Meeting Minutes 2002
January | March | May | August | October | December
January 28, 2002
Indira Bhowal, Special Library Section Chair
Keith Coleman, Treasurer
Henry Ledet, Past President
Terry Latour, President
Dee Dee Long, School Library Section Chair
Glenda Segars, SELA Representative
Randy Sherard, Trustee Section Chair
Jeff Slagell, ACRL Chair
Jim Parks, Parliamentarian
Prima Plauche’, Vice-President/President-Elect
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Ann Branton, Editor, Mississippi Libraries
Velma Champion, Intellectual Freedom Committee
Marty Coleman
Tracy Englert, Membership Committee
Chris Ferguson, Archives and History Committee
Janice Garrett, Membership Committee
Deb Mitchell, Legislative Committee
Jennifer Smith, National Library Week Committee Chair/Vice-Chair,
Public Library Section
Sharman Smith, Executive Director, Mississippi Library
Steve Turner, Web Committee Chair
Kay Wall, Nominating Committee
President Terry Latour called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m.
The agenda was presented.
I. Officers’ and Staff Reports
A. Minutes – Minutes of the previous Board meeting were
distributed and reviewed. Prima Plauche’ moved to accept the
minutes; Glenda Segars seconded. Approval was unanimous.
B. Treasurer – Treasurer Keith Coleman submitted a Mississippi
Library Association Balance Sheet as of Dec. 31, 2001. It showed a
total liabilities and equity of $68,914.05. However, Jan. – Dec. 01
revealed a net deficit of -$2,833.02. Treasurer Keith Coleman
commented that it was becoming increasingly difficult to balance
the budget each year. Membership should be considered a top
priority as the past several years have seen a steady decline that
effects association funds. A small profit was realized from the
annual conference. See attachment for more information.
C. President – President Latour distributed a list of updated
committee assignments and noted that they are still subject to
D. VP/President Elect – VP Prima Plauche’ submitted a
Mississippi Library Association 2002 Conference Report. The report
stated that conference will be held October 16-18, 2002 at the
Hattiesburg Lake Terrace Convention Center. The conference hotel
will be announced at a later date. Dr. Robert Martin, Director,
Institute of Museum and Library Services will serve as the keynote
speaker. Two working themes were listed: Mississippi
Libraries…Making the Difference, Libraries…Making a
Difference in Mississippi. See attachment for more information.
E. ALA Councilor – No report.
F. SELA Councilor – SELA Councilor Glenda Segars announced that
the upcoming SELA conference will be held Oct. 24-26 in conjunction
with the South Carolina Library Association in Charleston, SC. More
conference details are available at the SELA Web site, including
membership information. Glenda Segars said a potential conflict
between the MLA and SELA conferences was avoided.
G. Executive Secretary – No report
H. Mississippi Libraries Editor – Mississippi Libraries Editor
Ann Branton submitted a report in response to recommendations to
lower publishing costs for Mississippi Libraries. It was noted that
one factor related to increased costs was the inclusion of more
pages per issue. The winter 2001 issue print run was reduced from
1000 copies to 750 to reduce costs. Editor Ann Branton noted that
by reducing the print run and eliminating internal color, she was
able to reduce costs by 20% without significantly effecting
content. She recommended that subscription rates be increased from
$16.00 a year to $20.00 dollars a year. Approval was unanimous.
Editor Ann Branton also recommended that the $500 dollar stipend
allocated to the editor be placed on a separate line in the budget
($18,500 Mississippi Libraries budget). Approval was unanimous. See
attachment for more information.
A. ACRL – ACRL Chair Jeff Slagell announced that the ACRL
Chapters Council meeting was held at ALA Midwinter in New Orleans
Jan. 20, 2002. The ACRL 11th National Conference: Learning to Make
a Difference will take place in Charlotte, NC April 10-13, 2003. In
addition, Chapter Topics (Council Newsletter) and the Chapter
Council Web site were discussed by the editor Debbie Malone. ACRL
Chair Jeff Slagell mentioned that he submitted a brief report of
the Mississippi Chapter’s activities for the last newsletter.
Finally, funding issues for Chapters and other ACRL Units were
discussed. Any relevant information will be shared as it becomes
available. An ACRL Executive meeting was to take place later in the
B. Public Library – VP Prima Plauche’ spoke for David Woodburn.
The Public Library Section is interested in discussing various
options for speakers with people that have suggestions and possibly
compiling a speaker list. She also noted that Trustees have
expressed an interest in a Trustee discussion group.
C. School Library – School Library Chair Dee Dee Long said that
she was discouraged by the barriers effecting school librarian
membership. Time and money were noted as the primary causes. She
asked for ideas in expressing the importance of professional
development. President Terry Latour suggested that continuing
education credit, national certification, and training be explored
as possible options. It was noted that April Harris was the new
contact person at the State Department of Education and should be
contacted for a statewide list of school librarians. President
Terry Latour stated he would initiate contact with Ms. Harris.
D. Special Library – Special Library Chair Indira Bhowal stated
that she had been contacting people about possible conference
program ideas (e.g. emergency management) and was interested in
creating a listserv and a Web page.
E. Trustee – Trustee Chair Randy Sherard expressed the
importance of utilizing trustees and exploring why more school
librarians and trustees weren’t members of the association. He saw
a good opportunity to increase membership through trustees who
would hopefully pass along the information and encourage the
involvement of others.
A. Legislative – Legislative Chair Deb Mitchell thanked Jennifer
Smith, Mary Julia Anderson, and the Mississippi Library Commission
staff for all of their work on the afternoon program and reception.
She commented that it could be a difficult year and that everyone
should provide their support. President Terry Latour asked if there
were any key issues that should be emphasized and Chair Deb
Mitchell said she had issue sheets available. In particular, it was
noted that House File 1512 (sponsored by representative Moore -
Rankin County) was a filtering bill that needed to be monitored
carefully. Finally, Chair Deb Mitchell stated that $900,000 had
been cut from the previous year and that if enacted, the proposed
budget of the Mississippi Library Commission for next year would
result in a total reduction of 2 million dollars compared with the
beginning budget for the 2001 fiscal year. See attachment for more
B. Membership – Membership Co-Chair Tracy Englert said that the
Membership Committee was entertaining a number of ideas in the
short term to increase membership. They include: the creation of a
welcome packet, emailing libraries, membership incentives, and
organizing a membership drive with prizes. In the long term, they
would like to consider different membership types, categories, and
½ price first-time memberships. President Terry Latour
mentioned that he had 2001 association membership lists available
for Board members and the Membership Committee. VP Prima Plauche’
stated that at ALA Council Relations meetings, all associations
reported dealing with membership problems and that ideas were
available on the ALA Web site. Parliamentarian Jim Parks suggested
returning to the idea of regional meetings for those members that
are unable to attend the annual conference. Editor Ann Branton
mentioned that many academic librarians were looking for service
projects and could possibly be used in this effort as speakers and
workshop leaders.
C. Mississippi Libraries – See section I.H.
D. National Library Week – National Library Week Chair Jennifer
Smith said that 208 people were pre-registered for today’s programs
and many school librarians were calling this year. She expressed
her thanks to Mary Julia Anderson and the Mississippi Library
Commission for their assistance.
E. Nominating – Nominating Committee Chair Kay Wall submitted
their report which recommends the following slate for the
Mississippi Library Association 2002 elections:
Vice President/President Elect:
Juanita Flanders, Hinds Community College
Rahye Puckett, Mississippi Library Commission
Victoria Penny, First Regional Public Library
Sara Morris, Mississippi State University
Kathy Davis, USM Gulf Coast
Jennifer Smith, Madison County Public Library
Chair Kay Wall also recommended that the Association change the
Nominating Committee December report to January in the future
because of logistical reasons. The committee also recommends that
several changes be made to the MLA handbook. The report was
accepted without a vote. See the attachment for more
F. Web Page – Web Page Chair Steven Turner submitted a revised
proposal to the Executive Board. It recommended that the
Association purchase a domain address, move to a commercial server,
and consider credit card processing and the selling of products
with the new server capability. In addition, it suggested that the
Association consider corporate sponsorship and ask Web hosting
services to donate server space as a means to reduce costs. Editor
Ann Branton proposed a possible advertising package deal that would
include Mississippi Libraries and the Web Site along with a new fee
structure. President Terry Latour suggested that more research be
done on the various options without making a firm commitment and
that the findings be reported at the next Board meeting. Web Page
Chair Steven Turner recommended that he explore the options listed
in the report in greater detail and report back to the Executive
Board. Prima Plauche’ moved to accept; Keith Coleman seconded. It
was unanimously approved.
