Meeting Minutes 2003
January 31, 2003 | May 16, 2003 | August 8, 2003 | December 12, 2003
Prima Plauché, President
Helen J. Flanders, Vice-President/President-elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Sara Morris, Secretary
Terry Latour, Past President
Otha Keys, School Libraries Chair
Sandy Hayes, Special Libraries Chair
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Ann Branton, Nominating Committee
Kathy Davis, ML Co-editor
Freda Hartness, President, Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Ruby Licona, Information Literacy Committee Chair
Pat Matthes, 2002 Fiscal Management Committee Chair
June Schmidt, Scholarship Committee Chair
Donnelle Scott, ML Co-editor
Sharman Smith, Executive Director, Mississippi Library
Elizabeth Turner, 2003 Fiscal Management Committee
Elizabeth Urbanik, New Members Roundtable
Kathleen Wells, Handbook Committee Chair
President Plauché called the meeting to order at 10:05 and
the agenda was presented.
I. Officers’ and Staff Reports
A. Secretary– Minutes of the previous Board meeting were
distributed and reviewed. T. Latour moved to accept the minutes. J.
Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer-Treasurer Smith submitted the Mississippi Library
Association Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2002. The Balance
Sheet showed $75,4743.44 as liabilities and equity with a net
income for the year of $7,432.12. J. Smith commented that there are
still some expenses and incomes not yet reported for 2002. The
treasurer’s report presented at the next board meeting will include
all transactions for 2002.
C. President-P. Plauché reported that she is making the
transition from conference planning to that of President of the
Association. In 2003 she plans to continue many of the goals
established by T. Latour in 2002 and build on the strengths of the
Association with new goals that include:
D. Vice President-J. Flanders reported that she has begun making
plans for Conference 2003 conference. She along with a number of
others visited Casino Magic and is very impressed with the
facility. She asked for formal approval of the following:
I. Theme-Discover Mississippi @ your library
II. Invitations to be issued
1. First Lady Laura Bush for an event on Tuesday Night
2. 2003-2004 ALA President Carla Hayden to deliver the address at
the first general session on Wednesday afternoon
III. Committee Chairs
1. Local Arrangements-Linda McKay
2. Exhibits-Carol Green
3. Registration-Jane Stauble
4. Hospitality-Pam Ladner
5. Poster Sessions-Diane Ross
J. Smith moved to formally approve the conference planning
requests S. Hayes seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Past President-No Report
F. ALA Councilor-No Report. P. Plauché reminded those in
attendance that B. Beal would be conducting the second part of the
Campaign for America’s Libraries, Pay Equity program at Legislative
Day on February 4.
G. SELA Representative-No Report
H. Executive Secretary-M. Anderson reported that she has been
busy working on registration for Legislative Day and 2003
membership applications. As of Friday, January 31st there were 223
individuals registered for legislative day and 247 MLA members for
I. ML Co-Editors-K. Davis and D. Scott reported that the
deadline for the spring issue of ML has arrived. Please notify them
with the names of potential authors so they might solicit
II. Section Reports
A. ACRL-No Report
B. Public Libraries-No Report
C. School Libraries-O. Keys reported on the section’s plans for
the year. School Librarians are concerned about the change in the
funding formula for libraries and media centers. The new Department
of Education Bulletin for school libraries and media centers
provides for $20.00 per pupil for each school with the school
principal having discretion over the amount allotted to the
library. A membership survey is planned to determine how to best
serve Mississippi’s school librarians. Additionally the section is
examining the possibilities of making it possible for non-MLA
members to nominate school librarians for MLA awards. A possible
topic for the section’s conference program is the National Board
Certified Teachers program as applies to school librarians.
D. Special Libraries-No Report
E. Trustees-No Report
III. Old Business
A. Special Committee Report-2002 Fiscal Management Committee Chair
Pat Matthes reported for both herself and Linda McKay, Chair of the
2003 Fiscal Management Committee. P. Matthes presented the proposed
2003 budget and thanked all members of the 2002 and 2003
committees. Travel money in 2003 would be provided to ALA
Councilor, SELA Councilor, MLA Vice-President, and MLA President.
Section budgets were increased from $500 to $750 in an effort to
better support the sections. The 2003 budget includes a small
contingency fund in the miscellaneous section. At the meetings of
the Fiscal Management Committees there was also discussion about
building a reserve fund that would guarantee the Association has
three months of operating funds in contingency. The 2003 committee
will investigate how this can be done.
B. 2003 Budget-Consideration for Approval-J. Smith moved to
adopt the 2003 budget as presented. J. Flanders seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
C. 2003 Committee Assignments Consideration for Approval-P.
Plauché presented the 2003 Committee Assignments for the
board’s approval. She commented that assignments were based on the
committee preference forms she received. J. Smith moved to accept
the 2003 committee assignments. S. Morris seconded. The motion
passed unanimously.
D. Resolution-P. Plauché presented a resolution in appreciation
for the work of Pat Matthes as Chair of the Fiscal Management
Committee for many years. J. Smith moved to adopt the resolution.
J. Flanders Seconded. The motion passed unanimously. A copy of the
resolution is made part of these minutes as an addendum.
IV. New Business
A. Nominating Committee-Ann Branton submitted the following names
for the 2003 elections
P. Plauché also notified the Board that MLA would have to
recommend an appointee for a commission to the Mississippi Library
Commission. The name of an ALA Accredited Masters Librarian will
need to be submitted to the Governor in May. P. Plauché will
seek advice for a procedure for this process and to make a
recommendation to the board.
B. Legislative Committee Update-Sharman Smith gave an overview
of the legislation affecting libraries. She commented that this
year there was an unusually high amount of activity. Last Thursday
the Commission had been at the capitol talking to legislators and
handing out treats. The legislators were looking forward to the MLA
Legislative Day reception. One bill that is currently in conference
committee affects the MLC budget as well as staff positions. This
bill included an MLC budget cut of 1.5% and 8 MLC positions. There
is also legislation affecting Boards and Commissions and their
representation from all congressional districts. Another bill
affecting libraries deals with Associations reporting how dues paid
by public entities are spent. Also an Omnibus bond bill for capital
improvements is still in committee. This bill will supply the 3
million dollars necessary for the furniture and equipment of the
new MLC building. Smith asked for the library community’s support
for this bill. An update of the current legislation affecting
libraries and librarians will be given at Legislative Day.
