On-day registration is available!
With pre-registration you will be able to access your profile ahead of time and get familiar with the virtual conference layout. Watch your email for a link to provide this access.
Day of Registration will be available but payment must be made online via credit card or Purchase Order Number must be provided by emailing Jennifer Todd at jtodd@mlc.lib.ms.us and Paula Bass info@misslib.org
For any questions regarding registration, please email Jennifer Todd jtodd@mlc.lib.ms.us and Selena Swink at sswink@cmrls.lib.ms.us
If you need to register 5 or more individuals as a group please fill out this linked spreadsheet and email to Jennifer Todd at jtodd@mlc.lib.ms.us. Be sure to include in your email message which registrant should receive the invoice.
MLA Annual Conference 2020
Online - Details to come!
October 13-16, 2020
MLA's mission is to provide professional leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.
Office Hours: Tuesday: 11:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Thursday: 11:00am-5:00pm
PO Box 13687, Jackson MS 39236-3687
Phone: 601-981-4586 info@misslib.org