Meeting Minutes 2005
December 10, 2004 | February 15, 2005 | March 18, 2005 | August 19, 2005 | October 26, 2005
Susan Cassagne, President
Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect
Carol Green, Treasurer
Allison Mays [substituting for Linda Milner], Secretary
Juanita Flanders, Immediate Past President
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Mary Beth Applin, SELA Councilor
Bettie Cox, School Libraries Chair
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Linda McKay, Fiscal Management
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries
Diane Willard, School Section Vice-chair
Clara Joorfetz, Special Sections
Prima Plauche, Legacy Club Membership
Sherry Laughlin, ML Editor
Shirlene Stogner, LIRT
Terry Latour, DSU
Patricia Matthes, Fiscal Management
Margaret Jane Stauble, ECTRT
President Cassagne called the meeting to order at 11:25 a.m. The agenda was
presented and a quorum was declared.
The new Board members were introduced. Lists of Board, committee, section, and
roundtable members
were handed out, as well as the schedule for Board meetings and other activities
for this next year. Shirlene Stogner was appointed as the new Parliamentarian.
A. President - S. Cassagne reported that she will be attending ALA Midwinter
in Boston. She stated she wants to change legislative Day to Library Advocacy
Day. The committees could have their business meetings; there will not be a
this year. J. Flanders stated that the Legislative Committee should be in charge
of this day as that will give it more continuity. The public relations awards
will be given out at the Awards luncheon at MLA annual meeting instead of on
Library Advocacy Day. C. Nathan made a motion to change the name and focus of
Legislative Day to Library Advocacy Day. J.Smith seconded. The motion passed
B. Vice-President - C. Nathan stated that the theme of the 2005 MLA annual meeting
will be "Libraries Build Community". She has been in touch with Former
ALA president Sarah Ann Long about being the keynote speaker. She asked for
ideas for the convention.
C. Treasurer - C. Green reported that they are trying to get a credit card for
the Executive Secretary. Since the MLA's money market account does not include
debit cards, the banker suggested switching to a non-profit checking account
which has a debit card for no extra charge. R. Lipscomb made a motion to change
the original recommendation of the Fiscal Management Committee to establish
a non-profit money market checking account with a debit card with a limit of
$500. C. Nathan seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
D. Secretary - No report.
E. ALA Councilor - R. Lipscomb is planning to attend the ALA Midwinter meeting.
He reported that ALA is buying their own building in Washington, DC to avoid
high rents costs.
F. SELA Councilor - No report.
G. Section Reports - No reports.
Executive Secretary - No report.
No reports.
None to be discussed.
New Business
A. R. Lipscomb asked about planning for National Library Week. S. Cassagne stated
she will report
back later.
B. C.Green reported on the poster sessions for 2005. Display boards at the
convention centers
have to be used and they can cost about $75- 80 each. We will not be using Convention
Display this year and she suggested that we consider using table top displays
since we can get tables set up at no extra cost. T. Latour suggested
checking with the Vicksburg convention staff about this idea.
C. B.Cox asked about CEU credits being approved and listed in ML. In order
to qualify
for CEU credits, the program must be a workshop and not just have a speaker.
None given.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed
to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 12:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Allison P. Mays, substituting for Linda Milner
February 15, 2005
Board members attending:
Susan Cassagne, President
Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect
Carol Green, Treasurer
Linda Milner, Secretary
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, Executive Secretary
Sherry Laughlin, Mississippi Libraries
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries Chair
Pat Matthes, MUW
Marty Coleman, ANRT
Otha Keys, SJHS-Membership Co-Chair
Marsha Case, JHLS
John Batson, MLC
Dr. M. Jay Norton, USM Library School
Ann Branton, USM University Libraries
Tracy Carr, Special Libraries
Daisy Cheng, UM-Membership Co-Chair
President Cassagne called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. The agenda was
presented and a quorum was declared.