C. Legislative Day Activities Update-Legislative Day Activities
Committee Chair J. Smith thanked everyone for their help. Co-Chair
R. Campbell reported that the materials are all assembled. There
will be a special insert informing attendees who serves as their
legislators. The Friends of Mississippi Libraries have provided a
pin in the shape of Mississippi that will be given to each
legislator. J. Smith stated that parking at the hotel was free and
that due to a limited number of spaces at the Eudora Welty,
carpooling was encouraged. Anyone who wants to volunteer on Tuesday
was asked to contact J. Smith or R. Campbell.
D. Friends of Mississippi Libraries-President F. Hartness thanked
MLA for allowing Friends to participate in Legislative Day
Activities. She also wanted MLA members to feel free to contact
Friends if they need volunteers at conference or at any other time
of the year.
P. Plauché thanked the Legislative Day Committee for their hard
work as well as Carolyn McCallum and others at the Jackson-Hinds
Library System, Deb Mitchell at Vicksburg-Warren County Library,
Kaylene Thieling and the Central Mississippi Library System and the
Friends of Mississippi Libraries. Plauché also expressed MLA’s
appreciation to Constance Lawson, Emma Ainsworth, Sharman Smith and
the MLC staff for their assistance with Legislative Day.
E. 2004 Conference
I. Proposals-P. Plauché contacted the Natchez Convention
Center as a potential site for an upcoming MLA conference. There
had been high interest in a previous survey. The convention center
has agreed to serve as a corporate sponsor and wave the fees for
the convention facilities. Three hotels have already made bids for
lodging. The convention center has also offered their shuttle for
services to the Baton Rouge Airport. J. Flanders has also talked to
the Convention Center in Vicksburg. They have a new convention
center there. She had not yet requested a bid, but can do so if the
Site Committee decides that is necessary.
II. Approve Site Committee-K. Wells reported that the handbook
states that the required members for the site committee are:
President, President-elect, Treasure, and Past-President.
III. Set Dates for Site Visit-P. Plauché will contact
committee members and appoint any other necessary members. The
handbook suggests locations be booked for four years in advance. P.
Plauché also noted that a new facility would be opening in
Jackson in 2004.
V. Committee Reports
A. Archives & History-No Report
B. MLA Awards-No Report
C. Conservation-No Report
D. Constitution, By-Laws & Organizational Review-No
E. Continuing Education-No Report
F. Copyright-No Report
G. Election-No Report
H. Handbook-K. Wells reported that she was happy to have new
members. The committee will be asking for reviews of the handbook
by all sections and committees. One suggestion from P.
Plauché was for the creation of an index.
I. Insurance-P. Plauché will ask the committee to
investigate event cancellation insurance.
J. Membership-K. Wells reported for Tracy Englert. Pay-pal has
been used twice since it went live. The membership committee will
have a booth at the Children’s Book Festival at USM in April. The
committee is currently working on the Lifetime Membership drive and
updating the membership form.
K. Intellectual Freedom-John Batson reported for Shelia Cork.
The committee would like to do a program at conference on the
Patriot Act. Dr. Norton, of USM’s library school has already agreed
to serve as moderator. The panel will have two SLIS students, one
public librarian, one academic librarian and one special
L. Information Literacy-Chair Ruby Licona asked about the status
of the committee. Mary Beth Applin the former chair had indicated
to R. Licona that all paper work to have the committee be made a
standing committee had been completed. P. Plauché had
researched this and found that the committee had not been
officially approved as an MLA standing committee. M. Anderson will
check the minutes from past years to make sure that the committee
is in fact still ad hoc. There will be a report on the status of
the committee at the March meeting. R. Licona reported that she is
in the processes of welcoming her members and starting to work on a
program for conference.
M. Credentials-No Report
N. Mississippi Authors Award-P. Plauché reported for
Allison Mays. At the request of Mays, there has been an increase in
the number of committee members. There are plans to better market
the awards and possibly allow the public to attend the dinner. The
committee is also investigating asking authors if they are
interested in being considered before the committee reads and
evaluates the book. T. Latour suggested working through publishers
for nominations. P. Plauché recommended Susan Daigre of
Bookends bookstore as a possible contact.
O. MLA Children’s/Young Adult Awards-No Report
P. Publications-P. Plauché reported for Shelia Peters who
plans to produce a brochure about MLA and also to help with the
handbook revisions.
Q. Publicity-P. Plauché reported for Mary Perkins. The
first electronic newsletter was distributed earlier that week.
Perkins suggests that committees and sections use this service to
promote events. She reminded all members to subscribe to the MLA
listserv so they would receive this and other important MLA
R. Scholarship-June Schmidt reported that last year the
committee raised $2,000 dollars. It was also announced that the
Fiscal Management Committee had increased the scholarship from $600
to $1,000. The Scholarship Committee is still seeking donations and
is always looking for possible fund-raisers. The first committee
meeting will take place on legislative day.
S. Web Page-No Report.
VIII. Round Table Reports
A. Black Caucus-No Report
B. ECTRT-No Report
C. GODORT-No Report
D. LIRT-No Report
E. NMRT-Elizabeth Urbanik asked how she could find out who made
up the membership of the NMRT Roundtable. M. Anderson will run a
report of last years members and give that to E. Urbanik.