A. 2003 Conference Site Selection – Prima Plauche’ said that
proposals from seven hotels on the coast had been narrowed down to
four. The Harrison and Hancock County Tourism Bureaus had invited
the Mississippi Library Association Site Committee to visit. Prima
Plauche’ had a handbook question regarding who made up the Site
Committee. It was decided that it will consist of the President,
Past President, Vice President/President Elect, and the
B. Email List – President Terry Latour distributed an email
exchange between himself and Stephen Cunetto. It detailed
instructions to subscribe and unsubscribe from the Mississippi
Library Association email list. Prima Plauche’ stated that a
process was needed to delete bad addresses and to make the
subscription part of the application process. Individuals could
then maintain their personal subscription as they see fit. Steven
Turner suggested placing the instructions on the Association Web
Page. President Terry Latour suggested including the list
instructions with membership cards. He also asked Steven Turner to
contact Stephen Cunetto to get the appropriate information to add
to the Web Site. It was also noted that the academic list would
need to be passed on to a new owner because of Suzy Turner’s
retirement. Chris Ferguson at Mississippi State was asked to
investigate the change and to forward appropriate information for
the academic list and any other section lists to the Web Committee
so that information and links can be added to the MLA Web page.
President Terry Latour said he would forward the list of
undeliverable addresses to Stephen Cunetto. See attachment for more
C. President’s Goals – President Terry Latour distributed a
handout with goals that he had first introduced at the December
Executive Board meeting. He stated that he intended to submit them
in the form of a narrative so they could be included in the next
issue of Mississippi Libraries. Prima Plauche’ moved that the
Executive Board accept and support the goals; Keith Coleman
seconded. It was unanimously approved.
A. ALA @ Your Library Campaign – Prima moved that the
Mississippi Library Association participate in and support the ALA
@ your library campaign; Keith Coleman seconded. It was unanimously
approved. President Terry Latour stated he would contact ALA and
report on any relevant progress at the next meeting.
B. Funding for Programs
1. Differences between Sections, Round Tables & Committees -
President Terry Latour stated that $500 is allocated yearly to
Sections for program activities. Round Tables are self-supporting
through dues. Variable amounts for Committees are allocated on a
case-by-case basis. Henry Ledet noted that a problem with committee
funding was getting them to ask for funds before the budget is
2. Conference fund-raising policy statement – President Terry
Latour moved that all fund raising for the conference and other
programs should be approved by the Executive Board; Keith Coleman
seconded. It was unanimously approved. In addition President Terry
Latour moved that the Executive Board provide authorization for the
Vice President/President Elect to conduct fund raising activities
for the annual conference and keep the Executive Board abreast of
any activities; Keith Coleman seconded. It was unanimously
approved. Prima Plauche’ asked if donations could qualify as tax
deductions. The Association’s IRS classification status will be
investigated and the Board will be informed.
C. MLA Committees – President Terry Latour postponed discussion
of committees until the March meeting.
A. Next Board Meeting : Friday, March 8, 10 a.m., MLC Board
B. Other Announcements: Prima Plauche’ announced that she
attended the Creating Library Leaders pre-conference at the ALA
Midwinter meeting. She will report on it at the next Board
The Board adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Slagell, ACRL Chair
March 8, 2002
Terry Latour, President
Prima Plauché, Vice-President/President-elect
Kathleen Wells, Secretary
Keith Coleman, Treasurer
Jim Parks, Parliamentarian
Henry Ledet, Past President
Billy Beal, ALA Councilor
Indira Bhowal, Special Library Section Chair
Jeff Slagell, ACRL Chair
Emma Ainsworth, Mississippi Library Commission
Theresa Akbar-Ellison, 2YCRT/Black Caucus
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Ann Branton, Editor, Mississippi Libraries
Tracy Englert, Membership Committee
Deb Mitchell, Legislative Committee
Jennifer Smith, National Library Week Committee Chair/Vice-Chair,
Public Library Section
Sharman Smith, Executive Director, Mississippi Library
Shirlene Stogner, LIRT Chair
President Latour called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. The
agenda was presented.
A. Minutes. The minutes of the Jan. 28 meeting were distributed
and reviewed. B. Beal moved to approve the minutes; T.
Akbar-Ellison seconded. Approval was unanimous.
B. Treasurer’s Report. K. Coleman presented a balance sheet
current as of 2/28/2002. The report was unanimously approved on a
motion by K. Wells with a second by J. Slagell.
C. President’s Report. T. Latour called on Vice-President
Plauché to report on planning for the 2002 conference in
D. Vice-President/President-Elect. P. Plauché distributed
a report on the status of conference planning, comparative
statistics on conference attendance in 2000 and 2001, and a program
proposal form; she noted that a preliminary version of the form is
also on the MLA Web site. She also distributed a brochure for the
Cabot Lodge in Hattiesburg and reported that she and Local
Arrangements Committee Co-Chair Ann Branton had visited the hotel.
The Cabot Lodge offers a flat room rate of $55, with no sales tax,
if billed directly to a tax-exempt institution or if paid at the
time of checkout with a purchase order from a tax-exempt
institution (library, university, etc.). The hotel offers a
continental breakfast and has suitable public rooms for conference
activities. A. Branton added that the rooms are comfortable (159
rooms, 4 special handicapped-access rooms, hearing impaired
accommodations available) and that the ambiance is pleasant. P.
Plauché moved that the Board approve the Cabot Lodge as the
conference headquarters. K. Coleman seconded. Approval was
unanimous. P. Plauché added that she is working with the
Hospitality Committee on the possibility of pre-registration at the
hotel so that conference attendees can avoid long registration
lines, and that A. Branton will work on the contract with the
hotel. T. Latour noted that the Jackson Cabot Lodges have Internet
access; the Hattiesburg hotel does not, but they’re looking into
it. J. Slagell asked if the second general session on Thursday were
usually a luncheon. P. Plauché replied that the schedule of
the keynote speaker, Robert Martin, dictated this year’s planning;
he will not arrive in time for the first general session on
Wednesday and will make his presentation at the second session on
Thursday. J. Slagell mentioned that the ACRL Section would like to
have a luncheon meeting, but does not want it to conflict with the
general session; he will discuss planning with P. Plauché
later. A. Branton pointed out that the Black Caucus usually has a
luncheon on Wednesday. B. Beal noted that it is difficult to avoid
scheduling conflicts.
E. ALA Councilor’s Report. B. Beal distributed a written
1. Pay Equity. MLA has a request from ALA President-elect Mitch
Freedman to send one or two representatives to the meeting of the
ALA Task Force on Better Salaries and Pay Equity at the ALA Annual
Conference in Atlanta in June. The meeting will address salary and
advocacy issues. Freedman asks that attendees at this meeting be
prepared to present a 90-120 minute advocacy program at their state
library association conferences. P. Plauché noted that the
MLA conference schedule is compressed, with the bulk of programming
fitting into two days; scheduling is tight, but pay equity is an
important topic that interests everyone, and it is important to
make space in the program for such a meeting. P. Plauché
pointed out that program titles need to be given emphasis in the
conference program; in the past, the name of the group has been
given greater emphasis. T. Latour asked for volunteers to attend
the ALA meeting. K. Coleman asked about costs; T. Latour noted that
there is no money in the MLA budget to support such travel. A.
Branton asked if persons who attended the meeting would be required
to register for the conference; P. Plauché replied that the
meeting would probably be a pre-conference with no registration
required. The Board agreed to delay making a recommendation; T.
Latour encouraged Board members to disseminate information about
the meeting and ask for volunteers. P. Plauché emphasized
that attendees are expected to put on a program at the MLA
2. E-rate. ALA is seeking input on E-rate rule making by the FCC.
B. Beal noted that the E-rate is a popular program; ALA perceives
that there may be danger of its being eliminated, and invites
efforts to keep the program alive. Comments to ALA and to the FCC
are invited. B. Beal added that public institutions other than
libraries are affected by E-rate.
3. Museum and Library Services Act. This act is up for renewal
(H.R. 3784). ALA encourages librarians to ask their congressional
delegations to sign on as co-sponsors. To date, Rep. Bennie
Thompson is the only congressman from Mississippi who has done
4. GATS. ALA is concerned that public institutions, including
libraries, would be negatively affected by the General Agreement on
Trade in Services (GATS). Private providers may challenge policies
that protect government services if those policies put private
providers at a competitive disadvantage.
5. ACRL Webcasts. ACRL has a list of Webcasts available for
continuing education in academic libraries. A list was
T. Latour noted that there were two Mississippi candidates in
the recent ALA Council election.
F. SELA Councilor’s Report. SELA Councilor Glenda Segars was
absent. T. Latour noted that the SELA conference will be in
Charleston the week after MLA. SELA offers scholarship
opportunities for two individuals interested in becoming
librarians. A. Branton noted that G. Segars had sent a call for
papers for the SELA conference to Mississippi Libraries.
G. Executive Secretary. M.J. Anderson reported that she sent out
a second round of membership renewal forms the last week in
February. MLA is now up to 329 members as of March 7, and she
anticipates the total will be up to 400 by the end of the month.
She added that she has a new, faster computer. T. Akbar-Ellison
asked for a list of Black Caucus members.