A. Secretary - Catherine Nathan moved that the reading of the December 10, 2004
minutes be moved to the March 18, 2005 meeting. The motion was seconded by Jennifer
Smith. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer - Treasurer Green submitted the Mississippi Library Association
Balance Sheet as of January 31, 2005. Her report reflected total assets of $
C. President - Susan Cassagne reported that the check written to Autumn Morning
Star, Professional Performer for MLA Conference in October 2004, was returned.
Treasurer Green issued a new check and it will be mailed to her. President Cassagne
attended the ALA Conference in Washington and reported that it was a good meeting
with 13,000 people in attendance.
D. Vice President - Catherine Nathan, along with Mary Julia Anderson, Pat Matthes,
and President Cassagne visited convention facilities at Oxford, MS and Tunica,
MS on January 28, 2005 to evaluate and recommend a Conference site for MLA Annual
Conference, October 23-26, 2006. No quote has been received from Oxford. However,
we have received a quote from the Grand Casino in Tunica, MS. Therefore, the
decision as to which location to be chosen for the 2006 Convention was tabled
at this time.
Catherine Nathan reported that the theme for the MLA Conference 2005, to be
held in Vicksburg, MS, is "Libraries Build Community". The keynote
speaker will be Sarah Ann Long, former ALA President. Victoria Penny will be
Registration Chair; Pat Matthes, Exhibit Chair; Jennifer Smith and Deb Mitchell,
Local Arrangements, Co-Chairs.
E. Past-President - No report given.
F. ALA Councilor - No report given.
G. ML Co-Editor - Sherry Laughlin reported that the spring issue of ML is approaching
readiness for the printer. Sherry stated that she had some response from the
email sent to libraries relating to an article for ML on multi-type collaboration
among different types of libraries.
A. ACRL - No report given.
B. Public Libraries - Jennifer Smith reported author Charlaine Harris will be
the speaker for the MLA Conference.
C. School Libraries - Otha Keys gave a legislative report on Senate Bill 2504.
She encouraged everyone to contact their legislators at this time relating to
the certification issues of school librarians.
D. Special Libraries - No report given.
E. Trustees - No report given.
A. Automation and Networking - Marty Coleman reported she is working on a program
for the MLA Conference relating to Wireless or Radio Frequency Identification
A. Membership Committee - Otha Keys reported there is a total of 420 members
in MLA.
B. Intellectual Freedom - John Batson reported the committee is planning a program
for 2006 MLA Conference titled "The Joy of Censorship" presented by
Mad Magazine Senior Editor, Joe Ralola. John asked for the Executive Board to
serve as financial agent for the proposed MHC Grant. Jennifer Smith moved that
MLA serve as the financial agent. Carol Green seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Sharman Smith reported on Legislative House Bill 1648. This bill holds MLC budget
at FY 2005 level. MLC could loose four positions which would bring them from
52-48 employees. She stated that House Bill 2463 would require private associations
with membership dues to be audited.
MLC will move into their new building in 2005. Space has been included in the
new building for the MLA office. She hopes to have the legislative reception
in the new building in 2006.
Dr. J. Norton reported that the SLIS at USM will be visited by the Committee
on Accreditation of ALA February 27-March 1, 2005. They will be examining documents,
student work, procedure manuals, etc. to better understand the SLIS program.
Three areas identified as
concerns are: Mission, Goals, and Objectives; Faculty; and Administration and
Financial Support. Dr. Norton stated that Librarian's involvement is essential
to the future of SLIS. President Cassagne suggested and encouraged librarians
to send SLIS letters of support.
President Cassagne reported that it was suggested in the December 2004 meeting
to post the Section and Roundtable Members list on the MLA web-site and stated
we are working to complete this task in the next two months. The Chairs of Committees
of Sections and Roundtables would have access to see who has actually paid to
be a member of that particular group.