F. TSRT-No Report
G. SPRT-No Report
H. 2YCRT-No Report
I. YPSRT-No Report
IX. Other Business and Announcements-None
X. Adjournment
There being no further business by the board, a motion was duly
seconded and unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted
Sara E. Morris, Secretary
Board Members Attending:
Prima Plauché, President
Helen J. Flanders, Vice-President/President-elect
Jennifer A. Smith, Treasurer
Terry Latour, Past President
Billy Beal, ALA Councilor
Glenda Segars, SELA Councilor (Attended by Conference Call)
Sandra Hayes, Special Libraries Section Chair
Others in Attendance:
Kaileen Thieling, Site Selection Committee and Incoming
Linda McKay, 2003 Conference Local Arrangements Chair
President Plauché called the meeting to order at 10:00
a.m. The agenda was presented. In order for the association to have
a quorum and conduct business, Glenda Segars was contacted by
telephone and attended the meeting by conference call. A multiplex
phone was used to contact Mrs. Segars and she was able to hear all
of the parts of the meeting.
I. Billy Beal motioned and Jennifer Smith seconded changing the
order of the agenda so that the MLA Nomination List for the MLC
Board of Commissioners could be discussed first. All voted yes and
the motion passed.
A. The Mississippi Library Association was asked to submit a
list of six names to Governor Musgrove, and one of the persons will
be appointed to fill the vacant Librarian seat on the Board of
Commissioners. All nominees must have an M.L.S. degree and be a
member in good standing of MLA. President Plauché thanked
all of the nominees for volunteering to serve on this Board. The
list of nominees is as follows: Billy C. Beal, Meridian Community
College, current ALA Councilor for MLA; Frances Coleman,
Mississippi State University, incumbent; Foster Flint, Assistant
Dean of Learning Resources as Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College; Thomas Henderson, Millsaps College, Internal Audit
Committee member for MLA; Terry S. Latour, Delta State University,
Past MLA President; and Henry Ledet, Lincoln-Lawrence-Franklin
Library, Former MLA President.
B. Jennifer Smith moved and Sandra Hayes seconded a motion to
certify the list of the six above-mentioned nominees and send it to
Governor Musgrove. The votes were cast as follows: Glenda Segars,
yes; Jennifer Smith, yes; Terry Latour, abstain; Sandra Hayes, yes;
Billy Beal, abstain; Juanita Flanders, yes; Prima Plauché,
yes. Motion passed. The list of nominees and their vitae will be
sent to Governor Musgrove.
II. Officers’ and Staff Reports
A. Minutes- Having received the minutes through e-mail, Prima
Plauché asked members if they recommended any changes to the
minutes. Billy Beal moved and Terry Latour seconded approving the
minutes as they were distributed. Motion passed.
B. Treasurer’s Report- J. Smith reported that the
Association currently has $19,266.04 in funds in the bank. Without
the addition of the LSTA grant for the purchase of National Library
Week materials, the National Library Week income category reflects
an amount of $1,346.00 over the budgeted amount. Jennifer also
reported that the new Membership Form created by the Membership
Committee has encouraged MLA members to join sections. Currently we
show a $317.50 section income from the collection of section dues.
The Association has also collected $15,081.00 in total dues so far
this year. J. Smith also reported that a member of the Tennessee
Library Association contacted her through e-mail, concerning the
Association’s experience with using PayPal and credit cards
for membership payment by members. J. Smith then passed out the
balance sheet, Profit and Loss, and Profit and Loss vs. Actual
Reports for April 2003. T. Latour moved and B. Beal seconded a
motion to accept all three of the above listed financial forms as
distributed. Motion passed.
C. President- P. Plauché reported that the Association
has 570 members as of May 3, 2003. Indira Bhowal, Membership
Committee member will assist with contacting former members who
have not renewed their membership as well as encouraging new
librarians to join. P. Plauché reported that she attended
Legislative Day 2003 in Washington, D.C. with several other MLA
members and they had successful meetings with all of
Mississippi’s legislators and/or legislative staff members.
P. Plauché then discussed the following correspondence:
a. P. Plauché also reported that First Lady Laura Bush
has written a letter to ALA and other libraries detailing the 250
million dollars placed in the budget by President Bush for
libraries as well as 200 million dollars for special programs for
school libraries. She wrote a letter from the Executive Board to
Mrs. Bush, thanking her for her support of the inclusion of this
money in the U.S. budget.
b. P. Plauché then reported that Steve Turner has placed
some information about the U. S. Patriot Act and the Freedom to
Read statement on the MLA web site. With the consent of the
Executive Board through an e-mail vote, P. Plauché wrote a
letter to the American Library Association from the Mississippi
Library Association that stated the Association’s endorsement
of ALA’s Patriot Act resolution.
c. P. Plauché also received a letter from Rep. Sanders from
Vermont, the author of the “Freedom to Read Act,” H.R.
1157. With the consent of the Executive Board through an e-mail
vote, Prima mailed Rep. Sanders a letter, from MLA, endorsing his
d. MLA has not received a check for $250.00 from SIRS for a
donation for last year’s conference. P. Plauché has
sent SIRS a bill for the amount, and the company is currently
researching the payment.
P. Plauché then stated that she has received a copy of
the Alabama Library Association’s Standards for Libraries and
she has passed them on to David Woodburn. Vice-President Flanders
is considering appointing new committee members prior to the MLA
conference so that committees such as the Legislative Committee and
Legislative Day Activities Committee will be in place earlier. P.
Plauché then reported that the “Connecting With the
Best” mentoring program is in its early stages. Steve Turner
will be placing information about the program on the MLA website in
the next few months, as well as a Continuing Education page. P.
Plauché then reported that the next issue of “Get
Connected” will be published in the next few weeks. She
encouraged the MLA members present to keep publicizing to MLA
members their need to join the MLA listserv list so that they will
be able to receive Association e-mail. P. Plauché then
reported that several bills for the National Library Week and
Legislative Day Activities materials were accidentally sent to the
Mississippi Library Commission and have been returned. P.
Plauché is currently working on the reimbursement request
for this grant and will send it to J. Smith to proof, and then will
submit it to MLC for payment.
