Meeting Minutes 2004
December 12, 2003 | February 3, 2004 | March 26, 2004 | August 27, 2004 | | October 20, 2004 | December 10, 2004
Board members attending:
Juanita Flanders, President
Susan Cassagne, Vice President/President Elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Allison Mays, Secretary
Prima Plauche, Immediate Past President
Mary Beth Applin, SELA Councilor
Peggy Price, ACRL Chair
Bettie Cox, School Libraries Chair
Randy Sherard, Trustee Section Chair
Anne Lipscomb Webster, Special Libraries Chair
[not present: Robert Lipscomb, Deborah Lundy]
Others in attendance:
Freda Hartness, FML
Molly Signs, Web Committee
Nancy Tenhet
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Terry Latour, Delta State University
Linda McKay, Fiscal Management
President Flanders called the meeting to order at 11:55. The agenda was presented
and a quorum was declared.
I. Introductions
The following persons were introduced:
A. New Board Members
B. Round-Table Chairpersons
C. Committee Chairpersons
D. Nancy Tenhet, as the new Parliamentarian, non-voting member of the Board
II. Officer and Staff Reports
None given at this time.
III. Committee Reports
A. Legislative Day Activities Report – Since this was covered in the previous
board meeting, it was not discussed at this time.
IV. Old Business
None discussed.
V. New Business
None discussed
VI. Announcements
J. Flanders will send out the dates of the future board meetings via email.
VII. Adjournment
There being no further business by the board, a motion was duly made, seconded
and unanimously passed to adjourn. The board adjourned at 12:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Allison P. Mays
Board members attending:
Juanita Flanders, President
Susan Cassagne, Vice President/President Elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Allison Mays, Secretary
Prima Plauche, Immediate Past President
Mary Beth Applin, SELA Councilor
Bettie Cox, School Libraries Chair
Randy Sherard, Trustee Section Chair
Deborah Lundy, Public Libraries
Nancy Tenhet, Parliamentarian
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Kathy Davis, Co-Editor of Mississippi Libraries
Yvonne Stanford, Black Caucus Rountable
Freda Hartness, Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Mary Edmond, Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Pat Rodgers,
Molly Signs, Web Committee
Sharman Smith, MLC
President Flanders called the meeting to order at 12:22. The agenda was presented
and a quorum was declared.
I. Officer and Staff Reports
A. Secretary – A.Mays presented minutes of both Board meetings on December
12, 2003. P. Plauche moved to accept the minutes. J.Smith seconded. The motion
passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer – J.Smith reported that MLA received a grant from MLC for Library
Week promotional materials for 2004. Her report on the figures for Library Week
does not include all registration fees because some were still coming in. There
were 213 attendees registered so far; 196 was the "break even point".
S. Cassagne moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. P. Plauche seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
C. President – J. Flanders reported that she and Jane Stauble attended the Midwinter
ALA meeting. After hearing what other state library associations are doing,
she feels very good about MLA and states that we are on track. Past-President
– P. Plauche did not present a report as she is still clearing up unresolved
issues from the previous Board.
D. Vice-President – S. Cassagne presented the theme and logo for the 2004 ALA
convention in Natchez (see attached). The logo is borrowed from the convention
center with their permission. There will be a meeting at the MLC on Wednesday,
February 4 for all who are interested in helping to plan the 2004 convention
program. At this point J. Smith made a motion to accept the theme and logo, skipping
ahead to New Business item C. P. Plauche seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
E. ALA Councilor – No report presented.
F. SELA Councilor – No report presented.
G. Executive Secretary – No report presented.
H. ML Co-Editors – At this point the agenda skipped to Old Business item A.
K. Davis reported that she and P.Plauche are getting answers to R. Sherard’s concerns
about the indemnification clause which EBSCO says they cannot change. T. Latour
had asked about royalties. J. Flanders said the EBSCO representative needs to
get in touch with R. Sherard and finalize the documentation. R. Sherard said that
we will have authors sign a waiver, and that EBSCO does not understand MLA has
no assets. P. Plauche suggested getting in touch with other state library associations
magazine editors to see how they have handled this issue.
II. Section Reports
A. ACRL – No report presented.
B. School Libraries – B. Cox reported that she is going through the 25 responses
she received after asking MLA membership for suggestions for speakers. She asked
about the fee for each speaker, which has been $750 in the past. At this point,
S. Smith announced that the Board of Commissioners had approved yesterday a grant
of $10,000 for speakers at MLA.