Marsha Case, representing the Awards Committee, reported the past Public Relations
Awards previously presented on Legislative Day will now be presented in October
at the MLA Conference. The Public Relations Awards will be placed within the
Awards Committee. The criteria and guidelines for the PR Awards are posted in
the Awards Section of the MLA web-site. The MLA Executive Board accepted the
guidelines. (see attached criteria)
President Cassagne gave a mid-winter report. PLA Legislative Committee and
the ALA Office of Government Regulations in Washington are discussing how they
can better share federal legislative advocacy information with state chapters.
They are suggesting MLA form a committee for that purpose and begin working
with our chapter legislative committees and executive boards to identify an
individual who would be willing to serve as a representative to the legislative
network from our state. She will forward this information out on the list serve
for discussion at the March meeting.
A suggestion to form a Paraprofessional Roundtable was discussed and tabled
for discussion at a later meeting.
The date of the next MLA board meeting will be March 18, 2005 at 10:00 am at
the MLC.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Milner, Secretary
March 18, 2005
Board members attending:
Susan Cassagne, President
Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect
Carol Green, Treasurer
Linda Milner, Secretary
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, MLA Executive Secretary
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries Chair
Clara Joorfetz, Special Libraries Chair
Randy Sherard, Trustee Chair
Diane Willard, School Libraries Chair
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
President Cassagne called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. The agenda was
presented and a quorum was declared.
Sharman Smith gave a legislative report in the absence of Legislative Chair,
Frances Coleman.
She reported on Legislative House Bill 1648. There are two versions of the MLC
Appropriations Bill and both are line item budgets. The House version holds
MLC budget at FY 2005 level in which MLC would loose four positions. The Senate
version would cut $ 450,000 in the MLC Budget. The irony of this is that the
budget is cut in special funds and LSTA funds. Ms. Smith expressed the seriousness
of these possible budget cuts to MLC and encouraged everyone to contact their
Legislators about library needs.
At the Federal Level, the President's budget recommends library cuts but actually
recommends an LSTA increase.
Ms. Smith announced ALA Legislative Days will be May 3rd and 4th, 2005 in Washington,
DC. There will be 10 attendees from Mississippi.
Ms. Smith announced there will be four Town Meetings this year. They will be
held on May 11th in Tupelo, May 12th in Indianola, May 17th in Brookhaven, and
May 19th in Waynesboro.
On June 3rd a workshop will be held in Jackson on Technology Trends. Don Pearson,
Editor of Government Technology, and a senior fellow with the Center for Digital
Government will be speaking.
Catherine Nathan asked Ms. Smith about E-Rate and was advised that E-Rate looks
President, Susan Cassagne asked officers if they had received December 10, 2004
minutes. Catherine Nathan moved that the reading of the outgoing board and incoming
board minutes of December 10, 2004 and the minutes of the February 15, 2005
meeting be approved. The motion was seconded by Jennifer Smith. The motion passed
A. Treasurer - Treasurer Green submitted a report clearing 2004 grant items.
Catherine Nathan moved to accept Treasurer's report. The motion was seconded
by Jennifer Smith. The motion passed unanimously.
B. President - No report given.
C. Vice President - Catherine Nathan reported that she toured the Convention
Conference Facility in Vicksburg. Catherine presented a flyer that David Brown,
MLA Publicity Chair, had designed. The flyer promotes the First General Session
of Annual Conference of MLA to be held October 25th-28th, 2005 in Vicksburg,
MS. Hopefully, this publicity will be published in the next issue of ML. The
intent is to spur interest about the programs at MLA. The keynote speaker will
be Sarah Ann Long, former President of ALA. A fund raising event is being planned
for MLA.
D. Past-President - No report given.
E. ALA Councilor - Robert Lipscomb reported that ALA Mid-Winter Meeting in Boston
was well attended. He reported on changes in the ALA Policy Manual that were
suggested at the 2004 annual meeting last summer. The changes that were adopted
relate to core values, ethics, policy statements, etc. Mr. Lipscomb received
a letter from ALA encouraging feed back on where ALA should focus its energies.
As part of the activities, ALA would like to continue to have leaders attend
chapter conferences on a yearly basis to provide an update on ALA activities
to ensure that they are meeting the needs of librarians, libraries, and state
and regional associations as they work toward goals and visions for the next
five years.