D. Vice President- J. Flanders reported that planning for the
2003 conference is going smoothly. A preliminary conference program
is on the MLA web page, and the SIRSI Corporation has committed to
a donation of $3,500.00 for the President’s Reception.
Juanita reported that she is currently working with Senator
Cochran’s office on getting Mrs. Laura Bush to appear as the
opening speaker for the conference. Senator Cochran has recently
donated his personal library collection to Hinds Community College
and he has contacted Mrs. Bush on Juanita and MLA’s
E. ALA Councilor- B. Beal reported that the ALA/CLA Annual
Conference is scheduled for Toronto, Canada in June. He urged all
librarians attending the conference to use caution with regards to
the SARS cases reported in Toronto.
F. SELA Councilor- P. Plauché reported that Glenda Segars
received an e-mail memo concerning the availability of recent
issues of “The Southeastern Librarian” online. The last
two issues may be accessed at the SELA website at
http://sela.lib.ucf.edu/SoutheasternLibrarian/ current.html.
G. Executive Secretary- No Report
H. ML Co-Editors- P. Plauché reported that the ML editors
are hard at work on their second issue, which has a submission
deadline of May 1, 2003.
IV. Section Reports
A. ACRL- No report
B. Public Libraries- P. Plauché reported that Linda
Tufaro, Chair, is working on a program for the conference as well
as certification issues for public libraries.
C. School Libraries- No report
D. Special Libraries- No report
E. Trustees- No report
V. Old Business
A. 2004 Site Selection Committee Report- Linda McKay reported
that the members of the Site Selection Committee visited the
Vicksburg and Natchez Convention centers and hotels yesterday. The
committee met at 9:00 a.m. at the Vicksburg Convention Center and
at 2:00 p.m. at the Natchez Convention Center. The personnel at
both tourist bureaus and convention facilities are friendly and
offer many activities for attendees. The committee visited the
Hampton Inn in Vicksburgundefinedthe hotel is a nice facility and can
guarantee 100 rooms for 2004 but will be under construction during
part of 2005 and could not guarantee the same rate for 2005. The
Natchez Convention Center is 1 ½ years old and was built by
the same architects who built the Vicksburg Convention Center. For
further information, please see the Site Selection Committee Report
attached to these minutes. Committee members proposed that Natchez
is the site of the 2004 MLA Conference and Vicksburg is the site of
the 2005 MLA Conference. B. Beal moved and T. Latour seconded a
motion to accept the 2004 Site Selection Committee Report
contingent upon MLA receiving an acceptable contract from the
Natchez Convention Center and the host hotel. Motion passed.
VI. New Business
A. Special Committee Reports
1. Election Committee Report- P. Plauché read a report
from Kaylene Behm, Chair, that stated the committee met on May 2,
2003 in the MLA office to count the ballots. According to the
number of votes, the following persons were elected to MLA offices:
Kaileen Thieling, Vice President/President-Elect; Allison Mays,
Secretary; Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor; and Mary Beth Applin,
SELA Councilor. The Election Committee made a motion to certify the
above election results and B. Beal seconded the motion. Motion
2. Scholarship Committee Report- P. Plauché read a letter
submitted by June Breland Schmidt, Chair, which stated that
scholarship committee has selected Andrea Keiser as the recipient
for this year’s Scholarship Award. Ms. Keiser will be using
the award to fund her Summer 2003 tuition. As a standing committee,
the Scholarship Committee made a motion to certify the MLA 2003
Scholarship funds of $1,000.00 to Andrea Keiser and J. Smith
seconded the motion. Motion passed.
3. Internal Audit Committee Report- Linda McKay reported for Tom
Henderson, Chair. L. McKay stated that she is very impressed with
the audit process as it is very efficient. Please see the Internal
Audit Committee Report attached to these minutes for additional
information. As a standing committee, the Internal Audit Committee
made a motion to accept the Internal Audit Committee Report, with
the change of the year 2003 from the year 2002, and J. Smith
seconded the motion. Motion passed. Then, there was discussion
about getting a Debit/Credit card for MLA that the Executive
Secretary could use to purchase supplies. J. Smith volunteered to
research this possibility by contacting AmSouth bank today after
the meeting, and sending the information to Linda McKay.
4. Legislative Committee Report- P. Plauché reported that
the Legislative Committee members who attended Legislative Day 2003
in Washington, D.C. were able to visit all of the legislative
offices. A focus of the trip was getting House Bill 888 (LSTA and
IML funding bill) passed. During the delegate’s second day in
Washington, the Senate overwhelmingly passed the bill and it is now
in the hands of the appropriations committees. P. Plauché
stated that ALA had done a great job with the briefings this year,
and that she and Robert Lipscomb had attended an excellent briefing
for “first-time delegates.” She also reported that the
Mississippi Library Commission created a wonderful packet of
information for the delegation.
B. Technical Services Roundtable funding request for MLA to
CONSER SCCTP Pre-Conference-
P. Plauché stated that the Roundtable is currently pursing
a grant to fund the presenter for this pre- conference event at the
2003 MLA Conference.
VII. 2003 Committee Reports
A. Archives & History- No report
B. MLA Awards- No report
C. Conservation- No report
D. Constitution, By-Laws & Organizational Review- No
E. Continuing Education- No report
F. Copyright- No report
G. Election- Report discussed in New Business
H. Fiscal Management- No report
I. Handbook- No report
J. Insurance- No report
K. Information Literacy- No report
L. Credentials- No report
M. Miss. Author Awards- No report
N. MLA Children’s/Young Adult Awards- No report
O. Publications- No report
P. Publicity- No report
Q. Scholarship- Report discussed in New Business
R. Web Page- No report
VIII. 2003 Roundtables Reports
A. Black Caucus- B. Beal reported that the roundtables speaker
for the 2003 Conference will be Dr. Julius E. Thompson, Director of
Black Studies Program and the University of Missouri in
B. ECRT- No report
C. Friends of MS Libraries- A literary landmark ceremony and
reception is scheduled in honor of the late Dr. Stephen Ambrose on
Tuesday night, October 21, in conjunction with the conference. The
reception will be hosted by the Library Foundation of Hancock
County. On Friday, the Friends Annual Program will be
“Discover the Magic of Reading Programs and Book Clubs @ Your
Library.” The Friends will also hold its second afternoon tea
with authors, featuring Mississippi authors.
