Meeting Minutes 2010
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
December 11, 2009
11:55 a.m.
Jackson, MS
President Ann Branton called the meeting to order at 11:55 a.m.
Marsha Case (Past Secretary) called the roll.
Executive Board members:
PresidentundefinedAnn Branton
Vice-PresidentundefinedJennifer Smith
Immediate Past PresidentundefinedJan Willis
TreasurerundefinedMolly McManus
ParliamentarianundefinedShirlene Stogner
Executive SecretaryundefinedMary Julia Anderson
SecretaryundefinedMarsha Case (substituting)
School Libraries Section ChairundefinedMelissa Moak
Trustee Section ChairundefinedHarriet Kuykendall
Also in attendance was Amanda Clay Powers, Past Treasurer.
Minutes from the previous meeting were not available. There were no reports from the Treasurer or Past-President.
Vice-President’s Report: Jennifer Smith reported that she is beginning to work on plans for the 2010 annual conference in Vicksburg. Her working theme is “Outside the LinesundefinedMississippi Libraries Defining Ourselves.” She plans to have conference committees in place by February. It has been reported that Horizon Casino has been having difficulties and there is no other hotel close to the Convention Center. She will work with the Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Center to get bids for hotels and/or buses. Her intent for the conference is to do something differentundefinedshe’d like to meet Rita Mae Browne and the Unshelved comic people.
President’s Report: Ann Branton stated that one of her focuses this year would be review and revision of the MLA Handbook. MLA has already found discrepancies in the ALA councilor and possibly SELA councilor, terms of office to be out of compliance with these organizations. Kathy Wells will chair the Handbook committee. Ann said that she would like to take road trips around the state to different library events and hopes that she will be invited to special library events. She wants to represent the library association and give it a familiar face. Ann also discussed placing a list of vendors who supported the MLA conference on the MLA website so that members would have easy access to ones they might want to use. Ann wants to promote school librarians and queried if writing to superintendents and principals would encourage greater school librarian participation in MLA and attendance to the fall conference. February 5, 2010 has been reserved for the next MLA Executive Board Meeting and Ann is asking committees to plan to meet on that day to begin the year’s plans. It was announced that Susan Cassagne is chairing the Legislative Committee and Carol Green the Nominating Committee. Alice Shands is the chair of the Public Libraries Section.
The next MLA Executive Board meeting is February 5, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. at MLC.
With no further announcements Jennifer Smith made the motion to adjourn with Jan Willis seconding. The meeting adjourned at 12:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Case
Mississippi Library Association
Mississippi Library Commission, Jackson, MS
February 5, 2010
Board Members Present: Ann Branton, President; Ruth Ann Gibson, Secretary; Edith Leggins, School Section; Molly McManus, Treasurer; Jennifer Smith, Vice-President; Jan Willis, Immediate Past President; Cindy Yu, Special Section; Tisha Zelner, ACRL
Others Attending: Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary; Jenny Bossaller; Marsha Case, Chair, Nominating Committee; Susan Cassagne, Chair, Legislative Committee; Crystal Giles; Melissa Moak, Co-Chair, School Section; Maggie Moran, Chair, 2YCRT; Sharman Smith, Director, Mississippi Library Commission; Kathleen Wells, Chair, Handbook Committee
Call to Order
Branton called the meeting to order at 10:40 a.m.
Roll Call & Approval of Minutes
Gibson reminded everyone to sign the roll. Minutes of the December 11, 2009, final 2009 Executive Board meeting and the December 11, 2009, first 2010 Executive Board Meeting were distributed by e-mail to the board and in print for review.
Action Taken: Motion was made by Willis to accept both sets of minutes as distributed. Motion was seconded by Smith and approved.
Executive Board & Staff
Secretary: Gibson thanked Marsha Case for taking minutes at the December meeting.
Treasurer: McManus presented the proposed budget for 2010, which came as a recommendation from the Fiscal Management Committee. The budget shows an anticipated income of $76,570 and expenses of $83,945.
Action Taken: Motion was made by Smith to accept the recommended budget. Motion was seconded by Willis and approved.