F. ML Co-Editor - No report given.
A. ACRL - President, Susan Cassagne gave ACRL report for Janet Breeden, Chair.
ACRL will meet in March to plan the program for the MLA Conference.
B. Public Libraries - Jennifer Smith, Chair, stated she has invited the Trustee
Section to join the Public Libraries Section for the meeting at the Conference.
C. School Libraries - Diane Willard gave report for Bettie Cox, Vice Chair.
Diane Williams, Storyteller, will be doing two sessions at MLA Conference. Linda
Williams, from AASL will also be attending.
D. Special Libraries - Clara Joorfetz, Chair, reported that Frank Voller, Circuit
Court Judge for the Ninth District, will be the speaker for the Special Libraries
Section at the MLA Conference.
E. Trustees - Randy Sherard, Chair, encouraged everyone to invite their local
Trustees to attend the MLA Conference.
President, Susan Cassagne presented the following reports:
A. Technical Services - The report given for Bob Wolverton, Chair, stated there
would be a program on May 13th on Book Repair, Electronic Acquisitions, and
Outsourcing to improve your Library Technical Services.
B. Election - The report given for Paul McCarver, Chair, stated that the Election
Committee would be meeting soon.
C. Membership - The report given for Daisy Cheng and Otha Keys, Co-Chairs, stated
the membership application to the Legacy Club has been revised several times
to reflect clarification that dues can be payable in increments of a minimum
of $ 200 until the total is paid in full. Susan stated she had received a brochure
from the Membership Co-Chairs to encourage people in the library community to
join MLA. Presently, MLA has 489 members.
D. Scholarship - Susan stated John Batson sent an e-mail to MLA members urging
them to recommend nominations for the Peggy May Scholarship Award.
President, Susan Cassagne reported she received an e-mail from Dr. Norton, USM
SLIS Director, relating to the ALA Accreditation visit. The results of the review
will not be known until June.
Catherine Nation recommended that Tunica, MS be the MLA 2006 Conference site.
Clara Joorfetz made the motion to accept this recommendation. Jennifer Smith
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
President, Susan Cassagne reported that the Web-Page Chair is in the process
of posting the Section and Roundtable Members' List on the MLA website.
MLA Chairs, Frances Coleman and Deb Mitchell, will serve as the representatives
to the ALA Legislative Network.
The date of the next MLA Board Meeting will be May 6, 2005 at 10:00 am in the
Board Room at MLC.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 11:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Milner, Secretary
August 19, 2005
Board Members attending:
Susan Cassagne, President
Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect
Carol Green, Treasurer
Helen J. Flanders, Past President
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, MLA Executive Secretary
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries Section /Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Jana Breeden, ACRL/SCRT/Archives & History Committee
Randy Sherard, Trustees Section
Marsha Case, Hospitality Committee
Carol Phares, YPSRT
Billy Beal, BCRT
Jeff Slagell, MLA Vice President Elect
Margaret Jane Stauble, Author Awards Committee
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Kathy Buntin, Local Arrangements Committee
Deb Mitchell, Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Susan Cassagne, President called the meeting to order in the Meeting Room of the Warren County - Vicksburg Public Library. The agenda was presented and a quorum was declared.
Officer and Staff Reports
President Cassagne asked voting members of the Board if they had received the March 18, 2005 minutes. Everyone agreed that they had received the minutes. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer - Treasurer Carol Green reported on MLA income, including membership income and conference exhibit income. A copy of her report was distributed to the Board. It was noted that the income from exhibits was running behind from last year. There was a motion and a second to accept the report as presented. Motion passed.
President - Susan Cassagne gave a brief report on the National Legislative Day trip to Washington, D.C. in early May. She noted that the delegation visited each of the Mississippi congressional offices. She also reported on her trip to ALA in Chicago.
Past President - Juanita Flanders said she had enjoyed attending the ALA Conference in Chicago. She also mentioned that she had recently made a SACS site visit and learned a lot about accreditation.