IX. Other Business/ Announcements
The next meeting is set for Friday, August 8, 2003 in the
Mississippi Library Commission Board Room.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business by the board, T. Latour moved and
J. Flanders seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion passed, and the
board adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jennifer Smith
MLA Executive Board Minutes
Board Members Attending:
Prima Plauché, President
Helen J. Flanders, Vice-President/President-elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Sara Morris, Secretary
Glenda Segars, SELA Councilor
Linda Tufaro, Public libraries
Otha Keys, School Library Section
Terry Latour, Past President
Others in Attendance
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Kathryn Davis, Mississippi Libraries
Elizabeth Urbanik, NMRT
Freda Hartness, State Friends
Donnelle Scott, Mississippi Libraries
Sharman Smith, MLC
President Plauché called the meeting to order at 10:00 and
the agenda was presented. The chair declared a quorum present.
I. Officers’ and Staff Reports
A. Secretary– Minutes of the previous Board meeting were
distributed and reviewed. S. Morris thanked J. Smith for taking the
minutes at the previous meeting in her absence. G. Segars moved to
accept the minutes. J. Smith seconded. The motion passed
B. Treasurer-Treasurer Smith submitted the Mississippi Library
Association Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2003. The Balance Sheet
showed $79,546.87 as liabilities and equity with a net income for
the year of $8,791.01. J. Smith commented that MLA has 600 members.
At ALA in Toronto she attended Chapter Orientation. There she
learned that MLA was the only chapter represented with an increase
in membership. The treasurers report was unanimously approved.
C. President-P. Plauché reported that she mailed an
interim report to all MLA members in June outlining what had been
achieved so far this year. She also reported that the list of
nominations for the MLC board had been sent to the Governors
Office. The National Library Week Grant report had been completed
and turned into MLC. She thanked J. Smith and S. Smith for all of
their help with the grant. Attorney, Mary Sinders had reviewed the
constitution and by-laws for the Constitution, By-Laws &
Organizational Review Committee. She found that the by-laws need to
be updated to reflect the change in the dues structure and also
change the address with the Secretary of State’s office. K. Wells
is working on revising the handbook. A press conference is being
planned to announce the Authors Award Winners for September. The
2004 Committee Preference form is available in the most recent ML
and was also sent via the list serve. These are due by October
D. Vice President-J. Flanders reported that conference planning
was progressing. There is some concern about the financial aspect
of the conference. Not as many vendors have signed up for exhibits
as in the past. To make the established budget, fifty exhibitors
are required. There are currently only twenty-eight with contracts.
Also the budget requires $10,000 in partnerships with vendors.
Flanders asked that people contact vendors who have not agreed to
exhibit or commit to a sponsorship. MLA received a $10,000 grant
for speakers from MLC. This is very helpful. J. Flanders passed out
a draft of the conference program mailer. T. Latour raised a
concern about a lack of programming on Friday morning. Few if any
of the discussion groups had planned programs.
E. Past President-No Report
F. ALA Councilor-No Report
G. SELA Representative-G. Seagers reported that the SELA
conference would be held in conjunction with the North Carolina
Library Association. The Conference will be in Charlotte from
November 9-14, 2004.
H. Executive Secretary-No Report
I. ML Co-Editors-K. Davis and D. Scott reported that everything
is working well. They have had excellent responses for their
requests for articles. Due to many resignations a number of
additions have been made to the editorial board. The deadline for
the next issue is fast approaching. This will include detailed
information about the October conference.
II. Section Reports
A. ACRL-No Report
B. Public Libraries-L. Tufaro reported that Marshall Ramsey, The
Clarion Ledger’s Cartoonist, would be the PL section’s speaker at
their lunch.
C. School Libraries-O. Keys reported that the section had an
excellent line-up of speakers and programs for the conference.
D. Special Libraries-No Report
E. Trustees-No Report
III. Old Business
A. MLC REPORT-S. Smith reported that the governor appointed Pamela
Pridgen, Director of The Library of Hattiesburg Petal & Forrest
County. She thanked the MLA Executive Board for their hard work on
this issue. The report for the 2003 LSTA Grants for the MLA
Conference Speakers Series was submitted to the Board and approved
in the amount of $10,000. That morning she and other MLC staff
toured the construction of the new building. The second floor slab
had been poured. Currently MLC is still slated to move in during
the spring of 2004. The US senate passed funds for LSTA with a
large amount of funds for State Library Agencies. The formula used
for determining funding has changed and it is unknown currently if
Mississippi’s funds will increase or not. The Commission recently
completed a needs assessment for Mississippi Public Libraries in
preparation for new bond funding requests from the Legislature.
B. 2004 Conference Site Contract-P. Plauché presented the
contract from the Natchez Convention Center. She commented that the
current contract did not state the rental fee would be waved. T.
Latour asked about the required $15,000 in food. M. Anderson
reported that last year MLA spent $18,000 on food and that it
should not be a problem to reach the established requirement. He
also commented on the requirements for security and insurance. P.
Plauché reported that Richard Green and Linda McKay are
looking into insurance for this convention. The contract had been
changed to reflect that MLA had to rent 200 hotel rooms and not
300. Also, MLA will not have to make a deposit. P. Plauché
will write all of these requirements in a letter and send it with
the contract. T. Latour moved to approve the contract and authorize
P. Plauché to sign the agreement. J. Flanders seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
C. 2005 Conference Site Report-The site committee visited
Vicksburg on Wednesday, August 6, 2004. The location will be large
enough and there are enough hotel rooms. A contract will be
prepared and presented to the Board at a future meeting.
