February 12, 2008 | October 21, 2008| December 11, 2008


Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
February 12, 2008
10:30 am
MLC, Jackson, MS

Executive Board Members:

President - Jeff Slagell
Vice-President- Jan Willis
Immediate Past President - Catherine Nathan
Secretary - Judy Card
ALA Counselor - Sherry Laughlin
Ex-officio member - MLA Executive Director Mary Julia Anderson

Public Library Section Chair - Madonna May
Trustee Section Chair - Randy Sherard
Legislative Committee - Jennifer A. Smith
Friends of Mississippi Libraries - Rita A. Karn
Editor, Mississippi Libraries - Tish Zelner
Mississippi Library Commission- Sharman B. Smith
Susan Cassagne – Past past president
Victoria Penny - visitor

President Jeff Slagell called the meeting to order at 10:45 am.

Secretary Judy Card called the roll.

Minutes from the 2007 Board’s final meeting of December 14, 2007, were read. Catherine Nathan moved that the minutes be approved. Sherry McLaughlin seconded. Motion passed.

Minutes from the 2008 Board’s first meeting of December 14, 2007, were read. Catherine Nathan moved that the minutes be approved. Sherry McLaughlin seconded. Motion passed.

Treasure’s Report: Amanda Powers was absent due to illness. In her absence, President Jeff Slagell distributed an MLA Balance Sheet as of January 31, 2008. He noted that receipts from the 2007 Conference are still being settled. Randy Sherard moved that the January 31, 2008, balance sheet be accepted for information purposes. Jan Willis seconded. Motion passed.

President’s Report. Jeff Slagell reported that on March 26 he will speak to a meeting of school librarians and media specialists. This is in keeping with his presidential goal of increasing their involvement in MLA. Mary Julia Anderson reported that MLA membership is 163. Jeff reminded everyone that March 1st is the date by which members must renew or join in order to be able to vote in this year’s MLA election. He announced that Alice Shands has agreed to again chair the National Library Week Committee.

Vice-president’s Report: Conference 2008. Vice-president Jan Willis passed out several possible conference themes. With input from the board, Jan announced that this year’s theme will be “Libraries: At the Center of Everything.” Jan has been checking on possible speakers. Both Nancy Pearl and Mary Boykan are unavailable this year. Library Journal 2005 Librarian of the Year Louise Shafer is a good speaker and is available. The board felt that she would be a good choice for a Public Library program. Michael Casey from Gwinnett County Library in Georgia may be available to speak on Libraries 2.0. Rheta Grimsley Johnson is an excellent speaker and has been confirmed for the conference. She has most recently written a biography of Charles Schulz.

Sharman Smith said that MLC hopes to provide a speakers grant for this year’s conference. This will be discussed at the next MLC board meeting.

Past President Catherine Nathan, Executive Secretary Mary Julia Anderson and MLA Secretary Judy Card had nothing to report.

ALA Councilor Report: Sherry McLaughlin reported on the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston. A proposal for a graduated dues structure was discussed by Council. Council will not approve a $500,000 study to examine this issue. Instead the group approved $45,000 to conduct a membership survey. A motion for member “read only” access to the ALA website was sent back to committee for further review. Official ALA groups are not allowed to endorse presidential candidates. Council barely passed a resolution regarding the political situation in Kenya. A resolution concerning the destruction of Iraqi Archives was passed. Sherry asked direction concerning MLA’s Councilor’s vote concerning political issues. After discussion, the board directed Sherry to vote “absent” on issues not directly related to the mission of ALA or MLA.

Section reports: None

Roundtable reports: None

Mississippi Library Commission. Executive Director Sharman Smith said that MLC is pleased to host the MLA Legislative Reception.

Sharman attended a hearing with the new Education Appropriations Committee chaired by Videt Carhmichael. MLC has been told to prepare for a $327,000 cut to the FY 09 Budget. Sharman was also told to prepare to cut 6 staff positions, which would reduce the number of MLC staff from 52 to 46. The cut could only be from operations and salaries, with $300,000 from salaries. After a $300,000 cut, there would not be enough money to pay current staff. The rest of the money would come from contractual services such as utilities, etc. The cut would not be a bottom-line cut. Instead, MLC would be told what cuts to make. There is no recommended increase for salaries. Minimum wage and retirement costs would be impacted. MLC surveyed 50 libraries. Twenty six responded. The response indicated that $200,000 would be needed just to meet the first year’s raise of the minimum wage. No new money in effect means a cut, so this year’s legislative discussion needs to be about keeping what we have.