President: In reviewing the 2009 conference evaluations, Branton reported that the School Section’s program rated quite high. All program results are to be posted on the web site. Branton noted that committee assignments for 2010 were almost complete. She was still searching for chair-persons for By-Laws and Conservation and noted that some new committees, such as Diversity & Social Consciousness, may need to be added.
Vice-President: Smith announced that the 2010 conference will be at the Vicksburg Convention Center, October 20-22. The theme will be “Outside the Lines: Mississippi Libraries – Defining Ourselves”. She is currently talking with hotels and caterers. The planning forms will be available on the MLA web site soon. Jeff Slagell is chairing the Site Selection Committee for 2011 and 2012.
Past President: Willis stated that ACRL is requesting a letter of support for Nashville to be selected as the 2017 conference site. Zelner is also working on this. Willis volunteered to draft the letter of support.
Action Taken: Motion was made by Willis to endorse Nashville as the 2017 ACRL conference site. Motion was seconded by Zelner and approved.
Executive Secretary: Anderson reported that paper renewal notices will be sent next week. She requested that the Membership Committee work with her on building membership.
ALA Councilor: Laughlin sent a written report on the American Library Association 2010 Midwinter Conference in Boston. Council actions and documents are available on the ALA website at http://www.ala.org . Branton said Laughlin’s report will be available on the MLA website
SELA Representative: Lee sent a written report stating that SELA’s biennial conference will be held jointly with the Arkansas Library Association 2010 conference. Information can be found at http://www.arlib.org/calendar/index.php?cmd=view&event=108 . Nominations for the SELA Outstanding Author Awards are being accepted through March 31. Branton said Lee’s complete report will be available on the MLA website.
ACRL: Zelner attended the ACRL/ALA meeting and reported that each chapter can apply for re-imbursement of program expenses.
School: Leggins stated that the third annual meeting of the Mississippi Association of Library Teachers had 50 in attendance. She requested that MLA support school librarians during the current state budget crisis. Branton announced that she has drafted a letter to school principals that supports requests from school librarians to attend meetings, workshops, and other professional development events. The letter will be available on the MLA website.
Special: No report.
Roundtables & Committees
Nominations: Case noted that the ALA Councilor serves a three year term rather than a four year term and recommended the revision be made in the Handbook.
Action Taken: Motion was made by Smith to accept the recommendation of the change in the length of the Councilor’s term. Zelner seconded the motion which was passed.
Case presented the following slate of nominees for 2011 MLA officers: ALA Councilor – Ellen Ruffin and Jeff Slagell; Secretary – Jennifer Brannock and Jill Nicholson; and Vice-President/President-Elect – Stephen Cunetto and Joan Tierce.
Action Taken: Smith made the motion to accept the slate as presented. Willis seconded the motion and it was passed.
Legislative: Cassagne reported that the Legislative Committee was meeting February 5 to finalize state activities. March 11 is Advocacy Day. Cassagne emphasized that communication is key to getting the message of libraries’ needs to the legislators. She also expressed a need for the membership to contact our congressmen and senators in Washington regarding Jobs for Main Street. National Library Advocacy Day in Washington is June 29. Gloria Washington has prepared a talking points brochure that will be posted on the MLA website. Sharman Smith pointed out that MLA needs to decide what is important locally with regard to ALA issues and act accordingly. Alerts and talking points should be geared toward the impact on Mississippi and such matters should be funneled through the Legislative Committee.
GODORT: Laura Harper submitted a written report that will appear on the MLA website.
LIRT: Jorge Brown submitted a written report that will appear on the MLA website.
NMRT: Jorge Brown submitted a written report that will appear on the MLA website.
Old Business
IMLS Grant: Dr. Jenny Bossaller reported that the University of Southern Mississippi‘s graduate program received an IMLS grant of $423,000 to recruit ethnic minorities to the library field. There are 10 grant assistantships available with an application deadline of March 15. Recruiting applicants has been done primarily through college career fairs. Branton suggested that something be put on the website.
Fiscal Management Committee: Smith provided justification for the 2010 budget noting that part of the increase in expenses was because of the salary increase for the Executive Secretary ($15.45/hour increased to $16.00/hour). She felt that travel expenses could be picked up locally and that lifetime memberships needed to be promoted. Her report was accepted and will be placed on the website.
New Business
Website: Branton announced that each section could have its own page on the MLA website to make announcements specific to the section’s interest. McManus will create logins for anyone who wants to update a section page.