D. Fiscal Management Recommendation-J. Smith submitted a report
on the possibility of MLA acquiring a credit or debit card for
small purchases. In the past M. Anderson has had to purchase items
with her own money and await reimbursement. The use of a card would
eliminate this. The Fiscal Management Committee presented a motion
to authorize MLA to request a debit card with a $500 a day limit.
L. Tufaro seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Other Old Business–none
IV. New Business
A. MLA Website Pay Pal-T. Latour reported in the first five
months of use 34 people used Pay Pal. The electronic system
collected $1,256 in funds. The system has been easy to use with
minimal problems. It was only down for a short period of time.
While it is difficult to obtain some information, it is hopeful
that a brief training session should resolve this issue.
B. Information Literacy Committee-P. Plauché presented a
report for Ruby Licona, Chair of the Information Literacy
Committee. Through an oversight, there is nothing in the Handbook
covering the Information Literacy Committee. Plauché
presented R. Licona’s recommendation for the handbook. T. Latour
moved that the entry be accepted for addition to the handbook. O.
Keys seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Constitution, By-Laws & Organization Review Committee-P.
Plauché reported for M. Greene. As she reported earlier,
Mary Sanders had reviewed the by-laws and suggested two changes.
The committee presented the board with a Organizational Systems
Checklist for Nonprofit Organizations. The checklists are to be
completed by the board and returned to P. Plauché by the
22nd of August.
D. Regional Salary Guide Recommendation-P. Plauché
proposed the formation of an ad hoc committee to investigate a base
salary for Mississippi public librarians. After much discussion it
was decided that at this time such a committee would not be in the
best interest of MLA or Mississippi’s libraries. T. Latour did
mention that he was working on a salary survey and perhaps in the
future it could be published in ML.
E. MLA Annual Membership Meeting-G. Segars moved to have the MLA
membership meeting on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 1:30 as
required by the Association’s charter. O. Keys seconded. The motion
passed unanimously.
F. ML Ads for Conference-P. Plauché suggested that it
might be possible to generate additional revenue by selling ML
advertisements to local business for the conference. Because the
sale of too many ads might require the printing of four additional
sheets which would increase the cost of printing ML. T. Latour
suggested that the ads be sold for the conference program or
possibly a flyer inserted in the program. Mary Perkins will
investigate if there is any interest of local business owners for
such ads.
G. MLA Awards Committee-L. Tufaro moved that the resignation of
Stella Wheat as chair of the MLA Awards Committee be accepted and
that she be replaced by co-chair, Cathy Kanady. J. Smith seconded.
The motion passed unanimously. P. Plauché also announced
that the committee would share a few moments of their program for
the Executive Board to present any awards or resolutions.
Additionally the committee is in the process of reviewing their
handbook entry and identifying any revisions. T. Latour asked for
awards for the Past Presidents award through September 28.
V. Committee Reports
A. Archives & History-No Report
B. MLA Awards-No Report
C. Conservation-No Report
D. Constitution, By-Laws & Organizational Review-
E. Continuing Education-P. Plauché announced that the
committee would have a web page by the end of the year.
F. Copyright-No Report
G. Election-No Report
H. Handbook-No Report
I. Insurance- No Report
J. Membership- No Report
K. Intellectual Freedom- No Report
L. Information Literacy- No Report
M. Credentials-No Report
N. Mississippi Authors Award- No Report
O. MLA Children’s/Young Adult Awards-No Report
P. Publications- No Report
Q. Publicity- No Report
R. Scholarship- No Report
S. Web Page-No Report.
VIII. Round Table Reports
A. Black Caucus-No Report
B. ECTRT-No Report
C. GODORT-No Report
D. LIRT-No Report
E. NMRT-E. Urbanik reported that Carol Greene had received one
paper for the conference program. Also, Gale gave $125 to support
the student paper contest. This funding may not be available in the
F. TSRT-No Report
G. SPRT-No Report
H. 2YCRT-No Report
I. YPSRT-No Report
IX. Other Business and Announcements
A. T. Latour reminded the board about the ad campaign and public
service announcements provided by ALA. The information about these
is available on the ALA website.
B. P. Plauché announced that the LAMP tour would be August
25 to 29 in Jackson, Tupelo, Hattiesburg, and Grenada. MLC was
taking some MLA brochures and other information as part of their
C. The next MLA Board meeting will be on October 23, 2003, 8 a.m.
at the Bay Towers Hotel Boardroom, Bay St. Louis, MS.
X. Adjournment
Their being no further business by the board, a motion was duly
made, seconded and unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board
adjourned at 12:43.
Respectfully Submitted
Sara E. Morris, Secretary
MLA Executive Board Minutes
Board Members Attending:
Prima Plauché, President
Helen J. Flanders, Vice-President/President-elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Sara Morris, Secretary
Billy Beal, ALA Councilor
Glenda Segars, SELA Councilor
Terry Latour, Past President
Sandy Hayes, Special Libraries Chair
Gretchen Cook, ACRL Chair
Randy Sherard, Trustee Chair
Others in Attendance
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Linda McKay, Financial Management Committee
Freda Hartness, State Friends
Allison Mays, MS Authors Award
Jane Webster, Special Libraries Section
Molly Signs, Web Committee
Peggy Price, ACRL Section
Susan Cassagne
Bettie Cox, School Library Section
President Plauché called the meeting to order at 10:07
a.m. A quorum was declared and the agenda presented. President
Plauché asked for a motion to amend the agenda to include
under New Business section D, Accept LSTA Grant for National
Library Week; Authorize Vice-President Flanders to sign grant
agreement. T. Latour moved to accept the change to the agenda. J.
Smith seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
I. Officers’ and Staff Reports
A. Secretary– Minutes of the previous Board meeting were
distributed and reviewed. J. Smith moved to accept the minutes. G.
Segars seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer-Treasurer Smith submitted the Mississippi Library
Association Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2003. The sheet showed
$110,571.66 as liabilities and equity with a net income for the
year of $37,685.68. This sheet does not reflect reimbursement for
the speakers’ grant-MLA should get $6,403.81 before the end of the
year. These totals do not reflect all expenses for the conference.