H. Mississippi Libraries Editor. A. Branton reported that ML
will be taken to the printer this afternoon. Mary Beth Applin is
guest editor of the spring issue, which will be mailed in
approximately three weeks. The University of Southern Mississippi
Foundation gave ML a check for $140.
A. ACRL. J. Slagell reported that he is in the process of
putting together a nominating committee for ACRL. The ACRL program
at the annual conference will be a workshop on communication
skills. The section may have a spring program as well.
B. Public Libraries. Section Chair David Woodburn was absent. P.
Plauché noted that public libraries and trustees are working
on a conference program to appeal to all librarians; there will be
more information at the next meeting.
C. School Libraries. Section Chair Dee Dee Long was absent. T.
Latour noted that there is ongoing dialog with school librarians
and that there will be programs to appeal to school librarians at
the MLA conference.
D. Special Libraries. I. Bhowal reported that the section has 26
paid members. She and Velma Champion of MLC are working on a flier
to send to prospective members; they are also working on a program
for the fall conference.
E. Trustees. No report; Randy Sherard absent.
A. Black Caucus. T. Akbar-Ellison reported that Yvonne Stanford
will preside over the program this year. The caucus is trying to
get a speaker to do a one-man program (“Hats”) for the meeting.
B. Friends. F. Delmas reported that they are working on a
program on marketing the local library; they do not have a speaker
C. LIRT. S. Stogner reported that Barton Spencer of USM will be
the speaker at the conference program on creating streaming
D. TSRT. Secretary T. Englert reported that the round table’s
spring program will be May 24th at the Ridgeland Public Library.
Suzanne Graham of USM will discuss digitization. Program planning
is incomplete, and there may be other speakers.
E. 2YCRT. Chair T. Akbar-Ellison gave the names of the other
round table officers: Ruth Ann Free, Vice-Chair, and Joan McLemore,
Secretary. An e-mail has been sent to all members encouraging
membership renewal.
A. Conference 2003 Site Selection. P. Plauché presented a
packet of information on Gulf Coast site visits. She and committee
members M.J. Anderson, H. Ledet, and K. Coleman visited five sites:
Beau Rivage, the President Casino, Grand Casino Biloxi, Grand
Casino/Oasis in Gulfport, and Casino Magic in Bay St. Louis. The
Committee is recommending Casino Magic. The hotel is on a 600-acre
site with good access to Beach Blvd., and local civic groups would
work with MLA on possible activities. The hotel provides Internet
access, and there would be no charge for the convention center. For
meal functions, we can tell the hotel how much we want to spend and
they will design a menu. P. Plauché will work with the hotel
on a flat room rate. After further discussion of various sites, P.
Plauché moved that the Board accept Casino Magic in Bay St.
Louis as the 2003 MLA conference site. B. Beal seconded. After
additional discussion, T. Latour called the question. The motion
passed unanimously.
B. Legislative Committee. D. Mitchell reported that the
committee has appointments with both Mississippi senators during
ALA Legislative Day activities in Washington in May. She has not
yet received registration information from ALA. She noted that the
Mississippi legislature is focusing mainly on Medicaid in this
session. S. Smith added that the House budget recommendation for
MLC has been filed with almost a $1 million cut. The House
Education Committee later substituted a bill with a cut that was
smaller by $200,000. S. Smith added that tax revenues look better
this month and that the Senate does not have an appropriations bill
yet. The House bills were based on a 4% growth rate. Some senators
want to make cuts based on a lesser growth rate, which would mean
cuts in the range of $1.2-1.6 million cuts. If that happens, Smith
added, it would return MLC to 1995-1997 funding levels. T. Latour
asked about the status of the new MLC building. S. Smith replied
that the building has been funded, though MLC had to ask for an
additional million for infrastructure work. $3 million for
furniture and equipment will be funded in the legislative session.
B. Beal asked if initial bonds have been sold. S. Smith replied
that they have, adding that the bond fund may grow, but the
interest goes to the state. Bids for construction will open on
March 28. A ground-breaking ceremony will be held when a contractor
is hired; the agency plans to be in the new building in summer
2004. T. Latour reminded those present to talk to their legislators
about libraries when the opportunity arises.
C. Membership Committee. Co-Chair T. Englert asked M.J. Anderson
for application forms and for lists of new members and
non-renewals. The Membership Committee will have a table at the USM
Children’s Book Festival in April. T. Englert asked for
demographics, adding that if the association does not have such
figures, she would like to do a survey to identify membership
patterns and needs. She suggested that the Membership Committee
have a member survey as part of its charge, and that the Board
consider offering first-year memberships at half price to attract
new members. She also raised the possibility of adding ribbons for
new members to MLA conference packets, and of the association
raising money by selling promotional materials such as mugs,
calendars, and tote bags. A. Branton noted that ribbons for new
members at the conference would help them to make contacts. T.
Latour asked for formal proposals, pointing out that response to a
member survey at and after the 2001 MLA conference was extremely
low. He suggested that partnering with sections and round tables
might be a better way to elicit response. J. Smith suggested that
GIS does computer mapping and might be willing to do demographic
maps. T. Englert formally asked for demographic information and
lists of lapsed and new members, and asked that the Board look at
the possibility of selling promotional materials. P. Plauché
noted that it would be helpful if membership expiration dates were
on the MLA mailing labels. T. Akbar-Ellison suggested that when
renewal forms are sent out, the envelope should be stamped
“Membership Renewal.” P. Plauché pointed out that the
application form is on the Web, adding that one of her staff
members, Sheila Cork, is writing a thesis on why librarians do not
join professional associations and that the information could be
useful in recruitment. B. Beal asked if library school instructors
still recommend professional involvement to their students. A.
Branton noted that USM LIS director Tom Walker has a column in
Mississippi Libraries and has recently written on the topic. T.
Latour pointed out that interest varies among LIS faculty members.
P. Plauché mentioned that a brochure would be useful; K.
Wells added that a brochure exists but is in need of updating. T.
Latour suggested that the brochure be updated and that interest
among library school students should be encouraged. S. Smith
suggested a door prize for completing a membership survey at the
MLA conference. She offered to generate a mailing list for a
broader database of libraries and librarians than is covered by the
MLA list. She also offered to put an insert (a membership form or
an announcement) in the MLC newsletter, the Packet. T. Latour asked
that T. Englert and M.J. Anderson look at existing demographics,
and that T. Englert work with P. Plauché on a draft
brochure. B. Beal will investigate the cost of ribbons. M.J.
Anderson will look at the mailing label program to see about adding
the membership expiration date; she added that she could use help
in preparing mail outs. T. Englert will investigate the cost of
promotional materials and submit proposals to the Board. B. Beal
asked if there were a new members round table. P. Plauché
replied that it is active and will have a conference program; A.
Branton added that it will be a joint program with the USM School
of Library and Information Science.
D. National Library Week Committee. J. Smith reported a total
attendance of 220 registrants for Legislative Day, plus 116
legislators and pages, and Lt. Governor Amy Tuck. The committee
used the Packet to announce the NLW program. The committee will
have a meeting and program at the MLA conference; J. Smith asked
people to call with topic suggestions. Plauché thanked the
committee for its work.
E. Other Committee Reports. K. Wells reported that the Election
Committee will meet March 22 in Jackson to prepare ballots for
A. ALA@Your Library Campaign. T. Latour reported that he has
registered MLA as a part of this campaign.
B. E-mail List. T. Latour reported that the MLA e-mail list is
in the process of being cleaned up, with invalid addresses being
removed. He added that there is now a link to the list on the MLA
Web site.
A. LSTA Grant. T. Latour distributed copies e-mails between
himself and other Board members with regard to a possible LSTA
grant from MLC to MLA to cover the cost of distribution of National
Library Week materials. The Board had approved the proposal by
e-mail. The cost of the most recent NLW mailing was $7,962.17. T.
Latour emphasized that MLA is an eligible recipient for such a
grant, noting that other library associations also receive LSTA
grants for programs. B. Beal moved that the Board ratify its e-mail
approval of the proposal; P. Plauché seconded. K. Coleman
asked for clarification of MLA’s eligibility. S. Smith responded
that such grants are given at the discretion of the MLC executive
director; she noted that LSTA has more latitude than LSCA, which
focused on physical facilities. K. Coleman asked who would do the
work; S. Smith replied that MLC staff would be available to assist.