2YCRT: Moran presented the following names as the new officers: Sherita Howell, Vice-Chair and Nancy McLemore, Secretary/Treasurer.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Ann G. Gibson
Mississippi Library Association
Mississippi Library Commission, Jackson, MS
May 7, 2010
Board Members Attending: Ann Branton, President; Ruth Ann Gibson, Secretary; Harriett Kuykendall, Trustees Section; Sherry Laughlin, ALA Councilor; Molly McManus, Treasurer; Jennifer Smith, Vice-President; Cindy Yu, Special Section; Tisha Zelner, ACRL
Other Attending: Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary; Jorge Brown, LIRT and NMRT, chair; Susan Cassagne, Legislative Committee; Peter Dean, LIRT Vice-Chair and Preservation Committee Chair; Bernice Ray, Parliamentarian
Call to Order
Branton called the meeting to order at 10:33 a.m.
Roll Call & Approval of Minutes
Gibson reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet. Minutes from the February 5, 2010 meeting had been distributed by e-mail to the board and were available in print for review.
Action Taken: On a motion from Laughlin and seconded by Zelner, the minutes were approved with a spelling correction.
Executive Board & Staff
Treasurer: McManus presented the Profit & Loss report for January-April 2010, which showed a total income of $17,477.88 and expenses of $13,155.57. She noted that all 2009 conference expenses have been paid. The Association cleared about $7,000 on the conference. McManus also presented the Balance Sheet as of April 30, 2010.
Action Taken: Motion was made by Kuykendall to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion was seconded by Laughlin and approved.
Vice-President: Smith announced that several conference speakers have been booked including Joe Raiola, senior editor of Mad Magazine. As soon as contracts with the hotels are signed, Smith will add a reservations link to the MLA web site. She is waiting for sections and round tables to submit their room, food, and equipment needs. Marsha Case will chair the Local Arrangements Committee. Letters to exhibitors are to be mailed the second week of May.
Executive Secretary: Anderson reported there are currently 515 MLA members. She reiterated the importance of mailing paper membership forms early in the year.
ALA Councilor: Laughlin said that ALA will be held in Washington, D.C., this summer with National Advocacy Day being held at the end of the conference.
ACRL: Zelner announced that ACRL will hold its first spring meeting in several years on May 19. The featured speaker will be Dean Frances Coleman, library director at Mississippi State University, who will be discussing finances.
School: Branton reported that she wrote a letter for school librarians to give their school principals. The letter, which describes the benefits of school librarians attending workshops and conferences, is available on the MLA web site.
Special: Yu announced that the section’s conference speaker will be Dr. Laura Gassaway, a nationally recognized authority on copyright law and libraries.
Round Tables & Committees
Legislative: Cassagne presented ten Legislative Goals for 2010 as a recommendation from the Committee. A second recommendation was made to revise the wording of the Legislative Committee’s charge in the MLA Handbook (see report).
Action Taken: Both recommendations were seconded by Smith and were passed.
The Committee plans to send pecan pies to Mississippi’s congressional delegation during ALA conference.
Election: Gibson presented Paul McCarver’s report on the 2010 election of new officers. Election results are Stephen Cunetto, Vice-President/President-Elect; Jennifer Brannock, Secretary; and Jeff Slagell, ALA Councilor.
Long Range Planning: Cassagne reported that the 2011 conference will be held in Jackson. Site visits are scheduled.
Preservation: Dean said he wants an archivist for the October conference meeting.
LIRT: Brown reported the round table will offer either a speaker or a technology fair for its conference program.
NMRT: Brown announced that the round table was in final negotiations with Rachel Singer Gordon to speak.
TSRT: Branton reported that this group met the previous Friday with over 60 attending. Workshop topics included RDA, map cataloging, digitization, and metadata in Content dm.
Black Caucus: Branton submitted Jacqueline Quinn’s written report that Dr. Jerry Ward will be the conference speaker.
Old Business
IMLS Grant: Dr. Jenny Bossaller, administrator of the grant to recruit minority librarians, is moving to Missouri. A new project administrator will be named soon.
ACRL Support Letter: The requested letter of support for Nashville to host ACRL conference was mailed.