C. Trustee – R. Sherard has the contract with the convention center in Natchez
finalized. There will be 85 rooms blocked at Horizon’s, with 45 rooms also blocked
at both the Holiday Inn Express and the Comfort Inn.
D. Public Libraries – D. Lundy is considering Greg Iles as a speaker.
E. Special Libraries – No report presented.
III. Old Business
A. EBSCO Contract update – Already covered under Officer & Staff Reports.
B. 2004 Conference event insurance – J. Flanders is waiting to get the signed
contract. MLA will use Farmers Insurance; they are also working on handling
the insurance for the 2005 convention in Vicksburg.
C. S. Smith reported that things are going well at MLC with many continuing
education workshops scheduled throughout the state. Workshops will focus on
dealing with the media and elements to be included in media stories about libraries.
The upcoming Library 101 Institute will target all librarians with a special
directors’ conference for public library managers planned. "Librarians’
Holiday" will feature a bus tour of the architecture in state libraries.
An exhibit has been placed in the state legislature to remind legislators of
the role libraries play in the state. She continues to monitor upcoming legislation
relevant to Mississippi libraries.
IV. New Business
A. Action item: Consider report of Nominating Committee for 2005 Slate of Officers
(see attached). P. Plauche made a motion to accept the nominations. R. Sherard
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Action item: Appointment of Site Committee for 2006 Conference – J/Flanders
said she will appoint this committee and that the VP usually serves as chair.
S. Cassagne made a motion to table this until March. J.Smith seconded. The motion
passed unanimously. P. Plauche suggested that they check the MLA Handbook for
a list of those who usually serve on this committee.
C. Action Item: Approval of 2004 Conference Theme – Already covered under Vice
President’s report.
V. Committee Reports
A. Legislative Day – M. Anderson discussed the logistics for the evening event
at Eudora Welty library. This year the name tags are color coded to differentiate
senators and representatives in each district.
B. Web Page Committee – M.Signs handed out her report (see attached). S. Smith
about using BOBBY, a computer program which encourages compliance with existing
accessibility guidelines for the visually impaired. J. Flanders said the web
page is MLA’s most valuable tool and it is very important to keep it current.
VI. Roundtable Reports
A. Automation & Networking – No report presented.
B. Black Caucus – Y. Stanford reported that the roundtable met that morning and
they wanted to ask the Board if they can have a fund raiser for scholarships.
J. Flanders asked that they give her more information on what they want to do
and what audience they will target. P. Plauche said there will need to be a section
in the MLA Handbook about fund raising. The Caucus also wanted to know how to
work with MLA to help recruit people to the library profession by going to career
fairs around the state.
C. Friends of Mississippi Libraries – F. Hartness gave the report. The roundtable
members plan to be at the reception tonight and handwrote the invitations to
the governor and legislators. They provided refreshments at the MLC exhibit
at the capitol, talked to legislators and manned the exhibits.
D. Technical Services (TSRT) – No report presented.
E. Two Year Colleges (2YCRT) – No report presented.
F. Young People’s Services (YPSRT) – No report presented.
G. Government Documents (GODORT) – No report presented.
H. Library Instruction (LIRT) – No report presented.
I. New Members (NMRT) – No report presented.
J. Special Collections (SCRT) – No report presented.
VII. Announcements
J.Flanders expressed her thanks to the staff at Hinds Community College Library
for making the name tags for Legislative Day.
VIII. Adjournment
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 1:02.
Respectfully submitted,
Allison P. Mays
Board members attending:
Juanita Flanders, President
Susan Cassagne, Vice President/President Elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Allison Mays, Secretary
Prima Plauche, Immediate Past President
Randy Sherard, Trustee Section Chair
Nancy Tenhet, Parliamentarian
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Peggy Price, ACRL
Ann Lipscomb Webster, Special Libraries
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Lynn Shurden, MS Authors Awards
Donnelle Scott, Co-Editor of Mississippi Libraries
Kathy Davis, Co-Editor of Mississippi Libraries
Mary Edmond, Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Lona Hoover, Membership
Jane Stauble, ECTRT
Judith Hilkert, Web Committee
Jana Breeden. SCRT
Diane Ross, Continuing Ed.
Kathy Buntin, Elections
Sharman Smith, MLC
President Flanders called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. The agenda was
presented and a quorum was declared.
Officer and Staff Reports
A. Secretary – A. Mays presented the minutes of the February 2 meeting. As
they had not been emailed before the meeting, everyone quickly reviewed them.