T. Latour called the question. Approval was unanimous.
B. MLC Board of Commissioners Nominations. T. Latour referred to
an e-mail message he had sent to MLA members soliciting nominations
for the trustee’s seat on the MLC Board of Commissioners, which
will become vacant this summer, distributing copies of the
nominations he has received so far. The appointee must be a trustee
at the time of appointment. The MLA Board is charged with
submitting at least six names. M.J. Anderson asked if the nominees
have to be members of MLA; T. Latour replied that there is nothing
about that in writing. H. Ledet noted that there has been concern
about the geographic makeup of the MLC Board and that the current
incumbent, Russell Burns, is the only member from the southern part
of the state. P. Plauché noted that one of the nominees was
from the Jackson/George area and stated that she will nominate
Joyce Lee, chair of the Hancock County Board of Trustees. She
suggested that sending the list in too early could result in its
being put aside. There was some discussion of the list and of the
number of practicing librarians on the Board. It was agreed that
the Board will solicit more nominations and information and will
take up the matter at the May meeting. The nominators/nominees as
of March 8 are: Catherine Nathan/Jolee Hussey; Paul
Cartwright/Oscar C. Tanner Jr.; Deb Mitchell/Randy Sherard; Missie
Craig/Yvonne Stanford; Bob Willits/Barbara Martin; Kaileen
Thieling/Mary Edmonds; Steven McCartney/Lindsey Keene.
C. ALA Draft Privacy Policy. T. Latour distributed a draft
privacy policy from ALA and asked for comments. ALA is asking that
state library associations endorse the policy. Endorsement would
not constitute adoption; B. Beal reminded the Board that ALA’s
position is that privacy policies are a local matter and that
libraries could still have their own individual policies. P.
Plauché noted that there is a statute on library privacy in
the Mississippi library laws of 1988, and that it might be
complicated for MLA to go beyond that. B. Beal suggested asking MLA
attorney Carol West to review the policy and comment. He noted that
national security can override local policies in some
circumstances. T. Latour will ask C. West to review the
D. Next Board meeting. The May meeting was originally scheduled
for May 10. ALA Legislative Day programs will take place the first
part of that week; the SOLINET annual meeting is the previous
Friday. It was pointed out that some universities will be holding
graduation ceremonies May 10. T. Latour asked for suggestions for
other dates. After some discussion, T. Akbar-Ellison moved that the
next meeting be moved to the May 17. K. Wells seconded. Approval
was unanimous.
E. MLA Committees. T. Latour asked the Board to consider the
makeup and continuing existence of the Continuing Education, Long
Range Planning, Publications, and Publicity Committees. He is
having trouble getting people to serve on these committees or to
serve as chair. The Board will discuss the committees at the next
The Board adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen L. Wells, Secretary
May 17, 2002
Terry Latour, President
Prima Plauché,
Kathleen Wells, Secretary
Randy Sherard, Parliamentarian
Henry Ledet, Past President
Billy Beal, ALA Councilor
Indira Bhowal, Special Library Section Chair
Dee Dee Long, School Library Section Chair
Jeff Slagell, ACRL Chair
David Woodburn, Public Library Section Chair
Theresa Akbar-Ellison, 2YCRT/Black Caucus
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Ann Branton, Editor, Mississippi Libraries
Margarita Stanford, Delta Dental Insurance
President Latour called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
The agenda was presented.
A. Minutes. The minutes of the
March 8 meeting were distributed and reviewed. R. Sherard
moved to approve the minutes; P. Plauché seconded.
Approval was unanimous.
B. Treasurer’s Report.
In the absence of Treasurer K. Coleman, T. Latour presented a
balance sheet current as of 4/30/2002. He noted that the
association has received about $4500 less in dues than was
projected in the budget, and that a significant number of people
who were members a year or two ago have not renewed for this year.
Current statistics show 542 dues-paying members.
The report was unanimously approved on a motion by R. Sherard with
a second by J. Slagell.
C. President’s Report. T. Latour
reported that Mary Perkins has been named chair of the Publicity
Committee. In light of Parliamentarian Jim Parks’
retirement, Latour asked for a volunteer to serve in his place. R.
Sherard agreed to serve as Parliamentarian.
D. Vice-President/President-Elect. P.
Plauché reported that planning for the 2002 conference in
Hattiesburg is on schedule. The Conference Planning Committee
will meet June 3. All preliminary forms have been received
from program planners. A. Branton has finalized arrangement
with the Cabot Lodge. A draft conference schedule has been
created, and meal planning is in progress. Vendor contracts and
convention center brochures were mailed in early April. The
exhibit area will be called Sponsors’ Showcase, and
no-conflict time will be built into the schedule to view the
exhibits. Mini-programs and other events will be presented in
the exhibit area at these times, such as an ice cream social
sponsored by the Membership Committee. Plauché
recommended Convention Display, which MLA has been using for recent
conferences, to set up the exhibits. The Registration
Committee will begin designing the registration area and
registration forms. The Vice-President’s report was
approved on a motion by R. Sherard with a second by T.
Akbar-Ellison. With regard to the 2003 conference, T. Latour
presented a contract with Casino Magic in Bay St. Louis.
Rooms in the original building will be $49 a night, with rooms in
the new hotel available for $69. There will be no charge for
the use of the convention center. Latour signed the contract
and gave it to P. Plauché to return to the hotel.
E. ALA Councilor’s Report. B. Beal
reported on several items.
1. School Library Grants. There is
an opportunity for people who work in school libraries to apply for
grants or be grant reviewers for the FY 2002 Improving Literacy
Through School Libraries Grant Program. Reviewers will be
paid $100.
Government Printing Office. The Office of
Management and Budget is going to stop its exclusive use of GPO and
will use private printers to produce government documents.
Librarians are concerned at this decentralization.
3. Salary Equity/Advocacy Workshop at
ALA. Beal will attend this workshop. After
ALA, he will talk with P. Plauché about setting up an MLA
workshop based on the material presented at ALA.
Mississippi Candidates for ALA Council. Beal
noted that there were two Mississippi candidates for ALA Council in
the recent election, but that neither of them won.
The Councilor’s report was approved on motion by R.
Sherard with a second by I. Bhowal.
F. SELA Councilor’s
Report. T. Latour distributed a handout
from SELA Councilor Glenda Segars, who was absent. The
handout announced the dates of this year’s biennial SELA
conference in Charleston, S.C., Oct. 24-26.
G. Executive Secretary. M.J. Anderson
reminded the Board that postage will go up in June, and that the
bulk mail rate will go up to $150 a year.
H. Mississippi Libraries
Editor. A. Branton reported that the theme of
the summer issue is African American librarianship. She gave
T. Latour a copy of an advertisement for a new editor of
ML that will run in the next issue, and recommended that
the Board create a committee to interview candidates at MLA.
Branton also requested the opportunity to recognize the ML
editorial staff and contributors at the conference awards
luncheon. P. Plauché thanked Branton for her service
as editor. There was some discussion of requirements for the
editor position and of the composition of the review
committee. B. Beal moved that the committee consist of the
current Executive Board officers, the Executive Secretary, the
outgoing editor, and a section chair to be named by the
President. J. Slagell seconded. The motion was
approved. The editor’s report was approved on a motion
by P. Plauché with a second by B. Beal.
A. ACRL. J. Slagell reported on the
election of new officers for the section: the new
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect will be Suzanne Graham, and the Secretary
will be Peggy Price. The ACRL program for the fall
conference will be entitled “Softskills: Creating a
Better Workplace.” The presenter will be Steve Bearden, a
corporate coach in the Jackson area, and the topic will be
listening and communication skills. Focus groups will be
created ahead of time to enable people to participate through phone
conferences if they can’t attend MLA. Temporary 800
numbers will be created for the phone conferences. Material
from the focus groups will be incorporated into the conference
meeting. The ACRL report was approved on a motion by D.
Woodburn with a second by R. Sherard.
B. Public Libraries. Section Chair
D. Woodburn distributed a handout on a proposed MLA conference
program to be co-sponsored by the Public Library Section and the
Trustees Section. A grant from MLC would fund a speaker from
Citigate Communications, a firm of communications consultants that
has worked with other state library associations. There would
be two programs: one on communication, for approximately 100
people, and one for approximately 50 people on improving a
library’s image. Woodburn requested that the Board
authorize a grant agreement with MLC for up to $10,000.
Workbooks would be a part of the program, and MLA would have them
printed. H. Ledet moved to accept Woodburn’s proposal
and to authorize T. Latour to sign the letter of agreement, and the
contract with the program speaker if the grant application is
approved; J. Slagell seconded. B. Beal asked what
would happen if the program were not funded; Woodburn replied that
they have a backup speaker in mind. The motion carried
unanimously. The Public Library Section report was approved
on a motion by Beal with a second by D. Long.
C. School Libraries. Section Chair D.
Long reported on programming for Youth Services Day at the fall MLA
conference, to be sponsored by the Young People’s Services
Round Table, the School Library Section, and MAGNOLIA. The
programs will be presented on Wednesday, Oct. 16, and will include
MAGNOLIA training, an authors’ luncheon, and a youth services
swap shop. T. Latour suggested that the section have a flier
printed and have a booth at LAMP Tour locations in August to
promote the program; P. Plauché added that the Membership
Committee could have representatives there to collect
memberships. Latour reported that the Mississippi Dept. of
Education has set up a committee to update the School Library Media
Program guidelines; several MLA members are on the committee.