Vice President - Catherine Nathan gave an update on the MLA Conference planned for Vicksburg in October. She thanked Jennifer Smith and Deb Mitchell for doing the local arrangements for the annual meeting. She talked about the plans for Scholarship Bash that would kick-off the conference and gave the highlights for the meeting. Catherine indicated that there were twenty vendors signed up so far. She also announced that Tunica would be the site for 2006.
ALA Councilor - Bob Lipscomb gave a brief ALA update.
Executive Secretary - Mary Julia Anderson reported that the association currently has 565 members. She also reported that she and President Cassagne had toured the new MLC building to get a look at the new MLA Office. The space was fine. The move in anticipated for early November.
Section Reports
ACRL - Jana Breeden gave highlights of the ACRL conference program. Barton Spencer will present a program on marketing libraries. She also reported that they had few problems with election procedures because their by-laws were not being followed. The section plans to meet at conference to discuss the election process in the by-laws and possibly make changes.
Public - Jennifer Smith reported on the conference program featuring Charlaine Harris. She also indicated that there would be a business session for the section.
School - Bettie Cox sent a written report that was distributed by President Cassagne. She noted in her report that the AASL submitted by the section was currently being reviewed and they hope to get a response very soon.
Trustee - Randy Sherard asked the group if there should be an effort made to contact trustees about the conference. He will work with Mary Julia Anderson to contact the trustees. There was a discussion about how to attract more trustees to the annual conference.
Special - Clara Joorfetz could not be present to report, so Jana Breeden reported on the conference program for this section.
Roundtable and Committee Reports
Black Caucus - Billy Beal reported that W. Paul Coates with Black Classics Press would be the speaker at their conference lunch. Billy also requested that income for the Black Caucus be divided into several categories, including membership, conference income, and scholarship donations. He also expressed the need for roundtables to have e-mail lists established.
ANRT - A written report was submitted by the roundtable. Stephen Cunetto will present a conference program on federated searching.
YPSRT - Carol Phares reported that the roundtable planned to swap ideas on teen programming at conference. She also gave an overview of their conference activities.
SCRT - A written report was submitted by Jennifer Brannock.
Election Committee - The Election Committee their report of the election and requested that the board ratify the election results. Election ratified.
Internal Audit Committee - Deb Mitchell reported on behalf of the Internal Audit Committee. A written report was submitted to the board.
Mississippi Author Awards Committee - Jane Stauble reported on the winners of the awards. These were Charlaine Harris, fiction; Gayden Metcalfe and Charlotte Hays, non fiction; Harris Barnes, special.
Hospitality/Public Relations Committees - Marsha Case reported that the Public Relations Awards would be presented at conference. She also reported on the plans for the hospitality booth at conference. There was a discussion about how to encourage more members to visit our vendor booths.
Poster Sessions - Jeff Slagell reported that he had received 12 abstracts for poster sessions. He said there would be special call for student poster sessions.
New Business
There was some discussion about the need to get started on selecting a site for the 2007 conference. Suggestions were made to return to Hattiesburg or Natchez. It was noted that Meridian was building a new convention center and might be ready by 2008.
The date of the next MLA Board Meeting will be Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at the Vicksburg Convention Center.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to adjourn. All in attendance then attended a Dutch treat lunch at The Tree House Café.
Minutes taken by Deb Mitchell
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Milner, Secretary
Board members attending:
Susan Cassagne, President
Catherine Nathan, Vice President/President Elect
Carol Green, Treasurer
Linda Milner, Secretary
Jennifer Smith, Public Libraries Chair
John Whitlock, Special Libraries
Randy Sherard, Trustee Chair
Robert Lipscomb, ALA Councilor
Juanita Flanders, Past President
Others in attendance:
Mary Julia Anderson, MLA Executive Secretary
Jeff Slagell, 2007 Vice President/President Elect
Molly Signs, Web Page Chair
Tisha Zelner, Mississippi Libraries
Sherry Laughlin, Mississippi Libraries
Daisy Cheng, Membership Committee Co-Chair
Elizabeth Stephan, Mississippi Libraries
Mary Edmond, Friends of Mississippi Libraries
Jane Stauble, Mississippi Author's Award Chair
Alison Mays
President Cassagne called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in the meeting
room of the Ridgeland Public Library. The agenda was presented and a quorum
was declared.