New Business
Web Page: Branton announced that she had received a proposal for web design and management from a company that would charge $900 plus a monthly fee. She said she had polled the Executive Board via e-mail. The Board’s response was there was no need to change to a company as long as the present Web Site Committee was functioning so effectively.
Information Literacy: Branton reported for David Salinero, chair. After polling the 10 members, Salinero was recommending the dissolution of the committee or merger with LIRT. After some discussion, the Board decided that Branton should contact the membership of both groups for additional input.
Branton announced that Kathleen Wells is requesting that committee chairs send her any wording changes for their committee information in the Handbook.
YPSRT is planning three programs at conference, including two author presentations and a session on effectively promoting the Magnolia Book Award books.
The meeting was adjourned on a motion from Smith, seconded by Yu.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Ann G. Gibson
Mississippi Library Association
Mississippi Library Commission, Jackson, MS
August 6, 2010
Board Members Present: Ann Branton, President; Ruth Ann Gibson, Secretary; Harriett Kuykendall, Trustees Section; Alice M. Shands, Public Library Section; Jennifer Smith, Vice-President; Cindy Yu, Special Section; Tisha Zelner, ACRL
Others Attending: Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary; Jorge Brown, Chair LIRT and NMRT; Marsha Case, Chair, Conference Local Arrangements Committee; Susan Cassagne, Conference Site Selection Committee; Carol Green, Chair, Internal Audit, and Chair, Awards Committee; Deb Mitchell, Conference Local Arrangements; Lynn Shurden, Chair, Authors Awards Committee; Sharman B. Smith, Director, Mississippi Library Commission; Shirlene Stogner, Internal Audit.
Call to Order
Branton called the meeting to order at 10:37 a.m.
Since a quorum was not present at the start of the meeting, no official business transpired.
Roll Call & Approval of Minutes
Gibson reminded everyone to sign the roll.
Executive Board & Staff
Treasurer: McManus sent reports. The Profit & Loss report through July 2010 showed a net income of $1,173.95 and a total income of $23,430.65.
Vice-President: Smith reported she had attended a meeting of the Mississippi Historical Records Advisory Board, which is seeking input from libraries and museums with special collections as it creates its strategic plan for 2011-2015. The Board has several activities planned including creating a “chest” of resource materials and surveying libraries and museums regarding their special collections.
Marsha Case is making room and time assignments for the 2010 MLA Conference. Smith will be distributing the meal information in the next few weeks. She is expecting donations from more vendors.
SELA Representative: Branton read Deborah Lee’s written report stating that SELA’s biennial conference will be held jointly with the Arkansas Library Association 2010 conference. Additional information is available at http://www.arlib.org/2010conference .
ACRL: Zelner reported that 26 people attended the spring ACRL meeting that featured Frances Coleman, MSU Libraries, as the speaker. Julia Blixrud, Association of Research Libraries, will be addressing scholarly communication at the ACRL lunch at MLA conference.
Public: Shands reported that the Public Section will have a joint meeting with the Trustee Section. William Ferris will be discussing his new book. She also asked that the theme for National Library Week be announced at each conference if possible.
School: Branton noted that because of the state’s budget crisis both co-chairs have been reassigned from their libraries to classrooms. School libraries are being left to volunteers or support staff to run their school libraries.
Special: Laura Gassaway will be addressing open access and scholarly publication at the section breakfast at conference.
Trustees: Kuykendall reported that the section will be hosting a pre-conference workshop with the Mississippi Department of Archives. There will also be a joint breakfast with the Public Section.
Roundtables & Committees
Conference Site Selection: Reporting for Jeff Slagell, Cassagne announced that the Jackson Merriott will be the 2011 MLA Conference site. The hotel has recently undergone a major renovation. Branton asked that the committee continue its work to select a 2012 site.
LIRT: Brown noted that the group had decided to host a technology fair for its conference program.
NMRT: Brown announced that the conference program will focus on career building in a down economy.
Authors Awards: Shurden is sending suggestions for changes in the rules and criteria for selection of award winners to the Vice-President/President Elect. She announced this year’s winners: Chris Myers Asch for The Senator and the Sharecropper – Non-fiction; Deborah Johnson for The Air Between Us – Fiction; and Sarah Campbell for Wolf Snail: A Backyard Predator – Children’s.