B. Beal asked if school librarians are part of the state’s
Minimum Foundation formula; D. Long replied that they are
not. Beal suggested that having school librarians added to
the formula could be a possible legislative goal for the
association; the issue has a direct tie to MLA’s membership
base. A. Branton asked if anyone from the USM School of
Library and Information Science were involved. To the
knowledge of anyone present, SLIS faculty are not involved.
The Public Library report was approved on a motion from B. Beal
with a second by K. Wells.
D. Special Libraries. I. Bhowal reported
that the speaker for the section’s MLA program will be the
director of the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. The topic
will be on how libraries can prepare the public for emergency
situations. Bhowal and V. Champion from MLC have prepared a
flier and sent it to special libraries requesting that they join
MLA. The Special Library report was approved on a motion from
D. Woodburn with a second by B. Beal.
E. Trustees. The Trustees Section report
was covered by the report of the Public Library Section.
A. Black Caucus. T. Akbar-Ellison
reported on conference preparations; they are trying to get a grant
to fund a conference speaker. The caucus is sending out a
nominating ballot and will have new officers to present at the fall
B. 2YCRT. 'font-size:10.0pt;'>T. Akbar-Ellison reported that the round table
will have a breakfast program at the fall conference, with a
program on library security.
C. GODORT. 'font-size:10.0pt;'>T. Latour noted that e-mails have gone out to
announce the spring meeting.
D. TSRT. T. Latour reminded the Board
that the spring TSRT meeting will be May 24 in the Jackson
A. Election. K. Wells gave the
results of the election of MLA officers for 2003: Juanita
Flanders, Vice-President/President-elect; Jennifer Smith,
Treasurer; and Sara Morris, Secretary.
B. Insurance. In the absence of Chair R.
Greene, T. Latour presented Margarita Stanford, a representative of
the Delta Dental Insurance program. Stanford distributed a
brochure and outlined features and costs of the program. If a
single person at a library enrolls, the premiums would be payable
by bank draft; if three people at a site enroll, billing could be
done through the library. Latour pointed out that MLA’s
recent effort to offer liability insurance failed because there
were not enough participants; however, for the Delta Dental plan,
there is no minimum number of participants required. He added
that offering dental benefits could help attract members to the
association. MLA would facilitate enrollment but would
not be involved in collecting premiums. There was some
discussion of association members’ needs for information
about insurance and benefits in general; P. Plauché noted
that the Mississippi Public Employees’ Retirement System will
give a presentation at the MLA conference. Plauché
moved that the Board authorize the Insurance Committee to prepare
an insurance marketing plan and present a program on insurance
options at the fall conference. D. Woodburn seconded.
The motion was approved.
C. Legislative Committee. In the absence
of Chair D. Mitchell, T. Latour reported on MLA’s
participation in National Legislative Day. Ten MLA
representatives went to Washington and met with several Mississippi
legislators. The main topics discussed were LSTA renewal and
copyright issues.
D. Membership Committee. In the
absence of the co-chairs, T. Latour reported that the committee is
working on contacting individuals and encouraging them to renew,
and on activities for the fall conference.
A. MLC Board of Commissioners
Nominations. T. Latour summarized the progress that
had been made in gathering the names of nominees to submit to the
governor for the trustee’s seat being vacated by Russell
Burns. The MLA Board’s charge is to submit no fewer than six
names for consideration, but the number is not limited to six.
P. Plauché noted that according to the handbook,
nominees do not have to be MLA members; H. Ledet recommended that
membership should be a criterion. There was discussion on
which of the nominees were members and on the desirability of
geographic diversity on the MLC Board; B. Beal pointed out that the
southern part of the state is underrepresented on the current
board. D. Woodburn moved that the Board authorize T. Latour
to write a letter to the governor presenting the nominees who are
MLA members, and that the letter should recommend that geographic
diversity be taken into account. B. Beal seconded; the motion
was approved. Latour will make an appointment with the
governor’s appointments secretary to discuss the
nominations. The nominees to be presented are:
Mary Edmond, nominated by Kaileen Theiling, Central Miss.
Library System
Stewart Gilchrist, nominated by Paulette Entrekin, Laurel-Jones
Jolee Hussey, nominated by Catherine Nathan, First Regional
Library System
Joyce Lee, nominated by Prima Plauché, Hancock County
Barbara Martin, nominated by Robert Willits, Jackson-George
Randy Sherard, nominated by Deb Mitchell, Vicksburg-Warren
Yvonne Stanford, nominated by Missie Craig, Clarksdale-Coahoma
B. ALA Better Salaries/Advocacy Training
Workshop. T. Latour reported that he, along with B.
Beal, will attend the workshop in Atlanta. P. Plauché
added that there is a trustee relations workshop on Saturday at the
ALA conference.
C. ALA Draft Policy on Privacy. T. Latour
noted that the ALA policy on privacy and interpretation of the
Library Bill of Rights was revised this spring; B. Beal added that
ALA is inviting comments on the revised policy on its Web site.
D. MLA E-mail List. T. Latour
reported that work on the list is continuing, with many invalid
addresses being removed. P. Plauché added that some
people think that list membership is automatic on joining MLA, and
need to be reminded to sign up. The Publicity Committee is
distributing information on joining the list.
A. CIPA Court Decision. Reminding the
Board that the association had received e-mail inquiries on
MLA’s position in response to the U.S. District Court’s
decision on the Children’s Internet Protection Act, T. Latour
distributed a draft statement that supports choice at the
individual library level on questions of filtering and appropriate
levels of access. B. Beal distributed e-mails summarizing
relevant pending court cases. D. Woodburn moved to adopt the
statement as distributed; Beal seconded. After some
discussion, Beal called the question. The motion passed
unanimously. The text of the statement follows.
“The Mississippi Library
Association is a diverse organization with members from school,
public, academic and special libraries, as well as public library
trustees and friends of libraries. Each member brings to the
organization different experiences and beliefs. Each library
has a different mission and operates under different governing
While we are united in our belief that children should not be
exposed to pornographic materials at libraries, there are
differences of opinion on how to accomplish this intent and still
provide access to appropriate information sought by library
users. We have faith in the judicial system of the United
States and recognize the fact that the decision by the United
States District Court in Philadelphia will not end the challenges
to this law. Most Mississippi libraries and their
governing boards have debated the issues and reviewed their
options. Decisions on what course of action to take in order
to address these problems, while continuing to provide quality
library services, have already been made at the local level.
The Mississippi Library Association supports the efforts of
Mississippi libraries to make the decisions that are most
appropriate for the needs of their local communities.”
B. New Parliamentarian. As noted above,
R. Sherard agreed to replace J. Parks as Parliamentarian.
C. MLA Committees. T. Latour reported on
comments he had received on the role and makeup of the Continuing
Education, Long Range Planning, and Publicity committees.
There were some comments to the effect that duplication of effort
is involved in the functions of the Continuing Education and
Publications committees, since continuing education and publication
functions are carried out by a number of sections, committees and
round tables. Therefore, the president has not appointed
anyone to serve on these committees. The Long Range Planning
Committee’s existence is mandated by the Bylaws. T.
Latour will look at long-range planning information from SELA and
will also investigate how long-range planning is carried out in
other state associations; he invited further comments on the
matter. The Board will look at committee makeup again
at the August meeting.
A. Next Board Meeting. The Board
will meet on Friday, August 9, at the Mississippi Library
B. ALA Program on AIDS Information.
B. Beal announced that the ALA Black Caucus and the Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual, and Transge ndered Round Table will sponsor a program at
the Atlanta conference on disseminating information about HIV/AIDS
to library patrons; speakers will be from the National Institutes
of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Board adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
Kathleen L. Wells, Secretary
August 9, 2002
Terry Latour, President
Prima Plauché, Vice-President/President-elect
Keith Coleman, Treasurer
Kathleen Wells, Secretary
Randy Sherard, Parliamentarian
Henry Ledet, Past President
Glenda Segars, SELA Representative
Indira Bhowal, Special Library Section Chair
Jeff Slagell, ACRL Chair
David Woodburn, Public Library Section Chair
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Ann Branton, Editor, Mississippi Libraries
Francis Delmas, Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Tracy Englert, Membership Committee
Richard Greene, Insurance Committee
Mary Hamilton, NMRT/Conference Exhibits
Freda Hartness, Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Peggy Price, Conservation Committee
Diane Ross, Special Collections Round Table
Jennifer Smith, National Library Week Committee
Sharman Smith, Mississippi Library Commission
Margarita Stanford, Delta Dental Insurance Representative
Bob Wolverton, NMRT
President Latour called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. The
agenda was presented.
A. Minutes. The minutes of the May 17 meeting were distributed
and reviewed. J. Slagell made a correction to the officers’ titles
in the ACRL report. The minutes were amended to show that Suzanne
Graham will be Vice-Chair and Peggy Price, Secretary. R. Sherard
moved to approve the minutes as corrected; P. Plauché
seconded. Approval was unanimous.
