagne
Black Caucus Chair: Jeannette S. Whisenton
Mississippi Library Commission: Sharman B. Smith
MLA-ACRL Section chair: Michael Mounce
SELA: Deborah Lee
ALA Councilor: Jeff Slagell
Public Library Section Chair: Barbara Evans
Parliamentarian: Shirlene Stogner
Executive Secretary: Mary Julia Anderson
Conference Exhibit Co-Chair: Mara Villa
3.0 Approval of the Agenda
Jeff Slagell moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
4.0 Approval of the Minutes
Jennifer Brannock moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. Motion passed
5.0 MLA Officers and Staff Reports
5.1 Secretary, Jennifer Brannock
No report.
5.2 Treasurer, Molly McManus
Molly McManus presented the balance sheets for the previous five year. Budgets in the past have been designed to break even. There needs to be an increase in the amount of money received at the annual conference to make money ($10,000).
The current balance sheet is slightly lower than last year. It is necessary to focus on increasing membership to even out the balance sheet with last year.
Molly McManus moved to approve the report. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.3 President, Jennifer Smith
5.31 Update on Grant
Grant reimbursements have been distributed to cover the speakers and National Library Week.
5.4 Vice President, Stephen Cunetto
Conference planning is ongoing. Proposal registration forms have been released online. Nine proposals have been received. They are working on the online registration form with a draft of that form being distributed to the board to review in the near future. The title of the conference is Partnerships and Collaborations: The Building Blocks for Libraries.
They have reviewed the conference space and their work on conference arrangements is ongoing. Two proposals for preconferences have been received. An additional call for presentations and poster sessions will be announced shortly. The keynote speaker has been identified with calls out to additional speakers.
Letters have been distributed for conference sponsors. SIRSI and EBSCO have both agreed to sponsor the conference. Cunetto encouraged people to contact their contacts to see if they are interested in sponsorship.
Maura Villa and Kathy Bradshaw are working on booking exhibitors with great success. Last year there were 32-35 exhibitors, and they would like to have 40 exhibitors this year. Stephen Cunetto applauded their work on exhibits.
5.5 Past President, Ann Branton
No report.
5.6 Executive Secretary, Mary Julia Anderson
Mary Julia Anderson updated the board on MLA membership.
5.7 ALA Councilor, Jeff Slagell
The results of the ALA election are now available on the web site. Slagell reminded the board that ALA’s annual conference will be held in New Orleans June 23-28.
5.8 SELA Councilor, Deborah Lee
SELA hosted several virtual board meetings. Lee presented an update on the Arkansas pilot project where Arkansas Library Association members are automatically SELA members to reenergize SELA.
SELA would like to partner with state library associations for co-sponsored conferences and events. This partnership would require SELA programming and a share of the conference registration. There was a discussion about the benefit of partnering with SELA and how that may financially impact MLA.
5.9 Parliamentarian, Shirlene Stogner
No report.
6.0 Section Chair Reports
6.1 ACRL Libraries – Michael Mounce
The MLA/ACRL spring meeting will be May 12 at the Mississippi Library Commission. Jeff Slagell will speak about ebooks and the future of libraries.
ACRL will host a luncheon at the MLA conference on October 19. The speaker will be the ALA ACRL Vice President Joyce Ogburn. The committee is working on the arrangements.
Michael Mounce will attend the ACRL chapter meeting at the annual ALA conference in New Orleans and will give a report at the next MLA board meeting on what he learned.
Elections for vice chair and secretary of MLA ACRL will be held in the fall.
6.2 Public Libraries – Barbara Evans
The committee is proposing two or three sessions for the MLA Conference with one focusing on the conference theme and another on anime. They will not be hosting a breakfast this year.
6.3 School Libraries – Venetia Oglesby
Venetia Oglesby reported on library damage caused by a tornado. Several libraries have received extreme damage with structures and materials destroyed in some instances.
She is working on creating relationships with school librarians around the state. This effort has been well received by the librarians.
They are working on a session proposal for the MLA Conference.
6.4 Special Libraries – Shelia Cork, proxy for Joyce Shaw
Special Libraries is planning a program for the MLA Conference which will focus on library internships.
6.5 Trustees – Harriet Kuykendall –(Not attending)
No report.
7.0 Roundtables and Committee Reports
7.1 Susan Cassagne, Chair, Legislative Committee
Cassagne recommended subscribing to the ALA Washington mailing list. The mail-outs contain legislative information specific to libraries.