P. Plauche made a motion to approve the minutes. J.Smith seconded. The motion
passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer – J. Smith reported that she will write a grant for National Library
Week to cover the costs of Legislative Day. Her treasurer’s report is attached.
C. Past-President – P. Plauche reported on three projects she is working on:
long-range plan for MLA, updating sections of the MLA handbook, and a marketing
plan for lifetime memberships to MLA.
D. President – J. Flanders shared with the Board several ideas which she had
gotten from the ALA Leadership Workshop at Mid-Winter in San Diego. These were
1) the idea of having a retreat for old and new MLA board members and committee
chairs to allow a smoother transition from one year to the next; 2) the recommendation
from financial advisors to have external audits of MLA accounts and to keep
6 months worth of funds in reserve at all times; and 3) the observation that
some states are setting the terms for committee membership to two years to assure
continuity and greater participation in the organization. In her report she
encouraged more participation among MLA members. She reported that R. Sherard,
Attorney and current MLA Board Member, has reviewed contracts and thanked him
for his assistance. She mentioned that B. Beal, Chairperson of the Awards Committee,
is working on several awards, such as the Peggy May and achievements awards.
She reminded us to observe the deadlines for these awards.
E. Vice-President – S. Cassagne reported that the conference planning is going
well. Two possible speakers declined so she is still looking for one. The insurance
company the conference center recommended declined to give us event insurance;
she received an estimate from another company, Gales Creek Insurance, for $1090.
Her husband is a broker and is trying to help. P. Plauche made a motion that
the Vice-President be given the authority to make a decision about the event
insurance at the Natchez conference and be able to sign a contract. R. Sherard
seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
F. ALA Councilor – R. Lipscomb reported that attendance at the ALA Midwinter
conference was down, as was vendor attendance. After talking with librarians
from other states, he feels we are doing well in comparison. Some of the issues
discussed at ALA Midwinter were new guidelines for campaigning for ALA president,
the fact that exhibitors are not happy with the amount of traffic in the exhibit
hall, and various political issues. He stated that House Bill 1696 would increase
the health insurance premiums for the MLC employees by 22%, and MLC would lose
4 positions. He said we must work to get the legislature to modify this bill.
Report from Executive Director, MLC
S. Smith gave more detail about HB 1696, said people need to call their senators
and explain the importance of the Personnel Grant Program and maintaining library
programs. House Bill 1279 which is in the Senate, would limit out-of-state travel
for state employees, printing, advertising, and continuing education for staff.
She stated that town meetings will be held in 6 locations. In August 2005 the
continuing education program, Librarianship 101, will be held: this is an intensive
5-day workshop for 30 nominated librarians. There will be a 4-day conference
for library directors in Canton, and other general library workshops. S. Smith
said they hope to move into their new building by March 2005.
ALA Legislative Day will be May 2-5; S. Smith and R. Lipscomb will take a group
to Washington DC to lobby; so far 5 have registered for the trip. They will
go to ALA offices and have brief training sessions, then visit the Mississippi
representatives and senators. (see attached memo)
G. SELA Councilor – No report given.
H. Executive Secretary – M. Anderson stated that she has renewed the MLA post
office box through September 2005.
I. ML Co-editors – D. Scott is checking the final proofs of the spring issue
of Mississippi Libraries.
Section Reports
A. ACRL – P. Price reported that they are talking about their program and have
issued a call for papers.
B. School Libraries – No report given.
C. Trustees – R. Sherard reported that EBSCO refuses to take the indemnity clause
out of the contract for adding Mississippi Libraries to their databases. He
wonders how big a problem this is since ML is already on the MLA website. K. Davis
and D. Scott have submitted sample author statements (see attached). P. Plauche
made a motion to sign the EBSCO agreement. J. Smith seconded. The motion passed
D. Public Libraries – P. Plauche reported for D. Lundy that they will be starting
a Public Library Legislative Committee to help orient new public library directors
in dealing with legislators.
E. Special Libraries – A. Webster stated they have a speaker for their program;
it will be Kathleen Jenkins of the Natchez National Park.
Old Business
A. EBSCO Contract Update – Already covered above in Trustees report.
B. 2004 Conference Event Insurance – already covered in the Vice-president’s
C. Tabled Item: Appointment of Site Committee for 2006 Conference – This item
remained tabled.
New Business
This was already covered under the Vice-president’s report – the motion to accept
the theme and logo for the Natchez convention.