There will be some profit from the conference. J. Smith commented
that Committee Chairs are updating their accounts as they work on
their annual reports. J. Smith also reported that MLA has 649
members. S. Morris moved to accept the treasurer’s report. J.
Flanders seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
C. President-P. Plauché reported that her activities are
reflected in other areas of the agenda. She has been working with
J. Flanders to make the transition in leadership.
D. Vice President-J. Flanders reported that there were 600
individuals in attendance at this year’s MLA conference. 98 of
these 600 were first time attendees. She thanked the Mississippi
Library Commission for the speakers’ grant that made it possible to
get some excellent speakers. P. Plauché also thanked
everyone for their hard work on making the conference a
E. Past President-No Report
F. ALA Councilor-No Report
G. SELA Representative-G. Segars reminded everyone that the 2004
SELA conference is a joint conference with the North Carolina
Library Association meeting in Charlotte. The meeting will be from
November 9th through 13th. She also announced that SELA would be
hosting, “Assessment in Libraries: Practical Approaches for
Creating a Continuous Assessment Environment”, a pre-conference at
ALA. More information about the program can be found on the SELA
H. Executive Secretary-No Report
I. ML Co-Editors-P. Plauché reported that the editors are
in the final stages of preparing the winter issue. It will be
mailed during the first week of January.
II. Section Reports
A. ACRL-G. Cook announced that the new President of ACRL is Peggy
Price. The new Vice Chair/ Chair Elect is Jana Hudson Breeden. The
new Secretary/Treasure is Stephen Turner.
B. Public Libraries-No Report. P. Plauché reported that
Deborah Lundy is the new chair of the Public Libraries Section.
C. School Libraries-No Report
D. Special Libraries- Sandy Hayes reported that the section had
a small business meeting at conference. Anne Lipscomb Webster is
the new Chair. Clara Joorfetz is Vice Chair. Secretary is Ann
E. Trustees-No Report
III. Old Business
A. Action Item: Resignation of Kaileen Thieling, 2004
Vice-President/President Elect-P. Plauché announced to the
board that Kaileen Theiling had submitted her resignation as the
2004 Vice-President/President Elect. P. Plauché read the
following to the Board:
It is with great regret that I tender my resignation as Vice
President/President-Elect of the Mississippi Library Association
for 2004. When I agreed to run for office in January of 2003 and
when I was elected in April 2003, my life was vastly different.
In October 2003, my eighty-four year old mother fell. She cracked
a rib and fractured a vertebra. We have spent hours visiting
doctors and having tests done. She is currently in physical therapy
three days a week. However, we are not optimistic that this is
going to help. As the only child and caregiver, her care and
treatment must be my top priority.
After much deliberation and prayer, I know that at this point, I
cannot give the Mississippi Library Association the time and energy
that is required to provide a convention that is second to none. I
apologize to all those who placed their faith in me by according me
this honor. I would strongly recommend that Susan Cassagne be
appointed to replace me. Susan has already done a great deal of
work as local arrangements chairperson. The CMRLS staff and I will
do all that we can to assist her.
Kaileen R. Thieling
Central MS Regional Library System
J. Smith moved to accept Kaileen Theiling’s resignation as 2004
Mississippi Library Association Vice-President/President elect. B.
Beal seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Action Item: Appointment of Susan Cassagne as 2004
Vice-president/President Elect-P. Plauché deferred to B.
Beal, MLA Parliamentarian concerning the replacement of an open
officer position. B. Beal reported that according to Article 1,
Section B, of the MLA By-laws that for any unfilled office, except
for President, the Executive Board can appoint an individual to
fill the vacancy. G. Segars moved to appoint Susan Cassagne
Vice-President/President-Elect by the provisions made in Article 1,
Section B of the Mississippi Library Association By-laws. S. Hayes
seconded. The motion passed unanimously. S. Cassagne who was
present accepted her new position.
C. Action Item: EBSCO proposal for rights and permissions for ML
to be included in EBSCO databases-P. Plauché asked Randy
Sherard for his comments concerning the document from EBSCO. R.
Sherard commented that paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 state that MLA
indemnifies EBSCO Publishing, however MLA does not have those
resources. R. Sherard suggests that we ask for the removal of these
paragraphs. Paragraph 6.1 on page four has a line missing. This
needs to be corrected. On the final page the document needs to read
the “laws of Mississippi” not those of “Massachusetts.” R. Sherard
recommended that ML obtain a waver or release from all authors to
grant permissions dealing with copyright and database inclusion. T.
Latour commented that at one point ML did have a form and should
reinstate this policy. P. Plauché thanked R. Sherard for his
comments. The issue of royalty was raised by a number of different
individuals. T. Latour questioned what “royalties will be equal to
twenty percent (20%) of the net revenue collection for inclusion of
Content from the Publications on Products sold.” R. Sherard
suggested that EBSCO include in the final contract an appendix with
an example of how this would work. J. Smith commented that in 2003
MLA had received $384 in subscription fees. B. Beal made a motion
to adopt a resolution requesting the 2004 board to seek
clarification in both language and contractual issues in the
license agreement and than consider its adoption. R. Sherard
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Action Item: Amend Natchez Convention Site Contract-P.
Plauché recommended that the Natchez Convention Site
contract be modified from a block of 200 rooms to 300 rooms. In the
past few years the MLA conference has required more rooms than 200.
T. Latour asked which hotels MLA is using. The main hotel will be
the Isle of Capri with The Comfort Inn and the Ramada taking in the
overflow. Discussion ensued concerning the ability to cancel rooms
if they are not booked. T. Latour moved to amend the Natchez
contract from 200 to 300 rooms if the contract can also be modified
to contain language that allows for the cancellation of rooms
without obligation by a specified date. J. Smith seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
J. Smith moved to approve the following as the official 2004
conference hotels: Isle of Capri, Comfort Inn, and Ramada Inn. R.