President, Susan Cassagne asked voting members of the board if they had received
August 19, 2005 minutes. Everyone agreed that they had received the minutes.
A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as presented. The motion
passed unanimously.
Treasurer Report
Treasurer, Carol Green gave a financial report for August, September, and October.
A copy of the financial report was distributed to the board. Four exhibitors
requested refunds fees due to cancellation of the MLA convention. The financial
report was accepted by the board.
President Report
President, Susan Cassagne reported that the MLA convention to be held in Vicksburg
in October was canceled due to hurricane Katrina. She reported that she had
attended the ALA Conference in Chicago and had a wonderful time.
Vice President Report
Catherine Nathan reported there had been a wonderful conference planned for
2005 but due to hurricane Katrina it was canceled. Tunica will be the site
for the 2006 MLA conference.
ALA Councilor Report
Robert Lipscomb reported that libraries all over the country had been kind in
sending their regrets over the destruction of Mississippi libraries. He stated
that he had received a phone call from the ALA president informing him that
American Libraries is planning a feature story about the lost of coastal libraries.
SELA Report
A written report was submitted by Mary Beth Applin, SELA representative.
ML Co-Editor Report
Sherry Laughlin reported that the fall issue of ML was only about a week late
due to hurricane Katrina. Elizabeth Stephan, editor for 2006, stated there will
be a special section in the ML winter issue relating to the destruction of libraries
due to hurricane Katrina. The spring issue will be devoted to school libraries
and the fall issue will be related to the recovery of libraries due to the hurricane.
Elizabeth reported the following editors with ML will be: Lauren Young, assistant
editor; Tisha Zelner, copy editor; and Christina Torbert, book review editor.
Executive Secretary Report
Mary Julia Anderson reported that she is moving in November into the MLA office,
housed in the new MLC building. MLC is moving the MLA materials.
School Libraries Report
A written report was submitted by Bettie Cox relating to the Dollar General
Special Libraries Report
John Whitlock presented a report.
Friends of Mississippi Libraries Report
Mary Edmond gave a report on Rebuilding Mississippi Library Fund. She is encouraging
Friends chapters to donate money.
Membership Report
Daisy Cheng reported that the MLA membership form has been updated on the MLA
Fiscal Management Report
Jennifer Smith, co-chair, stated that plans are in the making for a fiscal management
Web Page Report
Molly Signs made the motion to move the MLA list serve back to USM. Jennifer
seconded the motion and the motion carried.
The lists of members of each Section and Roundtable are now available by Section
or Roundtable on the MLA website.
Randy Sherard made a motion that the current MLA officers continue in their
present positions for another year. Robert Lipscomb seconded the motion. The
recommendation for the motion came from a former president who felt that, because
of the events resulting in the need to cancel the 2005 Conference, and in the
best interest of the continuity of MLA, this was the best solution. After some
discussion during which several officers, including the Vice President-elect
voiced approval, the president called for a vote and the motion passed with
Juanita Flanders, MLA Past President, casting the only dissenting vote.
President Cassagne recommended that each Section and Roundtable make their
own decision regarding their officers.
Catherine Nathan made a motion to hold the 2007 MLA conference in Vicksburg.
Randy Sherard and Juanita Flanders seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Randy Sherard will negotiate the necessary contracts.
Susan Cassagne reported the MLA office, now has wireless capability.
The new address for MLA is: P.O. Box 13687, Jackson, MS 39236.
The date of the next MLA Board Meeting will be December 16, 2005 at the new
MLC building.
There being no further business by the Board, a motion was made, seconded and
unanimously passed to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 11:45 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Milner, Secretary