Committee Reports
A. MS Authors Awards – L. Shurden reported that they have a deadline of April
5 to have all the nominated books read. She raised the issue of allowing a winner
to reprint the book award medallion on a book jacket. The medallion is not trademarked.
P. Plauche suggested they check with other state library associations and other
book award groups to see how they handle the issue. L. Shurden also stated that
the by laws of the committee are outdated and they will work on revisions.
B. Web Page – J. Hilkert reported for M. Signs that they will are cleaning up
the website and are moving some unused pages into files. They will also do content
review and update the information. Report is attached. They made a proposal
to have registration to the MLA listserv automatic when one joins MLA. J. Smith
made a motion to accept the proposal; R. Lipscomb seconded. The motion passed
C. Membership – L. Hoover reported that the print membership form needs to be
redone. She is surveying the committee members for ideas to promote MLA membership.
They want to send out welcoming letters and emails to new members. So far MLA
has 392 members registered, 40 of them are new. Registration was done by email,
but M. Anderson will also send out paper renewals. P. Plauche will chair a marketing
effort for lifetime members and has a goal of 10; this will be called the Legacy
Club. R. Sherard made a motion to establish the Legacy Fund and empower the committee
members to work out the financial details with other committees. J.Smith seconded
and the motion passed unanimously. (see attached email correspondence)
D. Legislative – This was already covered in the ALA Councilor’s report.
E. Continuing Education – D. Ross reported that the calendar of events is on
the MLA website. B. Cox added that they will bring a puppetry group for a workshop
and will have 2 sessions in one day to keep the cost down. J. Flanders suggested
that this might qualify as CEU credits.
F. Elections – K. David reported for C. Kanady that the ballots will be mailed
next week and will be counted May 4; they will report the results.
G. Peggy May Scholarship – J. Schmidt did not give an oral report but submitted
her written report which is attached.
H. Other reports – No other committee reports were given.
Roundtable Reports
A. Automation & Networking (ANRT) – No report given. .
B. Black Caucus – No report given. .
C. Educational Communication & Technology (ECTRT) – No report given. .
D. Friends of Mississippi Libraries – No report given. .
E. Technical Services (TSRT) – No report given. .
F. Two Year College (2YCRT)- No report given. .
G. Young People’s Services (YPSRT) – No report given. .
H. Government Documents (GODORT) – No report given. .
I. Library Instruction (LIRT) – No report given. .
J. New Members (NMRT) – No report given. .
K. Special Collections (SCRT) – J. Breeden reported the committee has 10 members.
They are trying to increase interest and membership. They want to sponsor a
2 night film festival on librarians in film at MLA and have an afternoon session
on the same topic.
The date of the next MLA board meeting will be May 14, 2004 at 10:00 am at
the MLC.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 12:00 noon.
Respectfully submitted,
Allison P. Mays
Board members attending:
Juanita Flanders, President
Susan Cassagne, Vice President/President Elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Allison Mays, Secretary
Prima Plauche, Immediate Past President
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Mary Beth Applin, SELA Councilor
Deborah Lundy, Public Libraries
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Richard Greene, Mid-Mississippi Regional Library
Clara Joorfelz, MLC
Melissa Wright, MLC
Linda McKay, Hancock County Library System
Linda Milner, Mid-Mississippi Regional Library
Molly Signs, Millsaps College
James Kennedy, Hinds Community College
Donna Posey, West Biloxi Library
President Flanders called the meeting to order at 10:15 am. The agenda was presented
and a quorum was declared.
Officer and Staff Reports
A. Secretary – A.Mays presented the minutes of the March 26 meeting. R. Lipscomb
made the motion to approve the minutes. M. Applin seconded. The motion passed
B. Treasurer – J. Smith reported that number of MLA membership renewals is down
and she is very concerned. Mary Julia Anderson will be mailing out paper renewals
in case some members did not get the email renewal notice. Two checks from grants
were received. Her report is attached.
C. President – J. Flanders reported that the EBSCO license agreement has been
completed and signed (see attached). Mississippi Libraries (ML) is now indexed
in Ebsco. All contracts are completed for the Natchez conference. Arrangements
for the 2005 conference in Vicksburg have begun. She will meet with Catherine
Nathan to fill her in on what remains to be done. She reported for K.Davis and
D.Scott, editors for ML, that the fall issue is on schedule and will be mailed
out the last week of September. New editors for ML have not volunteered for
2004/05. M. Applin suggested that the editorship be rotated to the state universities
as these positions are good for tenure-track librarians. J. Flanders also reported
that the authors have signed the licensing agreement statement. M.Signs asked
if the statement mentions that ML is put up on the website.