B. Treasurer’s Report. K. Coleman distributed the treasurer’s
report. After some discussion of the figures, the report was
approved on a motion by R. Sherard with a second by K. Wells.
Coleman gave the Board his new e-mail address:
kcoleman@northwestms.edu. Coleman asked if MLA can pay some a of a
conference speaker’s expenses in advance; T. Latour noted that
travel advances are a common business practice and are regarded as
part of the cost of doing business. MLA will pay travel advances if
circumstances warrant it.
C. President’s Report. T. Latour noted that Delta State has
changed all its e-mail addresses; his address is now
tlatour@deltastate.edu. He deferred other items in his report to be
covered in the course of the meeting.
D. Vice-President/President-Elect.
1. Conference Update. P. Plauché reported that over 45
functions have been scheduled for the Hattiesburg conference in
October. There will be some early bird benefits available for
attendees who arrive on Tuesday. Those who have pre-registered will
be able to pick up their conference packets that evening.
Plauché reminded the Board that the Cabot Lodge will have
rooms available (at occupancy of up to four people per room) at the
government rate of $55 a night, with complimentary breakfast bar
and evening cocktail reception). Attendees must pay through their
library to get the government rate. Plauché distributed the
first issue of an electronic newsletter from the Publicity
Committee, which will be a way to stay in contact with the
membership and keep them informed on upcoming events. The first
issue includes conference information and forms. Other handouts
included registration information from the Cabot Lodge; a program
budget form, which allows meeting planners to note all possible
expenses; committee preference form; and a draft of the conference
registration form. Plauché described the layout for the
exhibits, which will be called the Sponsors’ Showcase, and
mentioned several vendors who will be sponsoring conference events,
including the President’s Reception, the Internet Café, Jigs
& Reels, poster sessions, and the ice cream social.
Plauché noted that Kay Wall of USM will be coordinating
program-related and other book sales in the exhibits, with 15% of
the proceeds going to MLA.
2. Conference Event Insurance. MLA does not carry liability
insurance, so we will need event insurance for the conference.
Plauché moved to authorize President Latour to sign a
document purchasing event insurance at a cost of $116. The
insurance is available through a rider to the Hattiesburg
Convention Center’s insurance policy. R. Sherard seconded. The
motion carried.
3. Speaker Recognition Items. Plauché is working to
identify appropriate convention themed items for conference
4. Convention Invoicing. The Hattiesburg Convention Center has
agreed to track expenses by the program, not by the room, which
will make it much easier to figure meeting costs.
5. Sponsor Pledge Tracking. Plauché will discuss ways of
tracking pledges and donations with K. Coleman.
6. Tax Receipt/Donor Acknowledgment Procedure. Donations need to
be acknowledged in a timely manner, with the tax deduction status
made clear.
7. ALA Chapter Relations Workshop. At the ALA Midwinter Meeting,
Plauché attended a workshop on how to run state library
associations. The workshop covered financial organization,
advocacy, membership, conference planning, staffing, and developing
new leadership.
E. ALA Councilor’s Report. In B. Beal’s absence, T. Latour
reported on several items.
1. ALA Council Actions. The question of the allied professional
association will be brought up at the Midwinter Meeting..
2. Advocacy/Better Salaries Workshop. T. Latour and B. Beal
attended this workshop at the ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta in
June. They will present a one-hour version on Wednesday morning at
the MLA conference.
3. Plans for MLA Workshops. To prepare for local workshops on
salaries and advocacy, comparison studies are needed on the
salaries of librarians and other service professions.
4. Recess Issues. With Congress in recess, LSTA reauthorization
and copyright update are some issues that MLA members may want to
take up with their legislators. A handout was distributed.
5. ALA Banned Books Week will be September 21-28, 2002. ALA
encourages libraries to participate. A handout was distributed.
6. Volunteers Needed. Ala Vice-President Carla Hayden seeks
members to serve on ALA and ALA Council committees. A handout was
7. Comments on Internet Safety should be submitted to National
Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) by August
27th. A handout was distributed.
8. Election for Councilor. Latour reminded the Board that B.
Beal’s term as Councilor ends after the 2003 Toronto ALA
conference. He noted that the MLA Handbook calls for a four-year
Council term, but that MLA has changed this to a three-year term in
accordance with ALA guidelines.
F. SELA Councilor’s Report. G. Segars distributed a handout of
information on the 2002 SELA biennial conference, which will be
held Oct. 24-26 in Charleston, S.C. There was some discussion of a
possible SELA/MLA joint conference to be held some time in the
future; it was noted that SELA planners select sites a number of
years in advance.
G. Executive Secretary. M.J. Anderson reported that the copier,
which is over 20 years old, is having problems. D. Woodburn moved
to have Anderson do comparison studies on the cost of purchasing or
leasing a new copier, and to authorize T. Latour to approve the
lease or purchase. R. Sherard seconded. The motion carried. Latour
noted that the budget already allows for the possibility of
equipment-related expenses.
H. Mississippi Libraries Editor. A. Branton reported that the
next issue will be the conference issue. Branton asked if there
were any applications for the editor’s job; M.J. Anderson replied
that none had come in yet. The advertisement will be rerun in the
next issue of ML. P. Plauché will send the announcement out
in an e-mail, and Branton will have it mounted on the MLA Web site.
Anderson noted that ML is a much more substantial journal than
those of a number of other state library associations. Branton
added that the Webmasters for the electronic version of ML have
suggested mounting the journal in PDF, which would be an exact
replica of the print format.
A. ACRL. J. Slagell reported that he has sent in an annual
chapter report to national ACRL. He is still investigating the
possibility of pre-program focus groups that would tie in with the
ACRL presentation “Soft Skills: Creating a Better Workplace” at the
October MLA conference.
B. Public Libraries. Section Chair D. Woodburn distributed a
handout on the conference programs to be co-sponsored by the Public
Library Section and the Trustees Section. A $10,000 grant has been
secured from the Mississippi Library Commission to fund the
programs. On Thursday morning, Susan Silk of Citigate
Communications in Chicago will present “Positioning Your Library to
Make a Difference”; that afternoon, Ms. Silk will present “Making a
Difference in Your Library’s Image.” These programs will have
application to all types of libraries. J. Slagell noted that the
ACRL program will complement the PLS programs and will also be of
interest to attendees from all types of libraries. Woodburn added
that the PLS will also have a business meeting at the conference on
Friday morning.
C. School Libraries. In the absence of Section Chair D. Long, T.
Latour reported that MLA and School Library Section information
will be available at LAMP tour stops. Wednesday will be School
Librarian Day at the MLA Conference in October.
D. Special Libraries. I. Bhowal reminded the Board that the
speaker for the section’s MLA program and breakfast meeting will be
Robert Latham, the director of the Mississippi Emergency Management
E. Trustees. The Trustees Section report was covered by the
report of the Public Library Section.
A. Friends. Francis Delmas reported that the Friends’ “Afternoon
with Tea and Authors” program on Wednesday will be followed by a
book signing. The Friends’ business meeting will be held Friday
B. Special Collections. Diane Ross reported on the recently held
digitization workshop at USM. There was a good turnout; attendance
had to be limited. The round table will present a joint program
with the Conservation Committee at the MLA conference.
C. NMRT. Mary Hamilton reported that NMRT is working with the
Membership Committee to come up with an information packet and a
letter of welcome for new members. NMRT and Beta Phi Mu will
sponsor the USM SLIS student paper presentations at the MLA
conference. Bob Wolverton distributed a handout on possible models
for a mentoring program, noting that such a program, which would
match volunteer mentors with new librarians, would enhance
professional development and facilitate MLA involvement by new
hires. The MLA Web page has a form for contact information for
newly hired librarians, and NMRT will send out an information
packet and membership form to new hires; mentoring information
could be included in the packet and on the Web site. NMRT will
determine if there is enough interest in the program to pursue it.
P. Plauché moved that the Board endorse the program; K.
Wells seconded. The motion carried.
A. Archives and History. T. Latour reported for Cris Ferguson
that the committee will investigate placing selected MLA records in
an archival repository.
B. Conference Exhibits. Mary Hamilton distributed a copy of the
Sponsors’ Showcase Web page. The page is vendor-oriented and
includes a list of sponsors, activities, contact information,
information on the convention center, etc. Follow-up letters will
be sent to vendors the committee hasn’t heard from yet. T. Latour
noted that sponsors pay a great deal of MLA’s conference expenses,
and that the Web site is a good way to recognize them.
C. Conservation. Peggy Price reported that the committee, with
SCRT, will sponsor a program on the Civil Rights in Mississippi
Digital Archive; speakers will cover the grant process and
digitization. The committee is also considering a late spring
preservation workshop.
D. Insurance. Chair Rich Greene introduced Delta Dental/AFLAC
representative Margarita Stanford, who distributed a brochure and
reiterated features and costs of the program that she had covered
at the May Board meeting. There are no age limits; the program
coverage is by calendar year; there is a $1200 per person annual
maximum, with a 12-month waiting period for major care. She also
distributed AFLAC information on long-term care, cancer, and
accident coverage plans. AFLAC and Delta Dental will be represented
in the conference exhibits, and there will be a presentation on
insurance on Friday morning. R. Greene outlined the committee’s
marketing plan: a news release on the insurance program will be
sent to The Packet and will appear in ML. Information will also be
sent in direct mail outs to library trustees and Friends groups. P.
Plauché and R. Greene reported favorably on their
experiences with the Delta Dental program in their libraries.
E. Membership. Co-Chair Tracy Englert discussed several
Membership Committee concerns.
1. Student Membership Limitations. Englert proposed that the dues
for student members be reduced to $10.00, and that part-time
students be allowed to join. Several Board members noted that there
would need to be a definition of “part-time,” and that librarians
with full-time employment who are also taking classes part-time
would be expected to pay dues at the employee level, not the
student level.
2. New Membership Form. Englert distributed a draft of a revised
membership form. Changes in dues were suggested for several
categories. M.J. Anderson noted that any change in dues structure
must be brought before the MLA membership. The draft form has
separate lines for the Peggy May and MLA Scholarships, since they
are separately defined in the handbook. Anderson will get more
information for the next meeting on whether the funds are actually
maintained separately. Englert raised the possibility of adding
other credit cards besides Visa and MasterCard to the form.
Anderson noted that any payment method other than cash costs extra,
and that Discover and American Express processing fees are higher
than those of the bank cards (see PayPal discussion below). R.
Sherard moved that the new form be used, minus the dues changes, in
the next issue of ML; Plauché seconded. The motion
3. Membership Expiration Date on Mailing Labels. Englert asked if
the membership expiration date would be added to MLA mailing
labels; Anderson replied that the date would be added to the labels
for the fall issue of ML.
4. Reduce Membership Renewal Window. There was some discussion of
changing the renewal window, and of including two membership years
on a single form. It was decided not to change the membership
5. Membership Recruiting-USM SLIS. Englert reported that she
contacted the library school at USM about recruiting. She noted
that many students are part-time and/or enrolled through the
Internet, which makes participation problematic.
6. Membership Recruiting-LAMP Tour. The Membership Committee will
have a booth at LAMP tour locations and will recruit members.
7. Bookstore Affiliation Programs. Englert reported on possible
affiliation of the MLA Web site
with electronic booksellers such as Amazon; the Kentucky Library
Association site has such an affiliation, which earns approximately
$500 per quarter for the association. Since the MLA site is
maintained by USM, there was some discussion of whether such an
affiliation would be allowed.
8. Support Staff Round Table. Englert raised the possibility of a
paraprofessional round table within MLA, noting that several other
states have such groups. There was general agreement that programs
aimed at paraprofessionals would be desirable, but that the
definition of “paraprofessional” is somewhat ambiguous in a state
where practicing librarians may or may not hold the MLS degree.
Plauché noted that the dues structure by salary breakdown
covers all individuals regardless of their title or degree.
F. Public Library Standards. T. Latour reported that Joe Tynes
has resigned as chair of this committee. Latour is still
investigating possibilities for a new chair.
G. Web Page. In Steven Turner’s absence, T. Latour distributed a
proposal for MLA to use PayPal to accept payment for dues,
conference fees, etc. Since PayPal charges a processing fee, Latour
noted that paying by credit card through PayPal would incur two
fees. M.J. Anderson raised the possibility of charging extra to
cover the cost of such fees. R. Sherard noted that the membership
form would need to have a statement on additional charges dependent
on the method of payment. The PayPal proposal suggested that
membership fees be raised to cover this charge; since alteration of
membership fees requires a vote of the membership, the Board
decided that a separate processing charge would be preferable. D.
Woodburn moved that the PayPal proposal be sent back to the Web
Page Committee with the request that they come up with a processing
fee structure. Sherard seconded. The motion carried.
A. MLC Board of Commissioners Nominations. T. Latour reported
that Governor Musgrove has appointed Jolee Hussey, a First Regional
Library System trustee, to the Mississippi Library Commission Board
of Commissioners.
VI. NEW BUSINESS: No new business was brought forward.
A. New MLC Building. S. Smith reported on the status of the new
Library Commission building. Pilings are being driven in the
foundation hole. Construction is on schedule and projected for
completion in July 2003. Furniture and equipment for the building
have not yet been funded and will be requested in the next
legislative session. Smith noted that MLC will have to pay rent in
the new building to pay off bonds. MLC will also ask the Bureau of
Building and Grounds for the use of leftover money to be paid back
out of bond sales. The first five years of the LSTA program are
being evaluated by an outside consultant; the report will be
submitted to the MLC Board and mounted on the MLC Web site. The
next 5-year LSTA plan has been submitted to Washington. The
governor has asked state agencies to hold back 5% of their
appropriations in case of cuts. MLC has submitted its FY04 budget
B. Next Board Meeting. The Board will meet at 8 a.m. on
Wednesday, October 16, at the Lake Terrace Convention Center,
Hattiesburg, during the annual MLA conference.
The Board adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen L. Wells, Secretary
(2002 Board)
October 16, 2002
Terry Latour, President
Prima Plauché, Vice-President/President-elect
Keith Coleman, Treasurer
Kathleen Wells, Secretary
Henry Ledet, Past President
Billy Beal, ALA Councilor
Glenda Segars, SELA Councilor
Indira Bhowal, Special Library Section Chair
Dee Dee Long, School Library Section Chair
Jeff Slagell, ACRL Chair
David Woodburn, Public Library Section Chair
Theresa Akbar-Ellison, Black Caucus & 2YCRT
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Ann Branton, Editor, Mississippi Libraries
Francis Delmas, Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Tracy Englert, Membership Committee
Juanita Flanders, Vice-President-Elect
Janice Garrett, Membership Committee
Missy Lee, Fiscal Manager
Sharman Smith, Mississippi Library Commission
Yvonne Stanford, Black Caucus
Steven Turner, Web Committee
President Latour called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. The
agenda was presented.
A. Minutes. The minutes of the August 9 meeting were distributed
and reviewed. The minutes were approved on a motion by J. Slagell
with a second by G. Segars.
B. Treasurer’s Report. K. Coleman distributed the treasurer’s
report. He noted that expenses have been lowered in many areas.
After some discussion of the figures, the report was approved on a
motion by K. Wells with a second by D. Woodburn.
C. President’s Report. T. Latour reminded the Board of the annual
membership meeting to be held Thursday, October 17, to address dues
restructuring. A quorum consists of 10% of the membership, which
would require an attendance of 59 persons. Latour encouraged Board
members to promote attendance at the meeting.
D. Vice-President/President-Elect.
1. Conference Update. P. Plauché emphasized the role of
sponsors in supporting the MLA conference and encouraged members to
express their appreciation to the sponsors. She noted that there
were 502 conference attendees registered as of 8 a.m. October 16.
Plauché thanked everyone who had been involved in conference
2. 2003 Committee Preference Form. The new committee preference
form was included in conference packets. Plauché encouraged
members to turn in their committee preference forms at the
conference, and also to fill out the conference evaluation forms.
There will be a prize of a one-day payment for next year’s
conference as an incentive to turn in the evaluation forms.
E. ALA Councilor’s Report. B. Beal reported that the Allied
Professional Association will be the next big item on ALA’s agenda.
The association would be able to be more active in promoting salary
issues and in issuing continuing education certificates; ALA’s
current tax structure does not allow such activities. Beal noted
that a photo ID will be required for librarians entering Canada for
the ALA annual conference in Toronto. There will be more
information in American Libraries. Beal reminded the Board of the
salary/pay equity workshop Oct. 16 at 10:00, and raised the
possibility of a second workshop to be held in conjunction with
National Library Week planning.
F. SELA Councilor’s Report. G. Segars noted that the SELA
biennial conference will be held Oct. 24-26 in Charleston, S.C.
G. Executive Secretary. M. J. Anderson reported that the printer
in the MLA office failed and has been replaced. T. Latour noted
that the equipment budget had already been spent at the time of the
printer purchase, and moved that funds to cover the new printer be
transferred from the presidential travel allocation. B. Beal
seconded. The motion carried.
H. Mississippi Libraries Editor. A. Branton noted that the next
issue, which will be her last as editor, will feature student
papers from the MLA conference. She reported that Kathy Davis and
Donnelle Scott, both of USM-Gulf Coast, have applied to be
co-editors. T. Latour added that an interview for the candidates
was scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 17; the interview will be
conducted by a subcommittee of the Board consisting of T. Latour,
P. Plauché, K. Coleman, K. Wells, M. J. Anderson, A.
Branton, and D. Woodburn. B. Beal moved that the Board authorize
the subcommittee to select the new editor(s); K. Coleman seconded.