On January 29, MLC had an exhibit at the state capitol. The other group exhibiting that day was the Restaurant Association. The Restaurant Association provided legislators with wonderful breakfast foods. Thanks to the Friends of Mississippi Libraries, MLC offered water and trail mix. The pairing pulled such a unique group of legislators that the Restaurant Association wants to be paired with MLC again next year.

Legislative Committee Chair Glenda Segars was unable to attend the board meeting. In her absence, Jeff announced that National Library Legislation Day is set for May 13 & 14th. Catherine Nathan and Randy Sherard expressed interest in attending. Others who would like to attend should contact Glenda Segars or Jeff Slagell.

MLA Executive Secretary Mary Julia Anderson reported that 130 have registered for the Legislative Reception.

Jennifer Smith represented the committee and passed out the Legislative Goals for 2008. Catherine Nathan moved that the goals be accepted. Jan Willis seconded. The motion passed.

Brochures with talking points for this evening’s reception were distributed.

Sharman suggested using the following tactics when speaking with legislators who say “We don’t have any money,” or “I love libraries. We’ll take care of libraries.” Respond with something like “I understand that you have your job and we have ours, which is to tell you what your constituents need from libraries. We explain the need and you set priorities.” She reminded everyone to not give up.

Jeff thanked the committee for its work.

Old business: None

New business: Jeff introduced Tish Zelner, the new editor of “Mississippi Libraries.” Tish reported that the editorial staff is the same but that the magazine has a new copy editor, Gabe Morley.


Jennifer reported that the Vicksburg conference caterers now use the library. Jeff agreed that the Vicksburg conference staff was very helpful. Vicksburg was a good location and should be used again.

Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, May 6, 10:30 am, at the Mississippi Library Commission.

(The Board meeting has been rescheduled for May 1.)

The meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,
Judy Card

Mississippi Library Association

Executive Board Meeting

October 21, 2008

4:00 pm

Natchez, MS

President Jeff Slagell called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.

Secretary Judy Card called the roll.


Executive Board Members:

President - Jeff Slagell

Vice-President- Jan Willis

Treasurer - Amanda Clay Powers

Secretary - Judy Card

ALA Counselor - Sherry Laughlin

Ex-officio member - MLA Executive Secretary Mary Julia Anderson

Public Library Section Chair Madonna May

School Library Section Chair Dianne Willard

Black Caucus - Margaret Bell

Black Caucus - Jacqueline Quinn

Others attending the meeting:

Author Awards Committee Jill Nicholson

Ann Branton

Shirlene Stogner

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the August 7, 2008, meeting were read. Catherine Nathan moved that the minutes be approved with the correction of the spelling of McLaughlin to Laughlin's on page 2. Sherry Laughlin seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: Amanda Powers announced that she would be available at the registration desk throughout the conference to facilitate payment of conference related expenses. The treasurer's report was passed out. Amanda pointed out that there was an overage for SELA. Jeff will follow up. Catherine Nathan moved that the Treasurer's Report be accepted. Diane Willard seconded. Motion passed. The final meeting of the year will be held December 11, at MLC.

Treasure's Report: Amanda Powers will soon have a report ready for the board.

Vice-president's Report: Jan Willis announced that the Opening General Session is scheduled for Wednesday, 9:30 am. ALA President Jim Retting will give the keynote. Program changes are on the salmon sheet. Attendance at meal events is good. The location of the Richard Wright Literary landmark has been moved to the Memphis Room. The USM/ALA program will be in the Vicksburg Room.

ALA Councilor Sherry Laughlin spoke with Jim Retting regarding concerns about program time changes.

School Library Section Chair Dianne Willard hopes that a new section chair will be appointed to the 2010 MLA Board.

Roundtable Reports: None

Committee Reports: None

Old Business: None

New business:

Jeff Slagell announced that SELA Councilor Deborah Lee contacted him to suggest that MLA and SELA host a joint conference in either 2011 or 2012. Jeff's concern is that revenue sharing may present a problem for MLA. A joint conference doesn't result in a significant increase in attendance. Jeff will contact Deborah to get further information.

Dr. Angela Rutherford, University of Mississippi, has contacted Jeff to ask MLA to partner with the University to sponsor a state-wide children's book award. There would be no cost to MLA. Kathy Buntin, Dianne Willard, Victoria Penny and Judy Card will get further information such as the exact role of MLA, how would this award fit in with book awards at other universities, how would the awards be presented, etc. (Later Alice Shands volunteered to work with this group.)

Drexel University has offered to form an educational partnership with MLA. MLA members would be offered tuition discounts via the MLA website. Members participating in Drexel Continuing education events would receive a 20% discount. This could be a positive membership benefit There was some concern over maintaining our good relationship with USM. Jeff will get a copy of the agreement for further discussion at the December board meeting.

Jill Nicholson, of the Author Awards Committee, suggested that honored authors should have a public connection to Mississippi. For example, writers might have lived in Mississippi for 5 years, identify with Mississippi in their writings or recognize Mississippi's role in their development as an author. This concern was raised because of the possibility of a Mississippi Author Award going to a writer who has no apparent connection to the state other than birth. It was pointed out that committee members can use their discretion in selecting recipients. Jill will draft a suggested statement and send it to Jeff.


It was announced that as of the beginning of the meeting, there were 390 registered for the conference. This number includes vendors and speakers.

The next MLA Board Meeting will be December 11, 10:30 am, at the Mississippi Library Commission in Jackson. This will be the last meeting for the 2008 Board and the first meeting for the 2009 Board. (Hooray!)

The meeting adjourned at 4:32 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Card


Minutes approved at MLA Board meeting May 20, 2009.

Mississippi Library Association

Executive Board Meeting

December 11, 2008

10:30 am

Mississippi Library Commission

Jackson, MS

President Jeff Slagell called the meeting to order at 10:45 am.

Secretary Judy Card called the roll.


Executive Board Members:

President - Jeff Slagell

Vice-President- Jan Willis

Treasurer - Amanda Clay Powers

Secretary - Judy Card

Ex-officio member - MLA Executive Secretary Mary Julia Anderson

Others attending the meeting:

Lynn Shurden - Chair, Fiscal Management Committee

Marsha Case - 2009 MLA Executive Board Secretary

Tracy Carr Seabold

A quorum was not present.

Approval of Minutes: President Jeff Slagell asked the board to read the minutes of the October 21 meeting in Natchez to check for corrections or additions. None were noted.

President's Report: Jeff Slagell has negotiated a contract for the annual conference to be held in Vicksburg, October 19 - 22, 2010.

Treasurer's Report: Amanda Powers passed out the MLA Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2008. She noted that next year MLA will move to electronic banking. The bookkeeper will report deposits to the Treasurer who will then be better able to keep track of the account balances.

Vice-president's Report: Jan Willis announced the following appointments to the 2009 Board. ACRL will be represented by Judy Hilkert. Melissa Moak will represent the Schools Section. Deb Mitchell has agreed to chair the Legislative Committee.

Committee Reports: None

Old Business:

Joint SELA-MLA Conference: Jeff Slagell has not heard from SELA Counselor Deborah Lee regarding the issue of conference income sharing. As MLA is heavily dependent on conference income to support the work of the association, he sees few scenarios that would allow MLA to commit to a joint conference.

Mississippi Children's Choice Book Award: Kathy Buntin, Dianne Willard, Victoria Penny, Judy Card and Alice Shands worked with Dr. Angela Rutherford, University of Mississippi to consider the possibility of MLA co-sponsoring a state-wide Children's Book Award. Upon contacting Ellen Ruffin, Dr. Rutherford discovered that USM is currently working on a similar award. It appears that MLA and Ole Miss will have the opportunity to be involved. Lynn Shurden said that this could also possibly be helpful to MLA's Mississippi Author Awards.

Drexel University Partnership: President Slagell sent board members copies of the Drexel proposal to offer tuition discounts to MLA members. Many of those who responded to his email expressed concern that MLA be mindful of maintaining a strong relationship with USM, which offers the only ALA accredited degree in Mississippi. It was pointed out that USM does not offer a PhD in library and information science and that Drexel does. If there is further interest, this can be purposed by the 2009 Board.

New business:

Fiscal Management Committee: Lynn Shurden presented fiscal recommendations offered by the committee for the next year.

President Slagell thanked Lynn Shurden for her leadership on the committee.


President Slagell thanked the Board for their service along with all of the volunteers of the association during his tenure as president. He also wished Amanda a Happy Birthday.

The meeting adjourned at 11:10 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Card


Minutes approved at MLA Board meeting May 20, 2009.


MLA's mission is to provide professional leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.

Office Hours:
Tuesday: 11:00am-5:00pm

Wednesday: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Thursday: 11:00am-5:00pm

PO Box 13687, Jackson MS 39236-3687 
Phone: 601-981-4586
Email: info@misslib.org


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