MSU Riley Center
2200 5th St
Meridian, MS 39301
Conference Hotel Reserved DatesWhen reserving a room, be sure to mention your with the MS Library Association Conference and its code/group number in order to get the special rate.
Drury Inn & Suites MeridianWebsite: Drury Inn & Suites Meridian (Click this link to reserve with group rate) Phone: 1-800-325-0720, please refer to MLA's group number 2347513. Address: 112 Highway 11 and 80 North, Meridian, MS 39301
Website: Holiday Inn Meridian
Phone: (601) 693-0160
Address: 100 N Frontage Rd, Meridian, MS 39301
Website: Hilton Garden Inn Meridian
Phone: (601) 485-3506, please refer to MLA's group code: MSLA18
Address: 109 US-11, Meridian, MS 39301