Sharman Smith stated that the 2011 budget has been released. The decision about continuing the improving literacy of school funding program is still being debated by Congress. Mississippi has benefitted from this program in the past. It is important to be involved nationally with talk of cutting the Library Services and Technology Act program which greatly benefits Mississippi libraries.
7.11 National Library Legislative Day
Representatives from MLA are traveling to Washington DC on May 9 to talk to Mississippi senators and representatives about the importance of libraries.
7.12 Capwiz Updates on MLA Website
MLA now provides a link from the organization’s web site to Capwiz, an advocacy alert system. ALA provides this at no cost. Capwiz can be used to contact legislators. McManus stated that the program has a state specific mailing list that is a good way for patrons to hear about activity and legislation that impacts libraries.
8.0 Old Business
8.1 MLA 2012 Conference in Natchez (Jeff Slagell)
Jeff Slagell and Susan Cassagne met with staff at the Grand Hotel to discuss details about the 2012 conference. MLA was offered hotel room quotes that were comparable to those received in 2008. Slagell recommends that once the new vice-president is elected that the person visit the hotel to begin initial planning and meet the convention center staff.
9.0 New Business
9.1 MLA Officers for 2012
Lynn Shurden was elected vice-president; Pat Matthes was elected secretary; and Kathy Buntin was elected treasurer.
9.2 MLA as Fiscal Agent for National CEU Forum
MLA was approached by the Mississippi Library Commission (MLC) to act as the fiscal agent for the CE Forum to be hosted by MLC in August 2011. This event, which has never been held in Mississippi, will involve participants from across the country and will provide an opportunity to showcase Mississippi and its libraries. Discussion followed that included the proposal of adding a line item in the MLA budget to assist with this process.
Jeff Slagell moved that MLA act as the fiscal agent for the forum and that a line item be added to the budget to reflect this. The motion was seconded. Motion passed
9.3 MLA Sponsorship of ALA Advocacy Institute-ALA-Friday, June 24, 1-4 PM
MLA was asked to sponsor Boomers, Staff & Students – Engaging the Many Voices of Advocacy: An Advocacy Institute Workshop, a preconference to be held prior to the ALA 2011 Annual Conference in New Orleans. The sponsorship is in name only in exchange for promoting the program.
Stephen Cunetto moved to approve the motion. The motion was seconded. Motion passed
9.4 MLA Recognition of Representative Cecil Brown’s efforts in the legislature on behalf of libraries
Jennifer Smith attended a rally in support of libraries and was very impressed by State Representative Cecil Brown. It was suggested that MLA look at creating an award for library champions to acknowledge strong support of libraries. Smith stated that she would send this request to the chair of the awards committee.
Molly McManus moved to approve the motion to start this award. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
10.0 Adjournment
Stephen Cunetto moved to approve the motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded. Motion passed
The next meeting will be August 5 at the Marriott.
Mississippi Library Association (MLA)
2011 MLA Executive Board Meeting
Jackson Marriott Hotel
Jackson, Mississippi
1.0 Call to Order
President Smith called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
2.0 Roll Call/Signature list of attending members
Executive Board members present:
President: Jennifer A. Smith
Vice President: Stephen Cunetto
Secretary: Jennifer Brannock
Immediate Past President: Ann Branton
Others present:
Special Libraries Chair: Joyce Shaw
School Section: Venetia Oglesby
Legislative: Susan Cassagne
Black Caucus Chair: Jeannette S. Whisenton
SELA: Deborah Lee
Public Library Section Chair: Barbara Evans
Parliamentarian: Shirlene Stogner
Executive Secretary: Mary Julia Anderson
Conference Exhibit Co-Chair: Mara Villa
Conference Local Arrangements: Ruth Ann Gibson
Conference Poster Sessions: Janet Armour
YPSRT: Judy Card
Trustee Section: Harriet Kuykendall
Conference Registration Chair: June Garner
Mississippi Department of Education: Limeul Eubanks
Rowland Medical Library: Susan Clark
Conference Exhibit Co-Chair: Kathy Bradshaw
LIRT, NMRT: Jorge Brown
3.0 Approval of the Agenda
Harriet Kuykendall moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
4.0 Approval of the Minutes
Deborah Lee moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.0 MLA Officers and Staff Reports
5.1 Secretary, Jennifer Brannock
No report.
5.2 Treasurer, Molly McManus (Absent)
Jennifer A. Smith presented the treasurer report.
It was recommended that MLA move to PayPal Pro for credit card payments to decrease processing fees. Switching to PayPal Pro will allow for online conference payment which will contribute to an easier registration process.
Barbara Evans moved to approve the switch to PayPal Pro. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.3 President, Jennifer A. Smith
5.31 MLA Library Champion Award
This year, a new award will be created to thank those who support libraries. This year’s recipients will be Representative Cecil Brown and Representative Billy McCoy. Next year, nominations will be solicited for the award.
The awards committee has been charged to develop bylaws for the award.
Stephen Cunetto moved to create the MLA Library Champion Award with the criteria to be determined in the future. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
Harriet Kuykendall moved to present the award to Rep. Brown and Rep. McCoy. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.32 2011 I Love My Librarian Award Nominations
Smith announced that the American Library Association (ALA) is accepting nominations for the I Love My Librarian Award which rewards excellence in librarianship. The award comes with a $5000 gift, plaque, and a trip to New York to receive the award.
5.4 Vice President, Stephen Cunetto
Planning continues for the annual MLA Conference being held October 18-21, 2011. Cunetto appreciates all of the hard work from conference committee chairs and others involved in planning the conference.
Hotel room reservations are set at $99 a night until September 18. After that date, the price will go up to $179 a night.
Conference registration will be online by September 1 with PayPal incorporated into the registration for those who want to pay online.
Letters have been distributed to vendors to help offset the cost. Vendors have promised $11,000 at this time.
Cunetto commends Ruth Ann Gibson for her work on local arrangements. Sixty sessions have been scheduled with many of them concurrent. Sid Salter, a local syndicated columnist, and Ken Miller, a local author, will be the keynote speakers for the conference. Gibson discussed the changes that she had to make to accommodate speaker preferences. The schedule was re-arranged to provide a conflict-free period to showcase exhibitors. Mara Villa and Kathy Bradshaw reported on the status of exhibitors. Nineteen spaces have been sold with more coming.
Susan Clark (conference hospitality) has received materials for the conference bags. The Jackson convention bureau will assist with stuffing the bags. She is also going to put out a call for door prizes. The convention center will assist with publicity and will provide two people to help on the registration desk with labels, brochures, and arranging tours, if needed.
Villa reported that a state organization asked if it was possible to have a free table in the exhibit space. After a discussion, it was determined that this could open up the possibility of various groups requesting free space. Villa was going to contact the group to tell them that we are unable to accommodate their request.
Janet Armour reported that there are 18 people interested in presenting poster sessions at the conference. After a discussion, it was determined that there will be four poster sessions that will be displayed in the exhibit room with each session lasting one hour.
5.5 Past President, Ann Branton
No report.
5.6 Executive Secretary, Mary Julia Anderson
No report.
5.7 ALA Councilor, Jeff Slagell (Absent)
No report.
5.8 SELA Councilor, Deborah Lee
SELA hosted a summer workshop at the University of Alabama – Birmingham on August 12-13 to provide added exposure for the organization. SELA hopes to have a similar event annually. On October 3-5, 2012, SELA and the Georgia Library Association will have a joint conference. SELA will also have programming at the West Virginia Library Association meeting and a session at the MLA conference.
Lee reported that SELA is running a membership special where if you join now, you will receive membership status for 2011 and 2012. Mississippi’s SELA membership is high with the second most members in the organization.
5.9 Parliamentarian, Shirlene Stogner
No report.
6.0 Section Chair Reports
6.1 ACRL Libraries – Michael Mounce (Not Attending)
No report.
6.2 Public Libraries – Barbara Evans
The section is working on conference sessions that include working with the trustee section, graphic novels reader’s advisory, and a luncheon.
6.3 School Libraries – Venetia Oglesby
The section is planning sessions for the MLA conference.
6.4 Special Libraries – Joyce Shaw
A breakfast panel session about mentorship has been scheduled for the conference.
6.5 Trustees – Harriet Kuykendall
The section is planning a session for the MLA conference on partnering with groups.
7.0 Roundtables and Committee Reports
7.1 Susan Cassagne, Chair, Legislative Committee
Nine representatives from Mississippi went to Washington D.C. to visit legislators. It impressed her that at least one of the nine travelers was acquainted with each legislator.
The committee has scheduled a program about grassroots advocacy. The panel will include elected officials who will answer questions about how to be involved.
7.2 Judy Card, YPSRT
A group has trying to start the Magnolia Children’s Choice Book Award since 2008. Children around the state select the recipient of this award. Judy Card asked if MLA would be interested in co-sponsoring the award which will be announced annually at the Children’s Book Festival at the University of Southern Mississippi.
Smith asked that a member of YPSRT write a proposal and send it to the bylaw committee.
