MLA listserv functions as the primary listserv and e-mail communication tool for the Mississippi Library Association. MLA strongly encourages members to stay subscribed to the listserv to receive important member communications. Members may also use this listserv to communicate their own information to the MLA membership.

To post a message to all the list members, send email to mla@gaggle.email. You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Please contact webmaster@misslib.org or info@misslib.org to be subscribed to the listerv.

Posting Policy

The following policy governs all postings to the MLA Members list. These policies will be enforced by the MLA Web Page Committee. Please note that repeated violations of these policies may result in the removal of offenders from the list.

1. All messages must relate, however slightly, to the general topic of libraries or library staff in Mississippi. The list owner interprets this rather broadly, but messages that are clearly off-topic will not be tolerated.

2. Advertisements are not appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, announcements of new products and free trials by those who stand to gain from such announcements. However, a simple statement that offers a way to follow-up for more information on a service or product is tolerated if it accompanies a substantive message discussing a subject appropriate to the list. Announcements of conferences, workshops, new publications, and position openings appropriate to the topic of the list are allowed.

3. Virus warnings (not bug reports), are strongly discouraged, and ONLY official CERT or CIAC advisories are acceptable. In addition, before forwarding any virus information you may wish to check Internet Hoaxes and Virus Hoaxes for hoax information and how to spot hoaxes.

4. Personal attacks such as name calling and personal insults will not be tolerated. Comments that are intended only to enrage the recipient rather than contribute to thoughtful discussion are prohibited.

5. All postings must be free of copyright restrictions that limit distribution. For example, posting a significant amount of a copyrighted work verbatim requires the permission of the copyright holder. To verify that such permission was obtained, all postings of this nature must include a statement that this is the case.

6. The preferred format for list messages is plain text. Subscribers whose mail clients default to other formats such as HTML should configure them to send plain text when posting to the list. Sending MIME file attachments of any kind is prohibited; to prevent the spread of viruses, etc., any attachments are automatically stripped from your message before posting. The total size of any message should not exceed 10k.

This policy adapted, with permission, from the WEB4LIB electronic discussion.



MLA's mission is to provide professional leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.

Office Hours:
Tuesday: 11:00am-5:00pm

Wednesday: 1:00pm-5:00pm

Thursday: 11:00am-5:00pm

PO Box 13687, Jackson MS 39236-3687 

Phone: 601-981-4586


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