D. Past-President – P. Plauche has been working on the Legacy Club, the lifetime
membership endowment. She presented the brochure which is attached. She also
reported that an email asking for nominations for the Past-President Award will
be sent out.
E. Vice-President – S. Cassagne handed out the program for the 2004 MLA conference
(see attached). She has two quotes on insurance for the conference and she wants
R.Lipscomb to review them. The issue of CEU credits for the conference will
be settled and an email announcement will be sent out on the MLA listserv. S. Cassagne
raised the question of whether local residents who wish to attend the Greg Iles
dinner need to pay the one day conference fee; P. Plauche said that they do.
S.Cassagne also reported that the speaker Autumn Morning Star wants MLA to pay
for her international flight as she will be in Europe immediately preceding
the conference in Natchez; it was agreed that we will not pay for her international
flight, only round trip from her home to Natchez.
F. ALA Councilor – R.Lipscomb reported on the ALA national meeting. He said
there were many political issues discussed. He voted on a resolution for higher
salaries for librarians. Others issues addressed included the Bill of Rights,
health care, and a resolution to change the number required for a quorum at councilor
meetings to 75. The midwinter meeting information has already been sent out
on the listserv. The past midwinter meeting in San Diego was not well attended
due to budget constraints nationwide.
G. SELA Councilor – M. Applin reported that the SELA meeting is coming up; she
had nothing further.
H. Executive Secretary – No report given.
I. Editors – This has already been covered above in the President’s report.
Section Reports
A. ACRL – No report given.
B. School Libraries – No report given.
C. Trustees – No report given.
D. Public Libraries – No report given.
E. Special Libraries – C. Joorfelz reported for A.Webster that the confirmed
speaker Kathleen Jenkins’s biographical material has not been received. S. Cassagne
said she will call to get it.
Report from Executive Director of MLC
S.Smith was not present so no report was given.
Old Business
A. Appointment of the Site Committee – P. Plauche made the motion to take this
item off the table and appoint Susan Cassagne as Chair, Catherine Nathan as
Treasurer, Jennifer Smith and Prima Plauche as members of this committee. M.Anderson
is to be added as an ex-officio member. J. Smith seconded. The motion passed
New Business
A. Ratifying election results – P. Plauche made a motion to ratify the election
results of the 2004/05 MLA officers that were announced and accepted by voting
via email in May 2004. All email correspondence is attached. J. Smith seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
B. Ratifying New Membership Form – The modified form of the Membership Committe
was accepted with revised wording. J. Flanders suggested that the phrase "Total
of $1250" be removed and the form be ratified as amended. J. Smith seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports
A. Internal Audit Committee – L. McKay reported for T. Henderson and handed out
the report which is attached.
B. Fiscal Management Committee – Four items were discussed and voted on:
a. Buying a new computer and monitor for the MLA office and recommending the
transfer of $1700 from the President’s travel fund to cover the cost (information
and recommendations on computer equipment attached). The vote was unanimous.
b. Obtaining a credit card for the MLA executive secretary to use for the small
purchases of office supplies, with a limit of $500. This is to keep M.Anderson
from having to use her own credit card and be reimbursed. The vote was unanimous.
c. Purchasing DSL Internet access line for the MLA office. M. Signs’ report is
attached. The vote was unanimous.
d. Establishing a deferred account for the MLA Lifetime Membership payments
whereby $100 per year over a ten year period for each membership would be considered
income. The vote was unanimous.
C. MS Authors Awards Committee – M. Wright reported that the committee recommends
a one-time fee of $100 for unlimited printed usage of the MLA Mississippi Authors
Awards Medallion. Individual medallions will continue to be sold for 50 cents
each. The Board accepted the recommendation of the MS Authors Awards Committee.
The vote was unanimous
D. Web Page Committee – No report given.
E. Membership Committee – L. Hoover was not present but her report is attached.
F. Peggy May Scholarship – J. Schmidt was not present but her report is attached.
G. Other committee reports – None given.
2004 Roundtable Reports
A. Automation & Networking (ANRT) – No report given.
B. Black Caucus – No report given.
C. Educational Communication & Technology (ECTRT) – No report given.
D. Friends of Mississippi Libraries – No report given.
E. Technical Services (TSRT) – No report given.
F. Two Year College (2YCRT)- J.Kennedy reported that the speaker for their breakfast
is Mississippi native, Brad Watson.