Sherard seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
IV. New Business
A. Action Item: Approve submitting request for quotations for 2004
conference even insurance-P. Plauché announced that the
Natchez Convention Center does not provide an event insurance
rider. The Insurance Committee investigated obtaining event
insurance and identified the following companies as possible
insurers: RVNuccio & Associates, Sporting Insurance, and
Galescreek Insurance. Estimated cost is approximately $300 and the
Fiscal Management Committee is aware of this cost. R. Sherard
suggested that MLA obtain quotes from all three. This way we will
be able to compare costs and build a relationship with a company in
case we need this type of coverage in the future. T. Latour moved
to request a quotation from all three companies for the liability
insurance for the 2004 conference. S. Hayes seconded. The motion
passed unanimously.
B. Action Item: Authorize J. Flanders to sign contracts with the
Vicksburg Convention Center and select hotels-P. Plauché
stated that the MLA handbook Chapter 1, Vice
President/President-Elect Conference Duties II. F2, grants
permission for contracts to be signed by the incoming president. In
reviewing the Vicksburg contract R. Sherard recommended that we
modify the paragraph concerning insurance. Also the statements
about security need to be examined. MLA does not need to be tied
into having a certain number of security officers per person. He
feels it is possible to talk to the convention sales
representatives and get this modified. B. Beal suggested that these
issues be taken care of by the 2004 Board. R. Sherard moved to
authorize signing of the contract contingent on further review by
legal council and with better contract language. G. Segars
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
C. 2003 Fiscal Management Committee Annual Report-L. McKay,
Chair, Fiscal Management Committee reported that the Fiscal
Management Committee met on December 11, 2003 at the Eudora Welty
library. Twelve MLA members were present. Missy Lee, MLA
bookkeeper, presented a financial report through December 8, 2003.
L. McKay and the committee reviewed the 2003 budget and adopted a
proposed 2004 budget. A motion came from the standing committee to
accept the budget as presented. R. Sherard seconded. The motion
passed unanimously. L. Mckay also recommended that P.
Plauché, J. Flanders, and J. Smith go to the bank after the
meeting to change the signature cards on the checking account.
These cards would be held until the first of the year as the 2003
board in office until December 31, 2003. S. Morris seconded. The
motion passed unanimously. L. McKay also announced that the Fiscal
Management Committee will examine MLA’s CD investments at their
next quarterly meeting as low interest rates have resulted in lower
than expected income.”
D. MLC Report-S. Smith gave a brief report concerning MLC
activities. In recent weeks, worm virus issues in the MissIn
Network that affected public libraries. Technicians have been
working to clean and repair all affected systems. S. Smith
announced she would recommend that the MLC board grant two
different grants to MLA. The first is for $8,500 to support MLA
Legislative Day programming and National Library Week public
relations material. The second is a $10,000 speakers grant for the
MLA conference. MLC is conducting numerous continuing education
programs throughout the state. During January there will be a
series on how libraries can measure their contribution to the
community. S. Smith also announced that the new building is coming
along and they hope to move in during the fall of 2004.
In a brief summary of the legislative activities for the year,
S. Smith commented that this year there are many unknown factors.
There are new individuals in statewide offices as well as the
legislature. MLA Legislative day will be on February 3rd. Morning
and afternoon activities will take place at the Agriculture and
Forestry Museum. The day is scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m. with
an opportunity for committees to meet or for individuals to attend
a program on an art exhibit that is coming to Jackson. At 11:00
a.m. the Legislative Committee will meet. At 1:30 p.m., the MLA
President will speak. Awards will be given at 1:45 p.m. Forty-five
minutes later the invited speaker will give his talk. A speaker has
not been confirmed as yet. After a 3:30 p.m. break, the legislative
update will be given at 4:00 p.m. The reception at the Eudora Wetly
will be from 6 to 8:00 p.m. The theme this year is Mississippi’s
future @ your library. Material about this event will be going out
in December.
The committee is also planning district legislative days.
Librarians from different areas of the state will be invited to
attend legislative sessions throughout the entire session. This
will keep libraries and librarians on the minds of the legislators.
More information about this new program is forthcoming.
E. National Library Week Grant-R. Sherard moved that J. Flanders
be authorized to sign the $8,500 National Library Week from the
Mississippi Library Commission if it is awarded. B. Beal seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
V. Committee Reports
A. Archives & History-No Report
B. MLA Awards-No Report
C. Conservation-No Report
D. Constitution, By-Laws & Organizational Review-No
E. Continuing Education-No Report
F. Copyright-No Report
G. Election-No Report
H. Handbook-No Report
I. Insurance-No Report
J. Membership-No Report
K. Intellectual Freedom-No Report
L. Information Literacy-No Report
M. Credentials-No Report
N. Mississippi Authors Award-A. Mays announced that the
committee had received the two video copies of the awards dinner.
One will be archived by MLA and the other added to the collection
at MLC.
O. MLA Children’s/Young Adult Awards-No Report
P. Publications-No Report
Q. Publicity-P. Plauché announced that Mary Perkins is
working on the next electronic newsletter. Please submit any
information to be included.
R. Scholarship-No Report
S. Web Page-No Report.
VIII. Round Table Reports
A. Black Caucus-No Report
B. ECTRT-No Report
C. Friends/MS Libraries-F. Hartness reported that the Friends
are prepared to help with the events of Legislative Day. She also
reported that the Friends conference programs were very
D. GODORT-No Report
E. LIRT-No Report
F. NMRT-No Report
G. TSRT-No Report
H. SPRT-No Report
I. 2YCRT-No Report
J. YPSRT-No Report
IX. Other Business and Announcements
P. Plauché thanked everyone for their support and
commitment during her presidency. She and MJ Anderson presented
those leaving the board plaques recognizing their contributions to
X. Adjournment
There being no further business by the board, a motion was duly
made, seconded and unanimously passed to adjourn. The board
adjourned at 11:48 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted