Meeting Minutes 2009
December 11, 2008 | May 20, 2009 | August 14, 2009 | October 21, 2009 | December 11, 2009
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
December 11, 2008
11:15 a.m.
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, MS
President Jan Willis called the meeting to order at 11:15 a.m. and welcomed the new Board.
Secretary Marsha Case called the roll.
Executive Board members:
President - Jan Willis
Immediate Past President - Jeff Slagell
Treasurer - Amanda Clay Powers
Secretary - Marsha Case
Public Library Section Chair - Lynn Shurden
Ex-officio member - MLA Executive Secretary Mary Julia Anderson
Others attending the meeting:
Judy Card - 2008 MLA Executive Board Secretary
A quorum was not present. No minutes or Treasurer's report were given.
President's Report: Jan Willis reiterated the success of the 2008 MLA Annual Conference in Natchez in October. He also stated that the 2010 MLA conference will be October 19-October 22.
Section Reports:
Public Library Section - Lynn Shurden, Chair, discussed the possibility of having a speaker for MLA who would present a program on trends in libraries and not having an author to speak. She stated that public libraries can lead way in trends.
Committee Reports:
Fiscal Management - Lynn Shurden, Chair, presented the 2009 Budget proposal and the following recommendations to the MLA Executive Board for consideration:
1. Approve an increase in salary for the Executive Secretary of 3% to $15.45 per
2. Increase bookkeeper's salary to $3,708 per year which is a 3% increase.
3. Investigate possible increases for advertising in ML and Web.
4. Invest Virgia Brocks-Shedd Scholarship funds.
5. Hire Ann Richmond as bookkeeper to replace Missy Lee who is retiring.
6. Transition to electronic banking and Executive Board to decide who has access to account.
7. Approve the 2009 Budget Proposal.
With a lack of a quorum the Fiscal Management Committee's recommendations will have to be voted on at the next MLA Executive Board meeting. It was also suggested that a retirement plaque be presented to Missy Lee. Jeff Slagell and Mary Julia Anderson will work on acquiring the plaque.
New Business:
The Thad Cochran Center on campus at USM in Hattiesburg will charge $3895 for the 2009 Annual Conference. Conference center charges for Vicksburg (2010) will be based on agreed-upon tiers of food and beverage expenditures.
Judy Card suggested exploring the use of teleconferencing, if needed, for MLA Board meetings. By-Laws need to be checked to see if being present in person is mandatory. In the future the Board will explore if it is time to consider a mixture of teleconferencing and physical attendance at quarterly meetings.
Old Business:
There was discussion about the Authors' Awards and digitally recording authors' speeches. Could MLA use podcast to put on website? MSU has equipment, does USM? Would they let MLA borrow? Amanda Powers agreed to research.
With no announcements, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Case
Minutes approved at MLA Board meeting May 20, 2009.
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
May 20, 2009
10:30 a.m.
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, MS
President Jan Willis called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.
Secretary Marsha Case called the roll.
Executive Board members:
President – Jan Willis
Vice-President – Ann Branton
Immediate Past President – Jeff Slagell
Treasurer – Amanda Clay Powers
Secretary – Marsha Case
ALA Councilor – Sherry Laughlin
Parliamentarian – Shirlene Stogner
ACRL Section Chair – Judy Hilkert
Ex-officio member – MLA Executive Secretary Mary Julia Anderson
Others attending the meeting:
Jacqueline Quinn -- BCRT
Pat Rodgers -- BCRT
Sybyl Robinson
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from October 21, 2008, December 11, 2008 (08 final meeting), and December 11, 2008 (09 first meeting) were read. One correction was made in the December 11, 2008 (09 first meeting) to insert Shedd after Brock in Fiscal Management report. Jeff Slagell moved that all 3 set of minutes be accepted with the correction as noted above. Sherry Laughlin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
President’s Report: Jan Willis began his report with the discussion that Randy Sherard has asked to not chair the Trustee section this year and asked if anyone knew of a possible replacement.
A report was given that National Library Legislative Day was held in Washington, D.C. May 11-12, 2009. Representing Mississippi were Frances Coleman, Sharman Smith, Dee Tatum, and Jan Willis as well as MLC Board of Commissioners Russell Burns, Celia Fisher, Pamela Pridgen and Glenda Segars. They met with Representative Gregg Harper along with the assistants of the other members of Mississippi’s Congressional delegation.
LSTA funding, E-Rate, and the federal stimulus package were among the topics discussed. Legislative Day 2010 will be tied into the ALA conference.
Advocacy Day in February was well received at the Mississippi State Capitol where MLA representatives delivered slices of pie to the members of the legislature.
Treasurer’s Report: Amanda Powers opened a discussion about using electronic banking for the regular monthly bills. It was discussed as whether there was a more efficient, progressive way of handling the banking. The mail doesn’t work very well with having to send checks to various people. Electronic banking should allow for better monitoring. She will look into it further.
Vice-President’s Report: Ann Branton said that the plans for the 2009 MLA conference to be held in Hattiesburg October 21-23, 2009 are going well. The theme this year is “Eco-Friendly Libraries: Greener for a New Century.” Ann, Jeff Slagell, and Sherry Laughlin will work on a proclamation for the 100th anniversary of MLA to be presented by the Mississippi Legislature. Ann and Sherry are working on the program grant. The keynote speaker is Louise Schaper, Director of the Fayetteville Public Library, Arkansas which received LEED Silver status in 2006. The 100th anniversary birthday bash will feature Celtic dancers with Greg Johnson. There will be a $20 cover for beer, wine, and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Sherry Laughlin reported that rooms have been put on hold at several hotels in the Hattiesburg areaundefinedHampton Inn, Fairfield Inn, Courtyard, Residence Inn, and Holiday Inn. Jeff Slagell stated that he would be working on the Past Presidents’ Award.
ALA Councilor Report: Sherry Laughlin presented a Resolution honoring Judith F. Krug (1940-2009) for her life and legacy as an indefatigable champion of libraries and librarianship and a steadfast advocate for First Amendment rights for all people. Jeff Slagell made the motion that MLA pass this resolution. Amanda Powers seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Section Reports:
ACRLundefinedJudy Hilkert stated that Fred Stoss’ topic will be Green Library ICE @ your library: Information, Communication, Education. Stoss is from the University of Buffalo.
Roundtable Reports:
BCRTundefinedPat Rodgers reported that the BCRT luncheon will have 2 speakers, Barbara A. Seals Nevergold and Peggy Brooks-Bertram, compilers and editors of Go, Tell Michelle.
TSRTundefinedAnn Branton reported that the Spring meeting held in May went well and had more than 50 in attendance.
Committee Reports:
Election CommitteeundefinedShirlene Stogner presented the slate of nominees for the 2010 elections to be ratified:
Carolyn McCallum
Jennifer Smith
Ruth Ann Gibson
Judith Hilkert
Molly Signs McManus
Maggie Moran
Jeff Slagell made the motion to accept the slate of nominees and Amanda Powers seconded. Motion passed.
Stogner also presented the results of the election to be ratified:
Jennifer Smith
Ruth Ann Gibson
Molly Signs McManus
Jeff Slagell made the motion to ratify the winners as presented. Amanda Powers seconded the motion. Motion passed.
National Library Week CommitteeundefinedAlice Shands was not in attendance, but submitted a written report. Seventy-six libraries ordered 26,885 bookmarks and 848 posters for NLW. A press packet was distributed and news releases were sent to all daily papers in the state. Shands also suggested finding a way to insure multi-type library participation. Another idea was to expand the committee into a year round marketing/public relations/publicity committee.
Old Business:
The 2009 Budget proposal was presented at the December meeting but wasn’t approved due to a lack of a quorum. The following recommendations were presented to the MLA Executive Board for consideration:
1. Approve an increase in salary for the Executive Secretary of 3% to $15.45 per
2. Increase bookkeeper’s salary to $3,708 per year which is a 3% increase.
3. Investigate possible increases for advertising in ML and Web.
4. Invest Virgia Brocks-Shedd Scholarship funds.
5. Hire Ann Richmond as bookkeeper to replace Missy Lee who is retiring.
6. Transition to electronic banking and Executive Board to decide who has access to account.
7. Approve the 2009 Budget Proposal.
Amanda Powers made the motion to approve the 7 recommendations as presented. Jeff Slagell seconded the motion. Motion passed.
More discussion followed concerning who had access to the bank account and who might have access if electronic banking is chosen. Final suggestions were that the Treasurer and President have complete access with bookkeeper, President-elect, and MLA Executive Secretary having viewing capability if and when electronic banking is implemented.
New Business:
Legislative GoalsundefinedThe following ten goals were presented:
1. Secure continued and increased funding for MAGNOLIA which provides to
all Mississippians access to electronic information databases through publicly
supported libraries.
2. Secure full funding for the Mississippi Library Commission’s operational
budget, including staffing.
3. Obtain increased funding for the Personnel Incentive Grants Program (PIGP).
Raise legislative awareness of the role of the PIGP in supporting public library
services. PIGP is as important to public libraries as MAEP is to public schools.
4. Broaden legislative understanding of the importance of the Health/Life
Insurance Program for public library employees and the need for continued full funding as premiums and participation increase.
5. Support projects and funding involving K-12 schools, community college, and
university libraries.
6. Obtain bond funding for capital improvements in public libraries.
7. Increase public awareness of the role of all types of libraries in the educational, informational and economic development of the state.
8. Raise awareness of the need for professional librarians and qualified staff in
9. Identify and monitor any legislative initiatives that pertain to or impact the
delivery of library services to Mississippians, including issues related t funding, library governance, intellectual freedom, access to information, and confidentiality in the use of library materials.
10. Monitor and respond to federal activities affecting libraries.
Sherry Laughlin made the motion to accept as presented and Jeff Slagell seconded. Motion passed.
Jan Willis presented information concerning the establishment of a charitable account for Linda Milner, Assistant Director of the Mid-Mississippi Regional Library who was seriously injured in an automobile accident. This account will be known as the Linda Milner Fund and will be located at Regions Bank. The set-up fee will be $50. Richard Greene, Director of the Mid-Mississippi Regional Library System, along with Milner will have authority to access the funds. Amanda Powers made the motion that MLA support the creation of this fund and pay the $50 set-up cost. Sherry Laughlin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Jan Willis also asked that the National Legislative Day registrations and hotel be paid by MLA and then be reimbursed by MLC. Sherry Laughlin made the motion and Ann Branton seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The next MLA Executive Board meeting will be on Friday, August 14, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. The October meeting will be held during the annual conference. The December meeting has been scheduled for Friday, Dec. 11 at 10:30 a.m.
With no further announcements, Sherry Laughlin made the motion to adjourn with Amanda Powers seconding. The meeting adjourned at 11:33 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Case, Secretary
Minutes approved at MLA Board meeting August 14, 2009
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
August 14, 2009
10:30 a.m.
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, MS
President Jan Willis called the meeting to order at 10:35 a.m.
Secretary Marsha Case called the roll.
Executive Board members:
President – Jan Willis
Vice-President – Ann Branton
Immediate Past President – Jeff Slagell
Treasurer – Amanda Clay Powers
Secretary – Marsha Case
ALA Councilor – Sherry Laughlin
Parliamentarian – Shirlene Stogner
ACRL Section Chair – Judy Hilkert
Special Libraries Section Chair – Tracy Carr Seabold
Trustee Section Chair – Harriet Kuykendall
Ex-officio member – MLA Executive Secretary Mary Julia Anderson
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from May 20, 2009 were read. One correction was made concerning the National Legislative Day registrations. The correction is to now read “Jan Willis also asked that the National Legislative Day registrations and hotel be paid by MLA and then to be reimbursed by MLC.” Jeff Slagell made the motion that the minutes be accepted with the correction as noted above. Judy Hilkert seconded the motion. Motion passed.
President’s Report: Jan Willis welcomed Harriet Kuykendall to the MLA Executive Board as the chair of the Trustee section. Mrs. Kuykendall told about her life as a librarian. Ann Branton made a motion to accept Harriet Kuykendall as the new Trustee section chair. Amanda Powers seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Amanda Powers presented the financial report. A discussion was held concerning changing the “Black Caucus Donations” heading to read “Virgia Brocks-Shedd Donations”. The bookkeeper has asked about correcting some unclear transactions. This was tabled until the October meeting. There was nothing new to report on the electronic banking. Jeff Slagell made the motion to accept the financial report with the one change mentioned above. Sherry Laughlin seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
August 14, 2009
10:30 a.m.
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, MS
Page 2
Vice-President’s Report: Ann Branton and Sherry Laughlin presented an update on the MLA annual conference. Mary Julia Anderson had gone to USM on Wednesday the 12th and had toured the conference center. Ann presented the conference logo. Sherry passed out a list of hotel reservation information. Hotels offering MLA pricing are Hampton Inn, Courtyard by Marriott, Residence Inn, Fairfield Inn, and Baymont Inn. Most meals will be buffet. It was also suggested that groups verify what equipment they will need. Two movies will be screenedundefinedThe Hollywood Librarian and Kilowatt Ours. Pre-registration will be Tuesday 3-6 p.m. at Courtyard by Marriott. The MLA Board meeting will be Oct. 21 at 9 a.m. There will be wireless available for vendors. The fundraiser for the scholarship fund will be held at the old Bottling Company in downtown Hattiesburg Wednesday night. This will be a birthday bash with open bar and heavy hors d’oeuvres.
There will be two parking lots reserved with parking passes required. There is limited space so it was suggested that attendees carpool as much as possible. The President’s reception will be held at the Art Museum on campus on Wednesday afternoon with punch and light hors d’oeuvres. Past-Presidents will be recognized at the Awards Luncheon on Friday. Rick Bragg will be the featured speaker at the 2YCRT/Public Libraries Section breakfast. Paul Griffin will speak at the YPSRT luncheon. The Black Caucus luncheon will feature Peggy Brooks-Bertram who edited Go Tell Michelle. Seventeen poster sessions were accepted. The Author Awards’ winners were announcedundefinedKathryn Stockett for fiction for The Help and Gerald Helferich for non-fiction for High Cotton.
Past-President’s Report: Jeff Slagell had no report.
ALA Councilor’s Report: Sherry Laughlin reported that ALA was moving toward more electronic participation including voting. The MLA’s resolution for Judith Krug was turned in. All resolutions were bound and presented to the Krug family.
Section Reports:
ACRLundefinedJudy Hilkert said that Fred Stoss is still coming and plans to attend the whole conference. The voting for new officers has been delayed, but will be ready by conference. She discussed changing section by-laws.
Roundtable Reports:
NMRTundefinedAnn Branton would like to see this roundtable reorganized and it then become more active.
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
August 14, 2009
10:30 a.m.
Mississippi Library Commission
Jackson, MS
Page 3
Old Business:
Pamela Pridgen is working on a way to publicize the Linda Milner Fund at MLA.
Ann Branton has contacted Glenda Segars and Deb Mitchell, MLA Legislative Committee, about help with getting a proclamation for the 100th birthday of MLA. The proclamation could come from the governor.
New Business:
Judy Hilkert reported first case of swine flu at Hinds and expressed concern for public libraries in general.
It was announced that Mary Julia Anderson would be out of the office the following week due to her daughter’s upcoming back surgery.
The conference then again became the topic of conversation with quite a lengthy discussion of exhibits and ideas for more vendors to contact.
The next MLA Board meeting will be Oct. 21, 2009 at 9 a.m. at MLA with the December meeting being December 11, 2009 at 10 a.m. at MLC.
With no further announcements, Amanda Powers made the motion to adjourn with Judy Hilkert seconding. The meeting adjourned at 11:59 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Case, Secretary
Minutes approved at MLA Board meeting October 21, 2009
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
October 21, 2009
9:00 a.m.
USMundefinedThad Cochran Center
Hattiesburg, MS
President Jan Willis called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Executive Board members:
President – Jan Willis
Vice-President – Ann Branton
Immediate Past President – Jeff Slagell
Treasurer – Amanda Clay Powers
ALA Councilor – Sherry Laughlin
Parliamentarian – Shirlene Stogner
School Section Chair – Melissa Moak
(Secretary Marsha Case and Trustee Section Chair Harriet Kuykendall were in route, arriving at 9:25 a.m.)
Also in attendance were Molly McManus, Web Committee/Incoming Treasurer and Jennifer A. Smith, Incoming MLA Vice-President.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from August 14, 2009 were read. Sherry Laughlin made the motion that the minutes be accepted as presented. Amanda Powers seconded the motion. Motion passed.
President’s Report: Jan Willis reported that the federal government is asking state library associations to assist promoting its new web portal, DisasterAssistance.gov,
as a resource for citizens needing help after a disaster. The board concurred in having the following language posted online at the MLA site to promote this site for Mississippians, who well remember how they turned to our libraries after Katrina.
Disaster survivors who need assistance following a presidentially declared disaster
that has been designated for individual assistance can now go to DisasterAssistance.gov to register online. DisasterAssistance.gov is a user-friendly Web portal that consolidates information about assistance available from multiple government agencies in one place, making it easier for survivors to research and apply for disaster assistance. As a community information and technology resource, libraries can help increase awareness of and provide access to the DisasterAssistance.gov Web portal. By raising awareness of the valuable resources available, providing access and encouraging survivors to access the portal, the Mississippi Library Association is joining the effort in making it easier for disaster survivors to learn about and apply for the aid they need following a disaster.
Treasurer’s Report: Amanda Powers presented the treasurer’s report. Shirlene Stogner made the motion to accept the report as presented. Sherry Laughlin seconded. Motion passed. Amanda also announced that she would be available at various times during the conference if needed.
Vice-President’s Report: Ann Branton and Sherry Laughlin presented an update on the MLA Annual Conference. Ann offered many kudos to Sherry for the local arrangements and planning of the conference.
Past-President’s Report: none
ALA Councilor’s Report: none
Section Reports: none
Roundtable Reports: none
Committee Reports: none
Old Business: none
New Business:
Marsha Case submitted a proposal for changes in the eligible entries and guidelines for the Public Relations Awards.
The proposal is to change the Entries introduction paragraph to now read “Entries representing Mississippi libraries will be accepted in an organized format relevant to the project: scrapbooks, displays, audio/video tapes, slides, DVDs, online submissions, etc.”
The second proposal is to change the first Guidelines bullet to read “All entries are required to have a project abstract. Failure to submit abstract will render entry invalid. Online submissions require a written abstract to be submitted providing the appropriate links to entry and the information requested below.”
Sherry Laughlin made the motion to approve the changes in the Public Relations Awards as presented. Ann Branton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The next MLA Board meeting will be December 11, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. at MLC.
With no further announcements, Harriet Kuykendall made the motion to adjourn with Jeff Slagell seconding. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Case, Secretary
Minutes approved at MLA Board meeting December 11, 2009
Mississippi Library Association
Executive Board Meeting
December 11, 2009
10:30 a.m.
Jackson, MS
President Jan Willis called the meeting to order at 10:38 a.m.
Secretary Marsha Case called the roll.
Executive Board members:
President – Jan Willis
Vice-President – Ann Branton
Treasurer – Amanda Clay Powers
Secretary – Marsha Case
Parliamentarian – Shirlene Stogner
Executive Secretary – Mary Julia Anderson
ACRL Section Chair – Judy Hilkert
School Library Section Chair – Melissa Moak
Special Library Section Chair – Tracy Carr Seabold
Trustee Section Chair – Harriet Kuykendall
Also in attendance were Molly McManus, Web Committee/Incoming Treasurer,
Jennifer A. Smith, Incoming MLA Vice-President, and Sharmin Smith, MLC Executive Director.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from October 21, 2009 were read. Corrections were made concerning who made the motions to accept August 14 minutes. Also corrected was the statement about the Treasurer’s Report and motions made. Two minor typos were corrected. Amanda Powers made the motion to accept the minutes as corrected and Tracy Seabold seconded. Motion passed.
President’s Report: Jan Willis expressed thanks to Ann Branton and Sherry Laughlin for all of their hard work with the 2009 MLA Annual Conference.