G. Young People’s Services (YPSRT) – No report given.
H. Government Documents (GODORT) – No report given.
I. Library Instruction (LIRT) – No report given.
J. New Members (NMRT) – No report given.
K. Special Collections (SCRT) – No report given.
The date of the next meeting is Oct. 20 at the MLA conference in Natchez,
and the time has been changed to 8:00 am.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 11:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Allison P. Mays
Board members attending:
Juanita Flanders, President
Susan Cassagne, Vice President/President Elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Allison Mays, Secretary
Prima Plauche, Immediate Past President
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Mary Beth Applin, SELA Councilor
Anne Lipscomb Webster, Special Libraries Chair
Bettie Cox, School Libraries Chair
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Richard Greene, Mid-Mississippi Regional Library
Molly Signs, Millsaps College
James Kennedy, Hinds Community College
Donna Posey, West Biloxi Library
June Schmidt, MSU
Linda Williams, AASL
Yvonne Stanford, Coahoma CC
Sharman Smith, MLC
Lone Hoover, MSU
Catherine Nathan, First Regional
Jana Breeden, USM
President Flanders called the meeting to order at 8:05 am. The agenda was presented
and a quorum was declared.
Officer and Staff Reports
A. Secretary – A. Mays presented the minutes of the August 27 meeting. A. Webster
made the motion to approve the minutes. S. Cassagne seconded. The motion passed
B. Treasurer – J. Smith handed out her financial report (see attached). She stated
that we are about $3000 short on what was budgeted for membership dues this
year. J. Flanders thanked Jennifer for her hard work this year.
C. President – J. Flanders reported that we do not have editors for Mississippi
Libraries for 2005. She met with library directors and deans of state universities
and made the suggestion that the editorship be rotated among the universities.
J.Flanders feels we need to have a co-editor who will be able to take over the
next year.
D. Past-President – P. Plauche reported that the 14 past-presidents voted on
the Past-President’s award and it will be announced Friday at the awards luncheon.
She announced that the Board approved the Legacy Club and handed out the brochures.
The lifetime membership includes one section; roundtable dues are separate.
P. Plauche wants to announce the Legacy Club members at the membership meeting.
E. Vice-President – S. Cassagne thanked everyone for attending the conference,
said everything is going well. Registration as of October 19 was 460.
F. ALA Councilor – R. Lipscomb reported that attendance at ALA Midwinter was
down, as was vendor participation. There was lots of talk about budget problems
at libraries, the fewer number of library students, and library school closings.
ALA is trying to buy a building rather than rent one. They are also working
on getting health insurance benefits for ALA members.
G. SELA Councilor – M. Applin reported that the SELA convention is November 9-13
and she is planning to attend.
H. Executive Secretary – No report given.
I. ML Co-editors – Editorship of ML has already been covered in the President’s
report above.
Section Reports
A. ACRL – J. Breeden reported for P. Price that the ACRL luncheon will be held
on Thursday, October 21. They will have a business meeting after the luncheon
to elect a new chair for 2005. J. Flanders stressed that all committees need
to have a co-chair who moves up to chair the next year. There are some exceptions
stated in the bylaws.
B. School Libraries – B. Cox thanked everyone for supporting school libraries.
She introduced Linda Williams, who represents the American Association of School
Librarians (AASL) and wants MLA to become an affiliate. We would fill out the
application and apply over two years. MLA already qualifies because 43 members
already belong to AASL. If this is approved at the section meeting Thursday,
the section will need to make a recommendation that the MLA Handbook be changed.
C. Trustees – No report given.
D. Public Libraries – No report given.
E. Special Libraries – A. Webster reported that Special Libraries has problems
getting people to volunteer to be officers. She asked for suggestions. J. Smith
suggested that it helps to make personal contact. J. Flanders said to work on
bringing in more members, those new to both the profession and MLA, to make
the membership more diverse. C. Nathan suggested using the listserv. J. Flanders
also suggested identifying the special collections people at libraries, as they
are not always obvious.
Report from the Executive Director, MLC
S. Smith said she is pleased to be involved with MLA, and to see the partnership.
MLC is under contract negotiations for a new ILL system. They will bring up
the public libraries first. This will create a union catalog so all public library
catalogs can be searched simultaneously. MLC will contact community colleges
about joining this system. S. Smith stated they have lots of emphasis on continuing
education. The first Librarians 101 Institute was a big success and they received
good feedback from attendees. A director’s conference will be held in December
where they will talk about management issues. The Librarians’ Holiday will be
in April, with bus tours of public libraries in the state. In legislative news,
the budget hearing was held on September 28; all state agencies asked for 30%
more than the previous year. S. Smith is afraid 2006 will be a problem as all
the state’s "rainy day" funds have been used up.