Jennifer Brannock moved that MLA endorse the Magnolia Children’s Choice Book Award. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
7.3 LIRT and NMRT (Jorge Brown)
The committees are co-sponsoring a session at the MLA conference.
8.0 Old Business
8.1 MLA 2012 Conference in Natchez
The 2012 conference in Natchez will take place October 23-26.
8.2 undefinedBoomers, Staff & StudentsundefinedEngaging the Many Voices of Advocacy: An Advocacy Institute Workshop‖ - ALA 2011 Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA
Smith attended this event which was co-sponsored by MLA. The event was a success.
9.0 New Business
9.1 Mississippi Economic Council
It was discussed that MLA needs to get the attention of the Mississippi Economic Council. The group sponsors a leadership program that is seeking nominations. Members of the executive board will look into the possibility of having a presence with this group.
9.1 Mississippi Department of Education (Limeul Eubanks)
Limeul Eubanks asked if MLA would be interesting in partnering with MDE on revising the School Media Guide. Venetia Oglesby and Jennifer Smith will look into contacting people who may be able to help.
Deborah Lee moved that MLA should partner with MDE on revising the School Media Guide. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
10.0 Adjournment
Ann Branton moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
Mississippi Library Association
2011 MLA Executive Board Meeting
Jackson Marriott Hotel
Jackson, Mississippi
1.0 Call to Order
President Smith called the meeting to order at 8:10.
2.0 Roll Call/Signature list of attending members
Executive Board members present:
President: Jennifer A. Smith
Vice President: Stephen Cunetto
Treasurer: Molly McManus
Secretary: Jennifer Brannock
Others present:
Public Library Section Chair: Barbara Evans
SELA: Deborah Lee
ACRL Section Chair: Michael Mounce
Conference Local Arrangements: Ruth Ann Gibson
MLA Member: Derek Cash
ALA Councilor: Jeff Slagell
Trustee Section: Harriet Kuykendall
School Section: Venetia Oglesby
Chair, Internal Audit & Fiscal Management Committee: Carol Green
3.0 Approval of Agenda
Molly McManus moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
4.0 Approval of Minutes
Barbara Evans moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.0 MLA Officers and Staff Reports
5.1 Secretary, Jennifer Brannock
No report
5.2 Treasurer, Molly McManus
McManus reported that membership is down slightly from last year. She distributed and reviewed the profit and loss budget performance and balance sheet. McManus moved to approve the handouts. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
5.3 President, Jennifer Smith
Smith reported that she had been busy with conference preparations.
5.4 Vice President, Stephen Cunetto
Cunetto reported on conference details. He commended Ruth Ann Gibson for her work with local arrangements. He thanked all of the people who contributed projectors for use during the sessions and all of the people who have helped with conference planning.
5.5 Past President, Ann Branton
No report
5.6 Executive Secretary, Mary Julia Anderson
No report
5.7 ALA Councilor, Jeff Slagell
Slagell gave a report about ALA’s annual meeting. He reported that ALA’s membership is down, but that the organization is still thriving. Voting will begin in March 2012 for next year’s president. He also gave a brief review of ALA’s demographic study of members.
5.8 SELA Councilor, Deborah Lee
Lee reported on conference activities.
5.9 Parliamentarian, Shirlene Stogner
No report
5.10 Sharman Smith, Mississippi Library Commission
Smith reported on conference activities.
6.0 Section Chair Reports
6.1 ACRL Libraries – Michael Mounce
Mounce reported on conference activities. He announced that elections for new officers will be held in November. He stated that MLA/ACRL hopes to have another meeting in the spring with more information forthcoming.
6.2 Public Libraries – Barbara Evans
Evans reported on conference activities.
6.3 School Libraries – Venetia Oglesby
Oglesby reported on conference activities. She reported that a committee is being formed to review the School Library Media Guide. More information on that committee will be available at a future meeting.
Cunetto reported that more school librarians are registered for the conference than in past years (69 attendees).
6.4 Special Libraries – Joyce Shaw
Shaw reported on conference activities.
6.5 Trustees – Harriet Kuykendall
Kuykendall reported on conference activities.
7.0 Roundtables and Committee Reports
7.1 Susan Cassagne, Chair, Legislative Committee
No report
7.2 Carol Green, Internal Audit Committee
Green reported on the findings of the Internal Audit Committee. She thanked Ann Richmond for her excellent work on maintaining the associations’ financial records. The report was submitted to the committee by Green. The motion to accept the report was seconded. Motion passed.
8.0 Old Business
No old business.
9.0 New Business
No new business
10.0 Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:43.