Treasurer’s Report: Amanda Powers presented the current Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss Statement. Both are up-to-date and accurate. Investments reported are up-to-date as well. Most conference expenses have been submitted. Harriet Kuykendall made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report as submitted and Tracy Seabold seconded. Motion passed.
Vice-President’s Report: Ann Branton reported that final conference details are being completed, reports finished, etc. Ann also reported that the University of Southern
Mississippi recently received a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Studies (IMLS) to recruit ten minority students for its fully accredited, online, Master of Library Science program. A letter was presented from Dr. Jenny S. Bossaller requesting that MLA form either a committee or roundtable on diversity stating that “part of the grant stipulates the formation of a diversity group within the Mississippi Library Association so that the students can learn about, and be part of, a group that lasts beyond their tenure as students, and will advocate for all minority groups in libraries across Mississippi.” Ann stated that she would ask Dr. Bossaller to make a further presentation to the MLA Executive Board at its next meeting on February 5, 2010.
Section Reports:
ACRLundefinedJudy Hilkert reported that the group was pleased with the presentation at the annual conference stating that “greening” libraries extended beyond just paper recycling. New officers were announced: Tisha ZelnerundefinedChair, Michael MounceundefinedVice-Chair/Chair-Elect, and Melissa DennisundefinedSecretary/Treasurer. Judy would like to see more participation in 2010 within the group and discussed the national ACRL rules and regulations. She also announced that Juanita Flanders, District Dean of Learning Resources at Hinds Community College would be retiring effective December 31, 2009.
School LibrariesundefinedMelissa Moak, co-chair (with Edith Leggins) reported that they would like more participation from school librarians at MLA, but it is difficult to get off for more than one day. There were 31 requests for CEU’s, most from school librarians. Melissa expressed an interest in having more programs for school librarians on Thursday. It was stated that everyone needed to know that CEU’s were available from other programs, not just school-related ones. She also proposed that MLA consider waiving registration fees for presenters. Ann Branton suggested that she and Melissa work on a letter to principals and school superintendants outlining the advocacy of school librarians and how MLA contributes. Melissa reported that she is a member of a regional librarians’ group, MALT (Mississippi Association of Library Teachers), that has been reporting good feedback.
Special LibrariesundefinedTracy Seabold reported that she has been presenting workshops on CREDO, 400 reference books online. This is not an Internet source. She reported that the Special Libraries presentation at MLA had less attendance than at previous times. New officers were announced: Cindy YuundefinedChair and Joyce ShawundefinedVice-Chair. Tracy expressed a need to try to peak the interest of special groups.
TrusteesundefinedHarriet Kuykendall reported that the Trustees presentation by Randy Sherrod at MLA was well-attended by 18 trustees and directors. She has met with Barbara Price to set up state-wide workshops. She plans to use JHLS as a pilot program sometime after Christmas. Harriet stated that she was currently taking an online trustee class.
Committee Reports:
Fiscal ManagementundefinedJennifer Smith reported that the fiscal management committee had met and had worked on a tentative budget. The committee will meet before February 5, 2010 and have a recommendation at the next meeting.
Special Report: Sharmin Smith, MLC Executive Director, reported that she intends to recommend to the MLC Board to give a $20,000 grant to MLA for next year. MLC has reserved the entire rotunda floor (at State Capitol) on February 18, 2010 for Library Day. MLA will again sponsor Pie Day on March 11, 2010 passing out Mississippi products to the legislators. Sharmin stated that the governor’s budget recommendation for MLC for 2011 calls for a $3,000,000 cut. MLC is doing all it can to educate the state about libraries. MLC has to count on everyone’s help with the legislature. She will meet with Jennifer Smith about the grant for next year. Sharmin would like to see MLA bring in a “name speaker” to get the blood pumping, to think differently. MLC/the grant’s intent is to help attract higher caliber speakers.
New business: A Resolution on 2009 Reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act had previously been approved via e-mail on November 13, 2009. The resolution was presented to be officially ratified by the MLA Executive Board. Amanda Powers made the motion to ratify the resolution as presented and Ann Branton seconded the motion. Motion passed.
With no further announcements, Marsha Case made the motion to adjourn with Amanda Powers seconding. The meeting adjourned at 11:53 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Case, Secretary