J. Flanders pointed out that MLC contributes a speaker’s grant of $10,000 to
MLA, and this greatly improves the quality of the speakers that can be brought
in for the conference. She thanked S. Smith for this generous contribution and
stated her appreciation.
Old Business
A. Editorship of Mississippi Libraries – This has already been covered in the
President’s report above.
New Business
A. Presentation by Linda Williams of AASL – This has already been covered by
the School Libraries section report above.
Committee Reports
A. Legislative Committee – No report given.
B. Membership Committee – L. Hoover reported that welcoming emails were sent
to all online registrants. Her report is attached.
C. Peggy May Scholarship Committee – J. Schmidt reported that they are excited
about the revenues from the wine and cheese reception. The winner of the scholarship
will be announced at the awards luncheon on Friday.
D. Legislative Committee – R. Lipscomb reported that the battle this year was
over HR 2674; notices were sent out asking people to contact their legislators.
Francis Coleman will be the committee chair for 2005.
E. Web Committee – M. Signs reported that DSL is not available for the Executive
Secretary in her current office, nor can a cable modem be used. This will have
to wait until she is in the new building at MLC.
Roundtable Reports
A. Automation & Networking (ANRT) – No report given.
B. Black Caucus – Y. Stanford thanked everyone for their support.
C. Educational Communication & Technology (ECTRT) – No report given.
D. Friends of Mississippi Libraries – No report given.
E. Technical Services (TSRT) – No report given.
F. Two Year College (2YCRT)- No report given.
G. Young People’s Services (YPSRT) – No report given.
H. Government Documents (GODORT) – No report given.
I. Library Instruction (LIRT) – No report given.
J. New Members (NMRT) – No report given.
K. Special Collections (SCRT) – J. Breeden stated that the movie to be show Thursday
night will be Desk Set. The program scheduled for Thursday night was cancelled
so as not to compete with the gala event, but there will be a program on Thursday
afternoon on librarians in pop culture.
The date of the next meeting is December 10 at 11:00 am in the Board Room of
the MLC.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 9:05 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Allison P. Mays
Board members attending:
Juanita Flanders, President
Susan Cassagne, Vice President/President Elect
Jennifer Smith, Treasurer
Allison Mays, Secretary
Prima Plauche, Immediate Past President
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Anne Lipscomb Webster, Special Libraries Chair
Bettie Cox, School Libraries Chair
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Linda McKay, Fiscal Management
Catherine Nathan, Incoming VP/President Elect
Sherry Laughlin, ML Editor 2005
Nancy Tenhet, Conservation
Shirlene Stogner, Fiscal Management
Carol Green, Fiscal Management
Kathleen Wells, Handbook Committee
Terry Latour, DSU
Patricia Matthes, Fiscal Management
Margaret Jane Stauble, ECTRT
James Kennedy, 2YCRT
President Flanders called the meeting to order at
10:00 a.m. The agenda was presented and a quorum
was declared.
A. Secretary – A.Mays presented the minutes of the October 20, 2004 meeting.
made a motion to approve the minutes. A. Webster seconded. The motion passed
B. Treasurer – J. Smith stated that she has been writing vouchers for conference
expenses, and
gathering paperwork together to submit the Speaker’s Grant reimbursement. MLA
receive $70,000 reimbursement for speakers’ fees. This will be covered in more
detail in the
Fiscal Management report.
C. President – J. Flanders thanked everyone for allowing her to serve as President,
and gave
Mary Julia special thanks. She received a letter from ALA, asking for recommendations
books by Mississippi authors for inclusion in the project called "Many
Voices, One Nation". She
will give this letter to the Mississippi Author Awards committee for their input.
D. Past-President – P. Plauche’s report is given with the Fiscal Management
E. Vice-President – S. Cassagne had no report, but thanked everyone for attending
the annual
F. ALA Councilor – R. Lipscomb will be attending the midwinter meeting in Boston.
He also
reported that the appropriations bill is $9.5 million over last year’s budgeted
G. SELA – No report.
H. Executive Secretary – M. Anderson thanked the Board for her new computer.
I. ML Co-Editors – J. Flanders reported for K.Davis and D.Scott that the last
issue is being
finished up.