School Libraries: Branton offered to write a letter to Dr. Tom Burnham, State Superintendent of Education, expressing our concern over the budget situation and its impact on public school libraries and support of public school librarians. After discussion it was decided that a letter of concern should be sent to Dr. Phil Burchfield, President of the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents.
New Business
No new business.
The Internal Audit Committee will meet today after lunch. Kathy Wells is still accepting changes to the Handbook. There are still three openings for graduate students seeking IMLS grant funds.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Ann G. Gibson
Mississippi Library Association
Vicksburg Convention Center
October 20, 2010
Board Members Attending: Ann Branton, President; Ruth Ann Gibson, Secretary; Harriett Kuykendall, Chair Trustees Section; Sherry Laughlin, ALA Councilor; Deborah Lee, SELA Representative; Molly McManus, Treasurer; Melissa Moak, Chair School Library Section; Jennifer Smith, Vice-President; Jan Willis, Past President; Cindy Yu, Special Section; Tisha Zelner, Chair ACRL
Others Attending: Marsha Case, Chair Local Arrangments; Susan Cassagne, Chair Legislative Committee; Stephen Cunetto, Vice-President –Elect; Carol Green, Chair Internal Audit Committee; Pat Matthes; Deb Mitchell; Maggie Moran, 2YCRT; Bernice Ray, Parliamentarian; Joyce Shaw, Chair-Elect ACRL; Lynn Shurden, Authors Awards Committee; Jeff Slagell, ALA Councilor-Elect; Walter Tipton, Natchez Convention Center
Call to Order
Branton called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.
Roll Call
Gibson reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet.
Action Taken: On a motion from Willis and seconded by Smith, the meeting agenda was approved.
The minutes from the May and August meetings were distributed by e-mail to the board and were available in print for review.
Action Taken: On a motion from Kuykendall and seconded by Willis, the May 7, 2010 minutes were approved.
Action Taken: On a motion from Willis and seconded by Lee, the August 6, 2010 minutes were approved.
Executive Board & Staff
Treasurer: McManus presented the Balance Sheet as of October 15, 2010, and the Profit & Loss report for January-October 15, 2010. She noted about a $4,000 increase in membership dues receipts over a year ago and a doubling of scholarship donations for the same period. She caught a $1,000 error on the last page and will have it corrected.
Vice-President: Smith announced that donations for the conference were more than had been expected.
SELA Representative: Lee announced that SELA is struggling with membership issues and is planning to explore a new membership model. She will share any information on this as it becomes available. SELA wants Mississippi to host a conference. Lee hopes to be able to have more information on this for discussion at the December board meeting.
Parliamentarian: No report.
ACRL: Zelner reported that the section conference meeting would be held Thursday.
Public: No report.
School: No report.
Special: Yu said everything was ready for the copyright presentation at conference.
Trustee: No report.
Round Tables & Committees
Internal Audit: Green distributed a written report of the findings and recommendations of her committee for the year 2009. She noted that Ann Richmond, bookkeeper, had added a lot of detail to the fiscal process and commended both Richmond and Mary Julia Anderson for maintaining the Association’s records in good order. The committee reviewed the investment files and found them to be up to date and in order. The committee also performed an equipment inventory of the MLA office. Branton thanked the committee members for their work.
Information Literacy: Ray reported that the committee will be meeting at conference to discuss possible reorganization and missions of LIRT and the Information Literacy Committee.
Authors Awards: Shurden urged that action be taken on her recommendations turned in at the August board meeting. Branton offered that Kathy Wells will be making a report on changes in the Handbook at the December board meeting.
Old Business
MLA Site Selection: Cassagne introduced Walter Tipton, representative of the Natchez Convention Center, who distributed Visitors’ Packets and discussed the advantages of holding the 2012 MLA conference in Natchez. Site selection discussion will take place at the December board meeting.
New Business
Financial Matters: McManus distributed her findings from polling 19 other library associations regarding the number of signatures required for signing checks. She is also investigating the possibility of online checking in order to handle more efficiently the four checks that are issued every month (Richmond, Anderson, phone, and taxes). She has signed up for online checking, but has not used it. She will have more information for discussion at the December board meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Ann G. Gibson