The motion carried.
A. ACRL. Section Chair J. Slagell reported that the preliminary
focus groups set up to provide information for the ACRL “Soft
Skills” conference program were a success.
B. Public Libraries. Section Chair D. Woodburn presented a
resolution requesting that the Board authorize him to request grant
funds from the Mississippi Library Commission to fund the Public
Library Section conference programs. K. Wells seconded. The
resolution carried.
C. School Libraries. Section Chair D. Long noted that Oct. 16 was
designated “School Librarian Day” at the conference, with programs
designed to attract school librarians. T. Latour added that he was
encouraged by the number of school librarian attendees. M.J.
Anderson reported that the LAMP tour had yielded ten or twelve MLA
conference registrations.
D. Special Libraries. Section Chair I. Bhowal reminded the Board
that the speaker for the section’s MLA program and breakfast
meeting will be Robert Latham, the director of the Mississippi
Emergency Management Agency. She indicated that the program was on
track, and she is anticipating good attendance.
A. Black Caucus. T. Akbar-Ellison noted that the Black Caucus
will have evaluation forms for its program and asked that attendees
fill them out. She introduced incoming BC chair Y. Stanford. T.
Latour noted that the Board had approved via e-mail the BC’s
application for a mini-grant from the Mississippi Humanities
Council to cover conference program expenses; since the bylaws do
not have a provision for voting by e-mail, Latour moved that the
Board reaffirm the vote. D. Woodburn seconded. The motion carried.
The amount of the grant is $1138, matched with funds from Coahoma
Community College.
B. Friends. Francis Delmas encouraged members to attend the
Friends’ “Afternoon with Tea and Authors” program on Oct. 16.
C. 2YCRT. T. Akbar-Ellison encouraged members to attend the round
table’s program on library security on Oct. 17.
A. Membership. Co-Chair T. Englert summarized the proposed
changes to the dues structure and moved that the Board approve
them. K. Wells seconded.
1. Change student dues to $10 and allow part-time status with a
limitation of 2 years.
2. Add membership types: $50,000 to 59,999, $55.00; $60,000 and
up, $60.
3. Add categories: Retired, $15; Vendor, $40.
4. Create additional section membership: $6.00
5. Creation of a new life membership category (it is presently an
honorarium). Life membership proposed: $1,000 one-time payment or
$1,250 payable over a maximum period of five years.
D. Woodburn asked if the changes would take effect in January. P.
Plauché replied that they would, and added that members
could renew at the conference under the old structure. The motion
carried. The changes will be presented to the membership at the
business meeting Oct. 17.
B. Web Page. S. Turner presented two proposals:
1. PayPal. Turner moved that the Board accept online payment of
registrations and dues using credit card transaction vendor PayPal.
B. Beal seconded. There is no annual fee; instead there is a
2.2-2.7% fee per transactions. P. Plauché noted that she has
heard only positive comments from people who have used PayPal. She
added that using the service would be good for cash flow; some
sponsors have asked if they can pay electronically. B. Beal asked
which cards are accepted by PayPal. Turner replied that all the
standard credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, Discover) are
accepted. Turner noted that PayPal was recently purchased by EBay.
K. Coleman asked about merchant fees; Turner replied that PayPal
pays the fees. Charges would be included in the PayPal fee to cover
merchant fees. The more total transactions, the higher the total
costs. M. J. Anderson suggested that a fee could be added to the
MLA membership and registration forms for credit card transactions;
Turner noted that adding a fee could inhibit participation. Beal
suggested trying PayPal for a year without additional fees and then
revisiting the issue. The motion carried. The Board will revisit
the matter and look at the possibility of additional fees in a
2. Domain name purchase and commercial host for MLA Web site.
Turner requested an allocation of $50.00 for the purchase of a
domain name; he suggested an e-mail vote on the name itself. In
order to have a unique domain name, the MLA site must move to a
commercial server. Turner asked for $250 total to cover the move
(fees vary among service providers). T. Latour asked if the ISP
name would be part of the MLA domain name; Turner replied that it
would not. He added that MLA could also buy e-mail addresses and
sell them to members. T. Latour moved to allocate $250 from the
presidential travel allowance and to authorize the Web Page
Committee to gather more information on the domain name and fees,
and to implement the purchase on Board approval. P. Plauché
seconded. A vote will be held when Turner presents the Board with
information on fees and domain name choices.
A. MLC. S. Smith reported that the FY04 budget request has been
submitted. She does not yet know if there will be midyear cuts. MLC
is not under a hiring freeze, but they have to keep eight positions
open in order to balance the books. The new building construction
is on schedule. Funding for furniture and equipment will be
requested at the next legislative session. P. Plauché
expressed appreciation to MLC and the MLC Board for their support
of the MLA conference.
B. Next Board Meeting. The final meeting of the 2002 Executive
Board will be held Friday, December 6, at 10:00 at the Mississippi
Library Commission; it will be combined with the first meeting of
the incoming 2003 Board.
C. USM SLIS. T. Latour reported that the USM School of Library
and Information Science had been reaccredited on a limited basis,
not due to deficiencies in the program but to budgetary
uncertainty. SLIS is holding several meetings at the MLA conference
requesting feedback on their programs. Director Tom Walker is
leaving for another position; Dr. J. Norton will be the new
director. Latour requested that Board members promote SLIS
involvement in MLA.
D. Conference Update. P. Plauché updated her earlier
conference attendance figures to 520. She added that school
librarians who are not registered for the section’s luncheon
program can come and hear the program at no charge.
The Board adjourned at 9:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen L. Wells, Secretary
December 6, 2002
Board Members Attending:
Prima Plauché, President
Helen J. Flanders, Vice-President/President-elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasure
Sara Morris, Secretary
Terry Latour, Past President
Billy Beal, ALA Councilor
Gretchen W. Cook, ACRL Chair
Others in Attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Ann Branton, Nominating Committee
Sharman Smith, Mississippi Library Commission
Kathleen Wells, Handbook Committee
David Woodburn, Public Library Section
President Plauché called the meeting to order at 11:30.
The agenda was presented. Before presenting any business P.
Plauché asked B. Beal to serve as Parliamentarian for the
2003 Board. B. Beal Accepted. Additionally, the members of the new
board introduced themselves
II. Officers’ and Staff Reports
A. Minutes-No report
B. Treasurer’s Report-No report
III. Old Business
Fiscal Management Committee P. Plauché presented a report
for Patricia Matthes, Chair, Fiscal Management Committee. The
committee recommends that the Mississippi Library Association’s
Executive Board carry over its FY 2002
budget and adopt it for the 2003 budget to allow posting of
end-of- year
adjusted journal entries so that the Committee has accurate
documents to review and analyze prior to meeting on January 30,
2003, to
propose an amended 2003 budget. The 2003 budget will then be
presented at
the board meeting on January 31st. T. Latour seconded the motion
brought forth
by the committee. The motion passed.
P. Plauché made a motion to determine whether to go into
executive session. All visitors left the room.
P. Plauché reopened the meeting to the public and
announced that a motion had been made, seconded and carried to go
into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel
matters relating to job performance. All visitors left the room.
The Board entered into an Executive Session.
P. Plauché reopened the meeting to the public and
announced that a motion had been duly made, seconded and
unanimously carried to end the Executive Session.
P. Plauché then made a motion based on the recommendation
of the Mississippi Library Association’s Fiscal Management
Committee to wit:
“That a salary supplement of $250.00 be given to Executive
Secretary Mary Julia Anderson for additional duties and time
incurred in preparing for and assisting with the Mississippi
Library Association’s annual conference.”
Parliamentarian B. Beale affirmed that a motion can be
introduced through a recommendation by a standing committee of the
J. Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried.
A. Library Legislative Day Activities Report was given at
earlier board meeting.
B. Legislative Committee T. Latour presented the report of the
Legislative Committee for Chair, Jim Anderson. The agenda for the
committee is attached. It was stressed that for the work of the
committees to be a success participation needs to come from all
types of libraries and librarians. B. Beal moved that the Board
accept the agenda as presented. G. Cook seconded. The motion
C. Nominating Committee A. Branton reported that the committee
has a preliminary list of names. A complete slate will be proposed
to the board at the next meeting.
D. Other Old Business
No other old business.
IV. New Business
A. 2003 Conference Planning Report J. Flanders reported that she
is making progress in preparing for conference. She will be
visiting the conference site in next few weeks along with P.
Plauché, and Linda McKay, Chair of Local Arrangments. Carol
Green has agreed to serve as chair for exhibits. A number of
different ideas for programs are being pursued.
B. 2003 Section Reports
No Reports
C. Committee Reports
No Reports
D. 2003 Roundtable Reports
No Reports
E. Other New Business
V. Announcements
The Board adjourned at 12:07.
Respectfully submitted
Sara E. Morris, Secretary