A. ACRL – No report.
B. School Libraries – B. Cox reported that Linda Williams of the AASL (see minutes
of Oct. 20
meeting) would like someone from MLA School Libraries section to go to Boston.
thinks this will be easier in the summer, and asked if MLA could pay any of
the expenses. J. Flanders said this is not budgeted, but a recommendation can
be made to the Fiscal Management committee. Since the recommendation of a section
takes the form of a motion, B. Cox made the recommendation to affiliate with
the AASL if the MLA membership meets the requirements. J. Smith seconded.
C. Trustees – No report.
D. Public Libraries – No report.
E. Special Libraries – A. Lipscomb reported that the meeting after the program
was very sparsely
attended. They need to work on building up membership in the section.
S.Smith reported:
o That the legislature passed $1.6 million capital
improvement bonds in special session. It was not as much as was on the books
o The Gates Foundation gave $22,000 to sustain computers in public libraries
in four categories:
o 1. upgrading telecommunication equipment
o 2. replacing computer equipment
o 3. education for library
o 4. technical assistance
o The MLC staff may be able to occupy their new building in May 2005.
o We are heading into a difficult legislative session. It is shorter this spring
and MLA members need
to get their message to legislators. S. Smith predicts this will be a difficult
o MLC has a new contract for an interlibrary loan system and union catalog.
It will bring 10-12
libraries onto this system over the next few months.
o S. Cassagne asked about the speakers’ grant. S. Smith said she will recommend
to the MLC
Board that they continue the grant. S. Cassagne asked if funding would be affected
if the name of
National Library Week was changed to Library Advocacy Day, and S. Smith replied
that it would
not be affected.
There was none to be discussed.
A. Recommendations from Handbook Committee
– K.Wells handed out the recommendations. The revised handbook will be put on
the MLA
website. The recommendation of the committee to revise the handbook takes the
form of a
motion; A. Webster seconded.
B. Editorship of ML – The Board needs to formally accept Sherry Laughlin as
the editor for 2005.
J.Flanders wrote her a letter thanking her for accepting the position. Elizabeth
Stephan will
be the Assistant Editor. J. Flanders has asked Sherry to mentor Elizabeth and
make sure she
is ready to take over the editorship the next year. The recommendation to accept
Sherry Laughlin to a one year term as editor and Elizabeth Stephan as Assistant
Editor of ML takes the form of a motion. P. Plauche seconded.
C. Recommendation from School Library Section
– This recommendation was handled in the Section Reports.
A. Conservation – N. Tenhet handed out a "Digitization Resources Webliography."
B. Mississippi Authors – No report.
C. Fiscal Management – L. McKay handed out the report. The committee is making
several recommendations
dealing with 1.) approving accounting procedures for managing the Lifetime Legacy
Club memberships, 2.) approving a $500 annual stipend for the ML editor, 3.)
approving the modification of the existing reimbursement travel mileage of $.25
per mile for the MLA Executive Secretary to the current MS state rate of $.375
per mile, and 4.) approving the 2005
proposed MLA budget. (See attached report and budget for exact wording.) The
recommendation of the committee to accept the revisions as written takes the
form of a motion; R. Lipscomb seconded the motion. J. Smith mentioned that a DSL
line cannot be installed in M. Anderson’s office after all and she will have
to continue using the dial-up connection.
Once she has relocated to the new MLC building, she can have a wireless connection.
D. Poster Session – C. Green said she would move this item to the Board meeting
immediately following.
A. Automation & Networking (ANRT) – No report.
B. Black Caucus – No report.
C. Educational Communication & Technology
(ECTRT) – J. Stauble reported they had a meeting at MLA and had only two of their
eight members present. James Kennedy was their speaker, and will be the new
chairperson. They may need to meet midterm to get more members and input.
D. Friends of Mississippi Libraries – No report.
E. Technical Services (TSRT) – No report.
F. Two Year College (2YCRT) – J. Kennedy reported that this roundtable has 38
members. Brad Watson was the speaker at their meeting. Nancy Wilcox is the new
G. Young People’s Services (YPSRT) – No report.
H. Government Documents (GODORT) – No report.
I. Library Instruction (LIRT) – Adrienne Lee was the speaker at their meeting
and will be the new
chairperson. They have 26 members.
J. New Members (NMRT) – No report.
K. Special Collections (SCRT) – No report.
None given.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 11:23 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Allison P. Mays